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  1. Hello Peaceniks, In 1952, for reasons we can discuss later, the world driver championships were run to F2 rather than F1 racing standards. The change from F1 to F2 greatly favored the Ferrari team because Ferrari had been concentrating on perfecting lighter-weight cars with smaller engines than were used in F1 races. The result was that the latest Ferrari model, the 500, dominated the competition and allowed Italian driver Alberto Ascari to win the championship. 🏁 To the best of my knowledge the Ferrari 500 has no military application. 🙂 I was one of the early 'sign-ups' to this group build and voted for it in the bunfight, so I feel duty bound to deliver something. 'Delivering' is not something I have excelled at in Britmodeller recently. Currently I have four projects underway on these pages (this is a fifth) and all of them are horribly dormant. The Mirage III and the Xantho are now becoming drawn-out embarrassments of inactivity. Each might be a good candidate for a KUTA group-build. It strikes me that time management is a problem for me with these projects. I always seem to massively underestimate how many hours of work are involved and how many months each of these will take, so I'm going to use this project as a time management exercise. I'm going to: Estimate how long it will take. Record how long it takes by keeping a project diary and itemising the hours spent. Be finished by the end of the group build even if I have to take some embarrassing short-cuts to do it. One of the reasons I have chosen this particular subject is that it is a relatively simple shape, at least for a car, and I have a good set of drawings. The drawings came from the magazine shown below; Scale Models, Nov 1986, Argus Publications. The Vivid Viggen might have to wait for another Scandinavian Group build. Looking at these drawings and assessing the coming project: On the positive side I'm seeing a simple 'fuselage', no wings, no tail, a roomy cockpit with no ejection seat and only a handful of instruments. Blessedly, there is no cockpit canopy! 🙂Compared with many other subjects there are relatively few exterior details. On the negative side I'm seeing spoked wheels and some 'busy' construction around the steering linkages. There are four oddly shaped exhaust pipes leaving the vehicle which then merge into two and then one. There is a large hollow volume between the driver and the firewall and the walls of the cockpit will need to be kept thin to be in scale. Racing cars typically have a near flawless gloss paint finish (which is a potential nightmare) and i think that the numbers will have to be painted on rather than decaled. There is no option to build this with the undercarriage retracted. Overall I'm guessing that about 60 hours work should see this done. Let's see how that estimate works out. I hope some of you will come along for the ride. Bandsaw Steve
  2. Just got an email from an online store promoting the Fujimi Ferrari kits (1/24 and 1/20) I thought the rumour was the license ran out?
  3. Mainly because I've just got a new Ring Flash I'm playing with, I thought I would put some new photos of my completed F40 engine up. And a couple of 'giant pen' shots to finish in case you were wondering how big it is Thanks for looking Nick
  4. Model Factory Hiro Multimedia 1/12 scale Formula One Ferrarri F2008 Its been a while since I've posted as my photos stopped showing up, I used Village photos and couldn't face uploading them all again...very disheartened. Hoping these are showing and will remain available. In time, I shall transfer old builds if it works. So I now have three MFH in the stash, and befors doing a full detail build, wanted to cut my teeth and get some resin work under my belt... First foray into multimedia building...wish me luck. Needed a few purchases...bought a Magnetic Tumbler to clean white metal (Vevor KT100) which is a wonderful machine, needed burnishing liquid. Not sure what etch primer to use, I had purchased Zero Paints set but saw Mr Bretland used UPol on his so figured I would try that. Also picked up a couple of specific Mr Hobby colours and Zero Paints Ferrari set. So, enough waffle, step one, sellotape it together to get a look!!!! Has to be done...😊😊 Parts then cleaned, white metal in tumbler and resin washed in water and fairey liquid, rinsed and dried. Then parts put in stages as per instructions...ish. Next step will be possibly gluing then etch primer, possible priming/painting then gluing.nNot sure yet but build starts with rear end, rear suspension and wheel hubs... Pretty much all of this needs to be semi gloss black other then brake discs and calipers. This will be final colours or ready for carbon decals. No parts have been filed or sanded yet, just washed.
