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General question, if there are specifics please do share! Am I right in assuming the cylinders were cast iron/steel? Or aluminium with a steel sleeve? Heads and crankcase in aluminium?
- 17 replies
I have been researching the four Boeing 307's that were bailed back to TWA in 1944 as C-75's. According to written sources I found, they were fitted with wings, engines, and stabilizers from the B-17G. In photos I have found, you can see the B-17G horizontal stabilizers, paddle blade props, engines, cowlings, and wings with the slots for exhausting air from the intercoolers that were fitted to the G's. My question is: since the wings and powerplants from the B-17G were fitted, did these four 307's also have the turbosuperchargers? I have found no photos of the underside of the aircraft so modified that shows whether or not they were present. I have my doubts that they were, as there don't seem to be any intakes in the leading edge of the wings for the intercoolers or oil coolers in any of the photos I have seen, and the exhaust does not seem to be that of the B-17G, It would be nice to know, as I wouldn't have to fill the space normally occupied by the superchargers on my donor B-17G kit, but I wanted to ask the assembled experts. What do you think? Mike
Recently I came across this American WWII training movie explaining turbochargers: The didactic qualities of these movies (including the cartoon elements like the mountain goat at 3:44 to make things more entertaining) are always remarkable. AFAIK the USAAF was the only air force during WWII to use turbocharged as opposed to crankshaft-driven superchargers on a large scale. The B-17 and B-24 had them and the unusual size of the P-38 and P-47 is explained by the volume and weight of the available turbochargers. Now I wonder, why did the USAAF make this choice and did it pay off? I assume that the availability of heat-resistant alloys needed for an exhaust gas-driven turbocharger played a role. The Americans usually had a much better access to raw materials than other states. At least in the case of the failed German FW-190 C the lack of raw materials is said to have been decisive. But what about Britain? I think in the case of the Spitfire, the small airframe spoke against a bulky turbocharger and in favor of the two-stage supercharger. In the long run turbochargers seem to have beaten superchargers (for example in car engines), but I assume turbochargers were not superior during WWII. At least the 8th Air Force ultimately replaced the turbocharger-equipped P-47 and P-38 in the high-level escort role to a large extent by the Merlin-driven P-51 which had a two-stage supercharger. Even though the turbocharger was thought to be the key to superior high altitude performance, the P-47 and P-38 were pushed into the low-level fighter-bomber role. The situation might have been different with bombers. Maybe the turbocharger was essential for the B-17 and B-24. What do you think?
I am in need of some data for my Jaguar project. I'm in the midst of creating the CAD for the main landing gear. I'm running into a problem with my intake tube and specifically the position of the engine face. The tube as built in my CAD model does not allow enough room for the main gear so I think I have my engine placed incorrectly. What I really need are the angles for the thrust centerline from the aircraft centerline. Also is there any toe in? Thought I read that but I can't verify. Anybody have the manuals they'd be willing to dive into and find some numbers? I appreciate any help!! BTW big update to the build in the works. Best, Timmy!
I know that there is a slight problem with the engines on the Italeri Hercules, but for the moment I can't remember what exactly it is or what the fix is. I am making a Japanese version with the Wolfpack D update set. The set does give me new resin engines which I would prefer to use, but I think that they still follow the kit engines so do not fix the problem. Any help will be gratefully received.
C-130 Allison T56-A-15 Engine Set from flightpath is this what i need to correct the engine isses related to 72 italeri J kit? will be doing raf version
Hello Everyone I would like to do a British Airways 787-8, but im unsure what colour to do the engines, it seems to be mixed. Some people seem to thin k they will be white, others think blue. Does anyone know what colout they will be? Thanks Bradley
Hello Everyone I have the Minicraft Boeing 707-320 in the TWA boxing, im just looking at it and it appears to have rolls royce engines. i want to do a BOAC 707-320 Cargo plane, but im not sure if ot has the right tngines, i need JT4's, but they look more like rollers. Thank Bradley
Hello Everyone i just got an Airfix 747, the series 8 British Airways adition. id lke to do a Highland Express Airways 747 using the kit, but im not sure if it has the correct engines, so can some onetell me does the Airfix 747 have the correct engines for this airliner? Also i have the old Revell 747sca, it doesnt have a shuttle or any shuttle parts, so im going to do it as a boeing 747-100, so does this one have the right engines for the BOAC Airliners? Any one know? Thanks Bradley