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Found 8 results

  1. I am about to embark on this kit in the Canadian colours of the 'Digby'. This of course started life as the Douglas B-18 Bolo. My question therefore is this. Was the interior repainted in Grey/Green or left as it was in chrome/bronze green as Special Hobby would have it? Further was the Canadian colour scheme of DE/DG/Night made up of British colours or their American/DuPont equivalents? TIA
  2. As @Terry1954 asked I'm starting another WIP this time I'm planning on doing a reprosentation of Bovington Tank Museum's running fleet Canadian M113 APC. This won't be detailed to the level of the M113 being built on this forum by Dan( @Dads203) It is another of the museum's vehicles that I have had the privilage to drive so probably won't have too many of the hatches open but I may change my mind who knows!. I'm going to use the old Tamiya M113 as the basis and have also got the Eduard photo etch set to work with, anyway here is the kit box art and two of the three photo etch frets, I'm not going to bother with sprue shots as I'm preety sure Dan has already covered them. Work will start soon thanks for stopping by Roger
  3. Hi all, returning from my brief encounter with 1:72 vehicles, I have pleasure in presenting this my next challenge. I stand to be corrected of course, but to my knowledge there are no previous WIPs for this model, so I am still very much hacking through uncharted jungle with mine! Another kit maker I'd never heard of until my recent visit to the shop at Bovington; indeed another type of AFV I'd never heard of until that same moment. I can't explain why I was drawn to it to the detriment of the many other fine kits they had for sale there, other than the box art was pretty cool: Unless anyone cares that much I won't bore you with sprue shots as they would be fairly numerous, and the instruction pamphlet could cause injury if dropped on an unsuspecting toe. Suffice it to say that on first inspection the moulding quality looks to be very good, with some nice decal options and even a smattering of PE thrown in for good measure! Oddly enough, there doesn't appear to be much in the way of after-market for it. Black Dog do a stowage add-on set for it, but it's mostly bundles, boxes etc which I believe I could do myself with scrap bits and pieces. At the time of posting I've not actually started on it, but the first opportunity I get I will do so and of course share my experiences with you good people. Tally ho, Yellow!
  4. Time to throw my hat into the ring and actually make a decision as to what to build! I am going to build a Hasegawa F-104G as a CF-104 of the 1st Canadian Air Group which was based at Baden Sollingen in Germany. The aircraft I will be building is 104806 as it was painted during the NATO Tactical Air Meet at Ramstein from 20th June until 3rd July 1980, during this exercise the aircraft had a large letter C painted on the tail, and even more interesting colour wise the aircraft had a replacement starboard wing which was painted in a different camo scheme from the rest of the airframe (overall green as opposed to the dark green/grey over medium grey of the rest of the airframe). I will be using decals from Leading Edge 48-20 which has the markings I need for this aircraft and has resin parts for the RWR's carried by the Canadian CF-104's during this time. I shall post some pics of the kit and any goodies I decide to use soon. I won't be starting this kit for at least a couple of weeks until I can clear other builds off my bench so I thank you in advance for your patience and interest. Craig.
  5. I haven't looked around this topic much yet, so maybe my question is already answered. I want to build an east coast maritime Canadaian lobster boat. They range in lengths up to about 40". I want to de the more simpler ones, not the big ones since I don't have access to them except on vacation one week of the year and I'm land locked in Winnipeg. My main question is making the hull. More recent ones are fibreglass and some even gelcoat, older ones were traditional wood. I gaven't done any ship scratchbuilding yet and I'm not perfect with vac forming and wood carving. I do have a decent belt sander and a friend who does home renovations with a good amount of wood tools.Just looking for suggestions. If you do a search for maritime Canada, east coast lobster boats, Nova Scotia, PEI, etc, you'll see them. Each region of each province has it's own little variation.