  5. Since I usually build ships, sometimes I need something colorful! However, for me there is a huge difference between ship models and car models. My favorites are Group B Lancias. On the rally cars there are many stickers that cover weak points. There are no stickers on this model, so a big challenge for me. Here a interesting video: Thanks for looking! Regards Andreas
  6. Morning all This is the next project. I have to admit I never knew anything about this car until I saw Plasmo's build on YouTube. It is a lovely car have to say. This one will be a OOB build. I'm going back to spray paint for this one as the finish is sooooo much better than brush painting! I've gone with Tamiya bright red TS-49. This might a bit slow to start off with as I will temporarily have two builds on the go this and the Cadillac Eldorado. Reason is I want to get all spraying, decalling and clear coating done on all the parts that require it before the end of the summer. Once that is all done then I'll focus purely on this one. Here is the car primed And compared to the Cadillac... That doesn't show the true size comparison as the Cadillac is in 1:25 scale so should be 1cm longer for 1:24! And the P4 with two coats of red Done in 10 minutes! Certainly faster than 9 brush coats on the prelude! 😄 Next step is to add decals but I'm not sure if I should try a very gently sand the paint down first as it is not perfectly flat and I'm worried the decals will then look bobbly. If it does take sheen off the colour then hopefully that clear coat will bring that back... Think there is one part where the final colour isn't red all over so I might try sanding down that area to see how that pans out. Thanks for looking Nick
  7. hi everyone !😄 this is my FUJIMI 1/24 FERRARI 288GTO. build it almost out of box,just add some detail parts ..the kit is aged, but I think the shape is quite well, and no fitting issue..a easy kit to build! hope you guys like it!!🙂 and here is the video build if you are interested..🙂
  8. During a discussion on here the other week about this kit, I promised to post up some pics of mine. Turned out that I had taken some pics of this and a couple of other older builds back in the summer which I haven't posted yet, so fortunately have some decent images of it since I am unable to take any at the moment due to the weather. This is originally an Italeri kit, but this one is a Revell AG rebox from about 15 years ago. I bought it at the time and probably started it about five years later. However I messed up the bonnet as when gluing it to the hinges, the polystyrene cement created sink marks on the other side in the top surface of the bonnet so it got thrown back in the box for a while before I got around to looking at it again. I think I eventually completed it only a couple of years ago, as I'd lost momentum on it due to the damage. This is also why the bonnet is loose, rather than hinged... In terms of the kit itself, it was relatively easy to build - from memory, I think I had to tweak the engine position in order to get it to sit low enough for the bonnet to fit, but otherwise I don't recall any issues that weren't my own fault! Anyhow, here's the pics.
  9. So her is my first WIP post, this will be the 3rd model i have built and the 1st 1/24th, the first two were 1/20th F1 cars. I thought this would be a nice change and a bit of a challenge with the photoetch parts i have started the engine and gearbox and also tried some of the photoetch parts while waiting for things to dry. More to come this weekend im sure
  10. Hello All, I have had this one on the back-burner for years. I have finally decided, what with the FIAT 500 nearly done and another couple of cars nearing completion as well, to resurrect this one. It's the Fujimi 1/24 246 Dino. It's one of their 'enthusiast' kits, meaning loads of fiddly tiny parts. I have already done a couple of the Porsche enthusiast kits and apart from a few niggles, they went together well. I just wish I knew where I had put them in the loft for safe keeping. I started it a while ago and then put into storage, where it got forgotten for a long while. I have painted all the major body parts in Halfords' 'Broome Yellow'. It has come out quite well, even gloss cover and no serious imperfections. This is the dinky little engine: I have put a few more parts together since these photos were taken. I am planning to add ignition leads as it looks a little bare without. Thanks for looking, Alan.
  11. rikcougar


    Hi all Richard - new member from Nottingham area Been modelling for 50+ years but looking to up my game regarding detailing rather than just building kits This is my first project delivered yesterday by the postie, no 1 in my alltime road car list Many rank amateur questions to follow if you can help, I will start a separate build thread
  12. So I have had this kit for quite a few years now, and after getting a few kits under my belt I thought I would make a start. I ordered a Photo Etch kit, and just used a few pieces from it as I am new to photo etch parts. Paint wise I used a Ford Automotive Purple straight out of a rattle can.
