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  1. For anyone building the Airfix 1/48 Buccaneer, you may wish to know this. Parts B13, B14 and B27 make up a module to hold the nose weight, specified as 15g. Having just measured it, if you fill it to the brim with a product called "Liquid Gravity", which is sold by De-Luxe Materials, that is exactly 15g. I wonder if Airfix planned it that way or whether it's just coincidence. Anyway, whichever it is, knowing this may save you having to measure it, as it will me when I come to do my RAF example.
  2. Evening all, It's been a very long time since I posted a WIP on here, and even longer since I joined a Group Build, but given my passion for naval types in particular it seemed rude not to join in this one. I've plenty of options in the stash, and I may end up entering more than one build, but looking through the build threads I didn't see a Buccaneer, so I thought I'd put that right for starters. I'll be building the new Airfix 1/72 kit OOB, although I may choose to finish her as a 736 NAS option on an old Model Alliance Sheet I have knocking around. On with the now very familiar box and sprue shot... I have a Stuka on the bench that is nearing completion, so hopefully I'll be able to get cracking with this one sooner rather than later. Cheers, Shaun
  3. Many of you recall a year or so back i built and finished the Airfix 72nd scale Buccaneer. Those of you who followed the build progression probably remember that i had fit issues between the instrument panel dash, and the windscreen. At the time, i thought it was something of an oversight and while i was able to make it work, i thought Airfix was asleep at the switch. Fast Forward to late 2022. I have a second Buccaneer going into paint (funny story), and time came to install the windscreen. In a nutshell... i was flat out wrong. The second instrument dash installed exactly per the kit instructions, and fit fine. At this point, while allowing the suspense to build.... i used the NewWare Models NWAM0742 mask set this time, instead of Eduard. This is just me, but based on my experience using both Eduard and NewWare masks, given the choice i'll use NewWare. If you haven't had a chance to compare them to some Eduard masks, you should. This is the inside of the windscreen, masked and painted with the NewWare set. And now... the big finish. The Airfix Windscreen fits as perfectly as anyone could expect. So, this experience just re-enforces my feelings towards the kit, which are very very positive. Airfix knew exactly what they were doing; i did not. Thought it was important to pass on my findings and set the record straight. -d-
  4. First, the photos... Here's my attempt at the 1/72 Airfix S.2B Buccaneer. For a kit which has had rave reviews, I had mixed feelings on mine, not helped by the fact that one of the wings was quite warped in the box, and I never managed to get it entirely straight. A couple of other fit issues around the big fuselage components left a bit of a messy finish, though I'm sure a more skilled modeller would have done a better job. That said... some components went together really nicely and were quite cleverly engineered, and the surface detail is pretty good too. It was built almost totally OOB, with the exception of some Eduard etch for the cockpit, and those Quickboost intake FOD covers. Paints were Hataka acrylic, mostly airbrushed but a bit of detail added by brush. I wanted to weather it enough to represent a late-life, well worn example, and this was mostly done with oils (a little clay wash shading too). To get that properly worn, faded look, the whole thing was sprayed with Windsor & Newton Galeria matt acrylic varnish. When they say “matt” they really mean it! The flattest finish I’ve ever used. I deviated from the Airfix guide on the weapons colours, and went for 'live' markings on the Paveway and the AIM-9L. All photographed on the dining room table, as usual... the 'night' ones were done with just two torches for illumination. The hangar backdrop photo is courtesy of Nick Challoner, and the first generic airfield backdrop was a large print made after purchasing the shot from Shutterstock. Overall I'm fairly happy with it for the small scale - I think it was NavyBird who said how unforgiving close-up photos of small scale models can be, and he's right...don't zoom in too closely! Thanks for looking.