  6. Hi All, This is a first post in WIP for me. I normally don't have the time to take photos and then post updates etc. but I figured, for this particular topic I would make a huge exception :D Just some caveats before I start: I'm a horribly slow builder - if you are expecting lots of updates over the coming days it likely won't happen - more like updates will occur once or maybe twice a week (mind you, this gives you more time to look at all the really good builders on this site :) :) ) I haven't attempted a conversion "on my own" before but I figured this was a pretty basic one to begin with so please bear with me I am really looking forward to building this!! Some background: When I first got "back into" building kits in my late 30's early 40's I wanted to build a Canadian Tiger Moth. Being Canadian myself it was something that was, to me, unique - and it meant a fairly easy paint job (Trainer Yellow with some black bits ) - The only Tiger Moth option that I was aware of in 1/72, at that time, was the venerable Airfix one. I did have the ability to order a canopy from Aeroclub which I had spotted at the LHS but my first attempt at building the kit went horribly wrong. I lacked experience and, basically, patience. Now, with a bit of both under my belt, along with the impetus of Paul J's comments in the Tiger Moth Options thread, John Adams' comments in general and the wealth of information online and close at hand (I am about an hour and 10 minutes from the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum - CWHM - which has a wonderful Canadian built DH.82c in flying condition) I hope that I can tackle the conversion. I also have the Pavla kit of the DH.82c but never had the "guts" to tackle it. Having dealt with a couple Pavla kits in the past (Airspeed Oxford and Cessna Crane) I would rather "pass" on trying to tackle the kit since I believe the Airfix kit will actually be "easier" even though it involves converting the basic DH.82a configuration. I will, however, use the Pavla kit as a "guide" of sorts (look at all those quotation marks in this paragraph!! ) for items such as the instrument panels etc. The Kit, Some Additions And Some Changes: I'm not going to go into sprue shots of the kit but I will point out where I feel there are changes to be made in order to get the DH.82a to become the DH.82c. Additions to the basic kit (for my model) will be the following: Aeroclub Gipsy Major Engine - thanks to John Adams for sending me one of these (and it includes the correct prop as well!) Some home made brass items (cowling, trim tabs, maybe the fairings for the fuselage cables) New Interplane struts - made from thin wall brass tube Aeroclub Canopy - again, thanks to John! Different Decals (again some supplied by and thanks to John Adams, others from the existing Pavla kit) Exhaust Shroud As per the comments in the recent Tiger Moth threads in the Interwar forum and along with the multitude of images of the CWHM DH.82c online there are things that need to be corrected in the Airfix kit in order to make it Canuckable Changes to the basic kit include: removing the baggage compartment Moving the landing gear forward Using the tailwheel (included in the kit!!) Cutting out the cockpit doors Not using the fuselage strakes The Reference Aircraft http://www.warplane.com/vintage-aircraft-collection/aircraft-history.aspx?aircraftId=14 Built in 1942 at Downsview (Toronto) Ontario this particular Tiger Moth did go through some restoration - I still need to find out if it's built back to the spec as though it had come off the production line at De Havilland or if there were changes made to the aircraft during restoration. Photos coming soon!! Cheers, Dave
  7. Hi gang, I was very lucky last week to get the opportunity to see the two Lancasters with their younger sister at the RAF Waddington event. originally I had been slated for work but managed to persuade my boss that I could go in later and still complete everything. Fortunately I live quite close to the base so got dropped off on the A15 and walked in. There was a long queue of cars parked on the verge as I walked past. Once in I headed for the barrier and staked a claim. It was perishingly cold and the skies were leaden and threatening. Slowly the perimeter began to fill with expectant folk who had travelled from far and near. The atmosphere was so friendly. I conversed with complete strangers as we all waited in eager anticipation. After what seemed like an age a fellow I was stood next to spotted two tiny silhouettes loitering on the horizon. Two Hawk trainers flew over before the Lancasters finally made their way over from Coningsby. In line astern formation the two beautiful bombers made a single pass before breaking for landing. What a sound! I'd have taken more snaps but a, I did n't have a long enough lens and b, I wanted to savour the moment.... The aircraft were landing into quite a strong headwind so the BBMF landed with a chirp of rubber, a puff of blue tyre smoke and an uncharacteristic bounce. The Canadian touch down was a lesson in aeronautics, beautifully judged and gentle. The pair then taxiied back past the tower and waiting dignitaries to park up on the perimeter track. By luck more than judgement I had picked a great spot to stand and "Thumper" stopped right in front of me. Waving the Union flag and Canadian Maple leaf, the other Lanc parked and switched off. The Canadian skipper spent a few minutes walking the crowd line and chatting with appreciative fans. Class act! To complete the scene, XH558 was towed from her parking spot to join the cast. Three AVRO bombers together at RAF Waddington. A very fitting venue for a unique opportunity. I had to leave at that point to go to work but it's a sight I will remember for a long time. I hope this brief description allows those folk who were unable to attend just the slightest taste of what it was like and for those who were lucky enough to enjoy the spectacle, perhaps this will help you re-live it. Cheers.
  8. Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone knows of 1/72 scale decals and a conversion set for Canadian Avro Lancaster KB976 in MK10 AR condition as delivered to Lynn Garrison in 1964 or in her final transatlantic flight condition to Strathallan in 1975. I'd be looking at using Airfix's excellent new tool BI / BIII as the basis for the model.
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