  13. Hello All, This one has also been on the 'shelf of doom' for some time. Probably about 4 or 5 years... It's the Hasegawa Ferrari 348 tb. It'll go well with the other Ferraris that I have been working on. What with the 308 having been finished, and the 288 GTO nearly complete, I thought that I would clear the decks of old builds and add this one to the list of 'in progress'. The box. A pretty car, if not quite so beautiful as the 308 & 288... The sprues. It doesn't look a lot, but the engine is already built and almost ready to be put aside. ... and, the instructions. I'm hoping that this Hasegawa kit will be a bit more successful than a couple of others I tried... I tried to construct the 1/24th Ferrari F189, but it went completely pear-shaped on me and the body work would not fit. I binned it! I also tried the 1/24th Jaguar XJR8 (or was it the XJR9?, I can't remember). That was going well, then I managed to split the rather large wind-screen! That ended up as spare parts... On the other hand, the 1/32nd F-16 seems to going rather better. Anyway, more pictures... The body has been painted with Halfords acrylic spray paint. I can't remember the colour. But I don't need any more (unless I screw up with the cement!). If I do, I'm pretty certain that I can mix up the right cocktail of (Tamiya) colours to get a near enough match. The engine, not quite fully assembled. Again, I have added ignition leads. No engine looks right without ignition leads, except a Diesel. Actually, my wife's Meriva is a petrol, and the ignition leads are nowhere to be seen. Each spark-plug is fed by it's own coil in an ignition block that sits on top of them. Anyway, utterly irrelevant in this case, as the 348 has separate leads to each plug, and they go ... somewhere! (More on that later!) The wheels. Matt chrome seems to work on car kits. I always thing the the high-chrome finish looks too toy-like on 1/24th scale! (Actually, I built the Revell 1/8th scale Jag, and the chrome on that looked too bright and toy-like!) The windows, door-mirrors and the engine cover. That's it for the moment. Thanks for looking, Alan.
  14. This kit was bought from a charity shop together with a Jaguar Something or other. Cost about £5.00 some ten years ago. My last modelling a diorama took some months I was looking for something easy and cheap to bash out hopefully over a weekend. The chassis went together really well with all four wheels touching the glass plate. There after most things went wrong. I tried a quick spray gloss on the clear parts.... that didn't work even after days of sanding and polishing. A home made decal to hide some of the worst areas of the glass didnt work it came out far too pale. I made some clear parts from clear sheet acrylic head light covers and near driver side window. The inside (seating area) didn't fit squarlie onto the chassis so I screwed the tub? onto the chassis before eventually gluing. The passenger door frame was warped this eventually was replaced with wire cut into the frame to give the correct shape. The engine didn't sit onto the chassis properly and the various tubes form the engine didn't fit into the orifices esp. the exhaust hole in the rear body work. The red gloss air brushed Tamya didn't cure for months. thanks for all the suggestions. The body work bonnet, body shell over the cabin and the rear opening and rear body work didn't fit together - more screws prior to gluing. It took months of painful remedial work and on and off with the lead up to Christmas and then Hogmonay - hoorah.
  15. Finished about 30mins ago, so please don't touch the paintwork yet, OK ? Not the best fitting or most detailed kit, but as a car it's utterly jaw-dropping !. Please feel free as ever to ask any questions, make any comments or add any criticism. Next car build will probably be another RoG kit, either a 599 or a McLaren. AFN Ian.