  5. My first attempt at one of the new-tool Airfix 1/48 Buccaneers, and I thought I’d start with the Royal Navy version. I have to say it’s an absolutely superb kit, Airfix’s engineering is brilliant and required only a few areas of filler. The fit is excellent with many parts just dropping into place. I didn’t need to use any aftermarket as the cockpit, decals, undercarriage, etc are all great out of the box. XV340 was delivered to the Fleet Air Arm in April 1967, and served on board HMS Eagle and Ark Royal as well as at Lossiemouth. It was transferred to the RAF in May 1973 but was grounded following the Buccaneer fleet inspection in 1980 and allocated the maintenance serial 8659M, seeing out its days on Pendine Ranges. The model shows XV340 in its heyday as a front line Royal Navy strike jet based at Lossiemouth in 1970. All comments, constructive or otherwise very welcome!
  6. A happy new year to you all! It’s been a while since my last build, with theatre commitments, holidays then Christmas, but I’m back with a bang, or should that be Bucc with a bang! Despite waiting ages for the RAF version for which I’m awaiting delivery, I felt compelled to buy and build the previous FAA version as a companion to the Sea Vixen. Seeing this kit reduced to £50 it seemed a good time to get one, I doubt it’ll ever be less than that. So without further ado, my first build of the year. The now very familiar box, freshly delivered this morning… And a LOT of plastic inside! I’m tempted to make it with wings folded, but reserve the right to change my mind. Lovely decal sheet! And this is the scheme that most caught my eye. The real thing, images below are all courtesy of the FAA Buccaneer website: I’ve already got a spray can of EDSG so should be ready to get going. All comments and advice and general Bucc banter more than welcome …
  7. Recap - ref. A06021 - Blackburn Buccaneer S.Mk.2C - RN https://uk.airfix.com/products/blackburn-buccaneer-s2-rn-a06021 - ref. A06022 - Blackburn Buccaneer S.Mk.2B - RAF https://uk.airfix.com/products/blackburn-buccaneer-s2-raf-a06022 ------------------------------------------------------------- Airfix is to release in September 2019 a new tool 1/72nd Blackburn Buccaneer S.Mk.2 kit - ref. A06021 Source: https://www.airfix.com/uk-en/shop/new-for-2019/blackburn-buccaneer-s-mk-2-rn-1-72.html V.P.
  8. Hello, First try at aircraft since I was a kid (a long time ago!) I usually do ships, but came across some 1/144 resin British aircraft at Telford last year from https://www.144th.co.uk/ Picked up a Buccaneer and a Lightning. Lovely kits, great quality and very nicely detailed. Only extra bits I added were ejection seat handles, seat belts from odd bits of etch, a piece of acetate sheet to represent the 'hood' over the navigators position s the kit part is necessarily quite heavy, and some bits of etch and wire to replicate the wing folding mechanism. I need to work on my aircraft weathering!! This is the Buccaneer ready for inspection; Ejector seat handles from 0.2mm copper wire; Wing fold mechanism from spare etch and wire; Thanks for looking and any feedback gratefully received. Cheers Nick
  9. Hi all, I completed this one a few weeks ago, but I've only just gotten around to taking photos of it - it's so large it won't fit in my photo booth, so the photos have been taken outside (now that it's not rainy). Firstly, these new Airfix kits are INCREDIBLE and designer Paramjit has done an amazing job! This kit was built from the box with only a couple of small additions being resin ejection and metal pitot tube and refueling probe, I also scratch-built a windscreen wiper and the ejection seat handles so they are much closer to scale size. Airbrushed with Hataka Extra Dark Sea Grey acrylics (which turned out a bit lighter than expected), weather with oils, and MIG panel line wash. I've been very pleased with GX100 varnish which creates a beautifully smooth finish over which I toned down the gloss slightly with Winsor and Newton satin varnish. I rather enjoyed this build, it was surprisingly easy and a reasonably quick build too! I decided to go with a slight variation from the kit and built it with a two Martel loadout, inspired by the art below; Here's my attempt! I've just noticed, unfortunately the forward ejection handle has flopped down slightly... This now completes my "conventional" Fleet Air Arm jet collection, I'm now moving on to the STOVL trio to complete my 1/48 Fleet Air Arm jet collection Cheers, Ben
  10. Hi All Finally finished my Airfix 1/48 Buccaneer. I was making great progress and then stalled while I finished some other builds. I built it as XN974, which was the first S.2 off the production line. It saw service with the Royal Navy Test Sqn and is now with the Yorkshire Air Museum. The kit was a joy to build and the only problems I encountered were with the wing pylons - they would not sit flush to the wing and the ladders - the locating pins are at the wrong angle. Thanks for looking Mick
