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Found 6 results

  1. FM Models 1/48 Breguet Alize I commenced the build in March 2018 and have just completed it - as I said in the WIP it is an older limited run kit so you need to be prepared to put a bit of work into it to get a nice model but saying that it is the only 1/48 Alize available although pretty hard to find one now.. I have always found the Alize an interesting aircraft and this kit sat in my stash for years until I saw an excellent build by Mssr Gaudart on a French website Master194.com - unfortunately the build has disappeared from that website which is a shame as it had a lot of useful reference photos as well as informative build of his model. I did a lot of modifications to the kit and scratch built the wing fold rather than use the resin wing folds that came with the kit - all detailed in the WIP. BERNA decals were used to finish her as number 17 of Flottille 4F in the type A camouflage scheme Alize service history & information on the aircraft can be found here - http://www.ffaa.net/aircraft/alize/alize.htm Happily there is still an airworthy Alize in France & plenty of photos of the aircraft easily found on the internet via Google - there are several preserved examples in various museums. The Alize model photos are the best I could do on my iPhone. WIP LINK - https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235035388-fm-breguet-alize-the-gallic-gannet-rfi-posted/ CJP
  2. Dassault Mirage F1CR French Air Force / Armée de l'Air Escadron de reconaissance 2/33 Savoie Balic Air Policing missions Šiauliai in 2013 here you can find the quickbuild: WIP 1/48 Italeri kit Mission Mark Decals FM resin for cockpit, 2200 l tank, refueling probe, chaff/ flare dispensers, front landing gear ResinArt wheels Eduard Brassin Matra Magic 2 missiles AML resin nozzle Master pitot some photos I just took yesterday, some slightly older ones: Magic II missiles are BRASSIN one from Eduard Sharkmouth group build gallery: - worth a visit! by the way, voting is open for everybody - until Spt 29th - please do so and support that way the GBs hope you like her! cheers, Werner
  3. Dear all, I decided yesterday to try a quick build here... it is a sharkmouth, no? so hope it counts! that is what I have: Italeri Mirage F1 in 1/48 with mission mark decals (unfortuantely out of production.. ) I want to do Mirage F1 CR 118-NQ that took part in Balic Air Policing missions in 2013 lots of aftermarket stuff, only som of it will/can be used here: this is the nice sharkmouth and Iraqi banana tank: https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/3/24539_1390505379.jpg hope it turns out in time! cheers, Werner
  4. RFI LINK - https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235049098-breguet-alize-the-gallic-gannet/ WIP FOLLOWS I have had this kit in my stash for a while - it is a limited run kit so requires a fair bit of work but is the only option I know of to get a 1/48 Alize - as well as the injection moulded parts there are a packs of white metal & resin castings plus an etched sheet. I have seen a couple of builds on other websites but it was not until I discovered a French website called MASTER194.COM with a very detailed build of the FM Alize that I decided it might be time to look at my kit again. http://www.master194.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=59400 (UNFORTUNATELY THIS LINK & BUILD IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE) The build is by French modeller GAUDART and has a load of photos of the aircraft as well as lots of photos of how he went about detailing his beautiful model step by step. As the website is in French I needed English text and one of my daughters said just put the url in Google Translate - miraculous, the whole webpage is translated into the language of your choice! - easy to follow once this is done - only the French text on drawings is not translated https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.master194.com%2Fforum%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ff%3D4%26t%3D59400%26sid%3D6e99c29913cd38cada8087ff2b939524%26start%3D1025&edit-text There are some useful photos on these links - http://aviapassionmaquette.free.fr/Aviapassion Maquette photoscope alize.html https://get.google.com/albumarchive/106400408485037094643/album/AF1QipMYtvSe8K4mXXTVnHYipFChMPtAnNcQZPelTYgD http://www.master194.com/photo_avion/alize/alize.htm http://spotaero.blogspot.com.au/2011/02/cockpit-du-breguet-alize.html I found plans hard to come by so am using some old Aviation News plans from about 30 years ago plus lots of reference to photos which are quite plentiful. I am compiling this WIP retrospectively so apologies if it is a bit disjointed but I was not going to post my build until I felt sure it was over the hump and stands a good chance of being completed. In addition to basically using his build as a guide I decided that - 1. I wanted the wings folded similar to GAUDART's model 2. Cabin doors to be open which required making a new canopy - I was not happy with the shape of the kit original so it had to be done - GAUDART's article has a lot of information on how he made canopies 3. It is quite noticeable that there is a gap between the trailing edge of the wing spar and the start of the flaps - I discovered that this is because the front of the flap has a slot - I therefore had to make a representation of this to capture that feature. 