Hello all you floaty types,
I'm hoping you might lend me some of your vast knowledge as regards kit availability.
I've recently had somewhat of a hankering to build a ship, a hankering somewhat strengthened by playing a lot of Atlantic Fleet on my PC.
Whilst researching some of the ships available in the game I came across a local connection in that Blyth (the town in Northumberland I am unfortunately a resident of) was the site of a shipyard that produced several Castle, Flower, River, Bangor and Bay class ships during the Second World War. As well as completing the conversion of the first escort carrier from Hannover to HMS Audacity.
Now, knowing very little about ships in general with no nautical family connects and with even less knowledge about model ships I'm wondering if any of you fine chaps or chapettes might be able to help me in my search for one of these classes of ships that I could make in to a suitable Blyth built version?
Ideally I'm not looking for something massive (so the Revell Flower Class is out of the window) but I would still like something with a bit of presence (12" or so) as such I was thinking something in between 1/144 and 1/350 might work well for most of these ships apart from the Audacity. But scratchbuilding is out due to limited time and even more limited ability.
So, fine people of the Maritime Modelling forum, is there anything out there?