  11. Were the early grey and white Buccaneers painted in a high gloss or silk finish?
  12. Having recently finished a Tamiya Wildcat I started to search through my stash (or the NARNIA CUPBOARD as my wife calls it) to find my next project. I spotted the old issue Airfix Buccaneer I've had for some time. I've made no secret elsewhere on this forum of my disappointment at the cost of the soon to be released new version so thought I should put my money where my mouth is and actually build the one I have in stock. I must admit that some of the mouldings look a bit rough around the edges but they certainly give the appearance of what could become a model of one of my favourite aircraft. I hope to carry out most of the build form the box but decided to replace the original wheels with a resin set from ARMORY. Just getting underway now, so will add to this as things progress. Ian
  13. I am currently building the new Airfix 1/48 Buccaneer S.2C/D as XN974 when it was based at Boscombe Down. I have got the Kits-World decal sheet for XN974 which shows that the aircraft has the wing ECM pods fitted but actual pictures of the aircraft at the Yorkshire Air Museum show it with no pods fitted. Would anyone know if the pods would ever have been fitted to that particular aircraft? I am more inclined to believe the photos rather than the decal sheet. The museum aircraft pictures do not show the drop tanks fitted but I imagine that would have been at some time in it's working life.
  14. Here's my 1/72 Airfix Buccaneer built as S.2B XW987 of the A&AEE. I've built it as depicted in a few photos I found online of this aircraft in 1992, with a buddy refuelling pod on one wing and a slipper tank on the other. The decals are from 26 and the buddy pod, towel-rail antenna and wingtip cameras are 3D printed. The build thread is in the Prototypes, Racers, Research, Record Breakers and Special Schemes group build here together with my build of a Buccaneer development aircraft, XK527. and one shot of the two Buccs together: thanks for looking Julian
  15. Here's my 1/72 Airfix Buccaneer built as XK527, one of the original NA.39 development aircraft that was progressively modified throughout its life, ending up in S.2D standard. I've built it as it was in the latter stages of its life as an S.2D used by Hawker Siddeley at RAF Holme-on-Spalding Moor for Sea Eagle trials. The decals are from Kits-World and the Sea Eagles are from Air-Graphics, and the nose probe and extra pitot (on the starboard wing) were 3D printed. The build thread is in the Prototypes, Racers, Research, Record Breakers and Special Schemes group build here together with my build of XW987, a raspberry ripple S.2B. thanks for looking Julian
  16. Afternoon All, Purchased off Ebay before Christmas, had been watching the price go up all week and couldn't bring myself to put a bid in... until coming home from a very boozy lunch. Anyway one thing lead to another and before I knew it I'd won. I wont divulge the price, but sure you can all guess it wasn't cheap. A few days later it turned up on the door step, unfortunately it was my fiancee who answered. (Normally I sneak any purchases up to the loft asap, although god knows why, im 32 and its my own money 🙄 ). After the initial argument over buying another "plane" she said it would be my Christmas present, saves her having to find me something, although i wouldn't be getting anything else. The other thing was I wasn't to build it until we had moved house and I had a proper work space and the right tools. I think the words she used where "all your other ones look unfinished, I'm not wasting £**.