4. control surfaces to be separated - the underside of the ailerons have a similar look to the flaps. 5. make sure at an early stage I get the sit of the Alize correct as it has a tail down attitude on the ground - GAUDART was not happy with the sit on his model & had to very carefully remove the gear after he had completed it and correct the sit - a very delicate operation. 6.Colour scheme to be what I believe is called type A - which looks close enough to EDSG/Sky to me The sprues have lots of flash some construction sketches I made as I assembled the Alize Some extra detail was added to radar operators cabin but once it closed up I don't think you will see much as it is a bit of a black hole. The nose wheel bay, Bomb bay, radar bay and arrester hook bay all need care as they are not positively located and benefit from bits of scrap strip here and there to assist locating them the fuselage cross section at the rear of the cockpit opening looks a bit pinched so I added a 3mm insert at the top to make it look rounder similar to GAUDART'S technique - also added an extension to the instrument panel shroud as it looks a bit more pronounced in photos. Aerofoil rib sections and spars were added to the wings - I also added and additional aerofoil rib section after this picture was taken to the inside of the one at the break to give the hydraulic rams something to anchor on to when it gets to creating all of the wing fold detailing. Plastic tube was glued to the rounded front of the flap and microstrip added underneath to represent the slot on the front of the flap - I guesstimated the gap between the wing and flap to be about 1mm or so. wing fold aerofoil section fitted the slotted flap Making a representation of the slot at front of the flaps The main components and feeling like I was getting somewhere Cockpit panels painted and a selection of Airscale instrument decals added This is the canopy mould - the frames are from copperfoil tape and were an attempt to get an impression of the frames on the thermoformed canopy but I had problems with alignment so removed them and will add frames once in situ on the model there are a few issues with symmetry between the left and right fuselage halves but nothing a few bits of microstrip and filler can't fix plasticard strips were added to the elevators to keep the halves the right distance apart and help locate them A bit of extra detail was added with fuse wire and plastic scraps to represent various boxes & pipes - GAUDART really has done a lot of detail in these areas on his model Alize Where i'm up to today - the aileron and flap are just sitting in the wing not glued yet - the plastic over the rear of the cabin is to hopefully stop me pushing the rear windows in to the cabin CJP
  5. Hallo again This is my Zukit from the IAF in 1/48. The kit was FM. The only Fouga Magister to get. The kit was a horror experience and it took me a half year with breaks of course. Long periods of thinking how to proceed or to the garbage? We saw the original in Israel, in the sky and on the ground. Happy modelling
  6. Hello Britmodellers! it's been a while since my last In progress topic here. Here I am with my latest project, with some French flavour. It deals with the twoseater Mirage IIIB seen at Istres air base (France) around 1996-200. Its serial is 234 and belongs to CIFAS 328 (Bombing instruction center of Cognac, Strategic Air Forces) http://www.abpic.co.uk/photo/1410770/ http://aeromil-yf.pagesperso-orange.fr/les_mirage_iii_5.htm http://aeromil-yf.pagesperso-orange.fr/Plan%20du%20site.htm http://www.airliners.net/photo/France---Air/Dassault-Mirage-IIIB-1/0926443/L/ The airplane is painted in semi matt alu, with dayglow areas on tail and wings. I decided to start with the Eduard base, because it is the most detailed (especially the surfaces) Be careful, most detailed, do not mean most accurate. The Heller kit is still the most accurate in shapes. Talking about Heller, I actually will use the Fonderie Miniature boxing, which gives resin cockpit and white metal parts. French review here: http://fighters.forumactif.com/t38562-mirage-iii-b-1-48-fonderie-miniature Let's Go! Starting with cutting: First dryfit tests: Spine is from Heller Fitting test with Eduard Intakes: You will have to shorten the Eduard intakes to match the Miragee IIIB's one. On the fuselage: Major surgery is done, or more precisely, prepared. Now some detailing. FM Seats are finally replaced by Wolpack ones, as seen on pictures beneath: Major surgery is done. Some work around the exhaust. Eduard parts are enhanced with Edaurd PE 48128 and photo paper... ^^ Bye Romain
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