  16. Hi all Haven't posted much in the way of build photos as this one just didn't seem to appeal to many. It may still be that way but it is what it is and I enjoy doing them. So, this is a hand carved Ferrari (the eighth I've done of this model), but this time I wanted to hack it from nice woods ... mahogany and padauk ... with some light coloured veneer, then give everything a highly polished lacquer finish. Decided to do a matching pattern on the base just for fun. Not highly detailed as I like my wooden models mostly to emphasize and concentrate on the beautiful shapes of these early cars. OK, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy (I hope) Frank Other Scratch builds ... Lancia D50 Sport Fishing Boat Half Hull Boats Flying Scotsman A3 Lola T70 Mk 1 Dragon Sailboat
  17. Finished this today. Niki Lauda's 1974 Formula 1 Ferrari 312B/74 in 1/43rd by CAR, an acronym for Costruzione Automodelli Roma. I got this kit off eBay and had never heard of the maker. I also picked up one more kit made by them of a Shadow DN9B which I kind of started today. Information on the net is thin but judging by notations on the instructions it appears to be from 1983 and CAR was based in Rome. There is some indication of a connection to Bosica later...maybe someone involved with CAR went on to found or work for Bosica, I'm not really sure. Regardless, I'm quite surprised at the end result...which I'm very pleased with. I kind of can't believe I got this out of the kit to be honest. I'm not sure if it was considered a "super kit" back in 1983 but it has a full engine, suspension and cockpit. The moldings where not too bad, I think quite good for the time period probably, but the engineering was really quite bad. Lots of cases of parts designed to occupy the same space at the same time, which never works...it's doubtful the pattern maker ever actually built the kit before sending the bits off for reproduction. It is definitely one of the most challenging kits I've ever built and I've been building for the better part of 40 years! It's all white metal with the exception of the tires, windscreen and some photo etch wing end plates. But enough whinging. It's built box stock with the following exceptions. I used some photo etch belt hardware from BBR, made the belts from textured food packaging foil and various suspension rods and components that where not supplied or usable where fabricated from various diameters of paper clip wire. It's finished with various Tamiya lacquers, acrylics and some Krylon satin black. The clear is Acme two part automotive urethane. The decals proved still usable and required copious amounts of Solvaset to lay down well. The tire decals where robbed from a Meri kit...which will now only have Good Year on the outside of the tires when I get around to building it. A worthy sacrifice I think. In the end I'm happy with the finished product. About mid way through the build I learned Tameo has kitted this car in the last few years. I'm confident in saying, though never having seen it, it's a much better kit but this one was a third the price and a quite challenging and ultimately rewarding build. Tameo has also kitted the Shadow I have from CAR, but I'm still gonna try to build my old one first...cause a good old fashioned challenge is fun sometimes.
  18. Next on the bench - a pair of 'Prancing Horses': Fujimi's 246 'Dino' - my first 'enthusiast series' kit with a parts count of 237 according to the box-lid. Building this simply because it was the first Ferrari I ever saw in the flesh, it was pale yellow, driving through Southport sometime on a Saturday afternoon, in the early 1970's... and nobody in school would believe me when I told them on the Monday. The 458 is the RoG kit and is a much easier build ! For both cars I used the same process: Mold seams rubbed-out then 'scuffed' the body-shell(s) with Tamiya 600 grit sanding pad, then primed with Tamiya grey straight from the rattle-can. Next I polished that back with 2000 grit wet'n dry and a little water. The Dino was shot with (again) Tamiya TS51 'Racing Blue', the 458 with TS14 black followed by (new) TS95 Pure Metallic Red, which to my eye is almost exactly the same tonally as Mica Red. I applied three lightish coats to get the depth I wanted. I gave them both 48 hours after applying the paint then used CRC 'Paint Doctor' which is NOT a polish but a chip & scuff creme you can buy here at 'Supercheap Autos' - a sort-of Halfords equivalent. I'm very happy with the results and the finish on both of these could well be the best I've yet achieved. Next I'll focus on the Dino and assemble the engine & transmission (no small task) and hopefully get some pics up before next weekend. Thanks for taking the time to look and / or comment and please feel free to ask any questions. AFN Ian.
  19. Hi everyone, It's been a while since my last post and it's about time I get back on here. Today I'm sharing a build that just finished up a couple weeks ago. It's Fujimi's 1/20 Ferrari F92A (reboot of an old Modeler's kit). The Ferrari F92A was Ferrari's challenger for the 1992 F1 season. And it was one hell of a challenge. Equipped with an ill-designed active suspension and experimental aerodynamics, the car proved to be an absolute handful. The drivers were Ivan Capelli, an up-and-coming young driver, and Jean Alesi, a man no-one in the paddock could argue lacked talent. Both drivers struggled mightily, to the point that it derailed Capelli's career. Both drivers would later say it was the worst car they every drove. Alesi took 2 podiums to Capelli's none, and Ferrari limped to a distant 4th in the championship. The kit is a nice, basic affair that yearns for more detail. I started with carbon fiber decals from Scale Motorsports covering the floors and wings. I also added cigarette decals from Tabu and used the kit decals for the rest of the car. Wing wires in the front and rear driveshafts were made from metal rod. I added some detail to the cockpit with a set of Eduard's pre-colored photoetch. It's a lovely product and I will use this much more often. The exhausts were lacking in detail and the airbox was lacking in existence, so both were covered by 3D printed parts from Shapeways. They were nice to work with. A little sanding and Tamiya primer and they were good to go. Extensive wiring and plumbing was done with solder and various sizes of fishing wire. Body paint is TS8 from Tamiya, while the rest of the car is finished with Vallejo acrylics. Thanks for looking! Jake
  20. We have 2 new or re-issued Tamiya car kits in stock now. First up is the new 1/20 Ferrari SF70H. This has marking options for Vettel's or Raikkonen's car at the 2017 Australian Grand Prix Also now in stock is the re-issued Tamiya 1/12 Caterham Super Seven BDR kit This is a limited re-issue and they are selling fast
  21. More Ferrari time. Here is Jody Scheckter's Ferrari 312T4 driven to the 1979 World Driver's Championship. Built from the Racing 43 kit, box stock with Tamiya acrylics, lacquers and PPG auto urethane clear. Nice kit, no real issues in building it except the windscreen, which I'm less than happy with. Rather than provide a vacform screen you're given a paper template and a rather stiff piece of clear acetate to form it from. Far from ideal. I've got a few others that use the same method and I'm contemplating just ignoring the windscreen all together....or hunting down some much more pliable clear Mylar to try instead. I MUCH prefer a vacform piece.
  22. Marching forth with more Ferraris. Here we have the 1/43rd Hi-Fi Automodelli kit of the 1981 Ferrari 126 depicting the car Villeneuve raced at Monaco that year. Built box stock with addition of a photoetch Tameo racing harness. Tamiya acrylics & lacquers with PPG urethane clear for paint. Kit built without problems and looks OK in the end, though it's probably one of my less favorite F-1 Ferraris from any era.
  23. OK, on with the Ferrari postings. Here is the 1988 F1/87-88 in 1/43rd from Tameo depicting the Italian Grand Prix wing car of Gerhard Berger. Berger and his teammate, Michele Albereto, took 1-2 that day and it proved to be the only race of the '88 season not won by McLaren. I love Luca Tameo's F-1 kits. I've built a few and each one has been a tour de force in engineering, mastery and execution. Even his very earliest less sophisticated efforts. This one built easily and quickly, and I used my standard Tamiya lacquers, acrylics and two part auto urethane in completing it. I don't have a single favorite Ferrari Grand Prix car, but the F-1/87-88 ranks up there in the top group. More coming soon...as mentioned I have a backlog to post...
  24. Well, we're pretty much settled in after our move and I'm back at it. Here's my 1985 Ferrari 156/85. Built from the Hi-Fi Automodelli kit box stock except the addition of belts. Tamiya paints with two part urethane clear. This is the last of my Hi-Fi Ferraris. I think they largely where produced concurrent with the F-1 seasons through the 80s, like this one likely came out in '86. They're simple kits, much like Tameo's early efforts, but engineered and executed pretty well so they build up nice enough. Decals can be a little finicky, but do the job. I've enjoyed building them (I've built six) and will later try to get the few more non-Ferrari Hi-Fi kits I have built up as well.
  25. Last one for a while, we're packing up for a move next week and then I have my next round of chemo right after so I've no idea when I'll be able to get back to building. 1986 Ferrari F1/86 1/43rd Scale from Hi-Fi Automodelli. Pretty much like the others, essentially box stock with addition of foil & etch racing harness. Tamiya paints, urethane clear. One exception. The upper A-arms where missing from my kit so I had to carve new ones. Just once piece that slides through the nose. Made it out of sheet plastic, fortunately it's the same part in a kit I had of the late season '85 Ferrari so I had something to copy. Can you tell which is which in the photo? So here are the F1/86 photos Here are some photos of works in progress I'll hopefully get back to before too long. SMTS 1967 Ferrari 312 Building and test fitting sub assemblies Filling imperfections and sharpening up surface detail prior to primer Same procedure on a very old and rare C Scale 1/43 1966 Ferrari 312 And lastly, same pre assembly and clean up for the 1/43 Tameo 1988 Ferrari F1/88 From Mr. All Ferrari All The Time
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