** for this one to turn out the same." Anyway I took this as a win, money back in my account and a Bucc with lots of goodies included for Christmas. Fast forward to March, looking forward to moving into the new house and we all get put on lock down, not sure when we'll be moving now, but this weekend I was "allowed" to start. Airfix Buccaneer SDC 1/48 Airwaves - PE Airbrake Set Airwaves - PE Cockpit Set Airwaves - PE Wing Fold Set Paragon - Resin Flaps Pavla - Resin Ejector Seats Montex - Canopy Masks Airoclub - Canopy (not sure if I'll use it, as the Airfix Canopy doesn't look to bad) Obligatory warped fuselage shot. Although not as bad as some. I have a second bucc, that is even worse. Started off by cutting out the flaps to be replaced with the Paragon set. First, scored along the panel lines, on my second pass the scalpel blade went straight through the plastic, although Plasticine would be a better term for it i think. I was able to just run the scalpel along the panel lines and it came away. A couple of minutes later the flaps on both the upper and lower halves of the fuselage had been removed. Next on to the PE cockpit. The original owner had already made a start on the cockpit, and had glued it into the upper fuselage. Had to remove that and take apart the instrument panels, before adding the PE. The final result looks ok, need to tidy up some of the tabs along the edge and will be better than just putting the decals over the plastic, although can't decide on weather to get the neomega cockpit. I'll see once I've painted it all up, and busied the cockpit with some wire. Below are some of the larger assemblies, wings, slipper tanks, tail section and a part of the air brake. More tidying up to do along the leading edges and where the wing tips meet the wing. There are large gaps in the slipper tank that need filling. I cut away the rudder to pose it, the plastic here was much harder than the plastic on the fuselage. This seems to be a running theme as the bomb bay is a different plastic again, being much harder and tinny in sound when you drop it. Dry fitted the tail to the top part of the fuselage, which is a terrible fit. Thats pretty much all the main sub assemblies done. The air breaks had the main bit of PE attached to them, but there's still a lot more to go and will put some pictures up if i manage to finish them next weekend. Bombs and rockets are done, but doubt ill use them. I'm tempted to get the flightpath martel missiles, I see they are still open atm. Intakes, aren't so bad, one is almost seamless the other has a large gap, that will need filled. Will attempt to get some paint down next weekend, which is where things will go really wrong. Sometimes I'm quiet tempted to spray in grey primer and just leave it as that, looks so neat and tidy, before i destroy it with "proper paint". So far I've enjoyed it, I know I'm not at the join the fuselage stage yet, but I've got plenty of time with this lock down and no need to rush it. First built one when I was 9 or 10 I think in an arctic camo scheme (because why not) with a combination of Navy and South African decals 🤔. Been wanting to get one for a while, and have a phantom waiting for decals so hopefully the two should look good together once I'm done.
  17. Happy Saturday shipmates This is my first attempt at doing a build process forum topic thread thingy, I'm usually just a lazy Instagram poster but i thought i might try to match the effort from you guys on here and actually somewhat document this build. Ive been wanting to do a Bucc for sometime and have had the Airfix 1/72 FAA kit sat in my stash for a year or so collecting dust and decided now was the time, given their upcoming 1/48 release. I purchased a fairly large amount of aftermarket sets as i've just done a couple airfix kits oob and felt they needed more.. In particular: CMK resin cockpit set Quickboost - FOD covers, Remove before flight tags/covers and Antennas Eduard Brassin Wheels Master Pitot tube and refuel probe HGWModels remove before flight tags The plan - Imagine a RN Buccaneer as an airshow static display.. Thats it Sounds boring i know, but as its my first of this aircraft i wanted to preserve the excellent lines of the Buccaneer aswell as add covers and open the canopy etc, however you'd rarely if ever find one on a carrier with the wings spread but the intake covers on and canopy open (correct me if im wrong) Im hoping to do the 1/48 kit as wings folded, bombs loaded, ready for the crew to walk, on a deck, but we will have to wait for that. So on with photos I made a few additions to the CMK set in the form of wires, piping, the computer holder in the frame of the rear seat blast screen and then the pointy parts of the bang seats which for some reason cmk missed. The blast screen middle frame part was stolen from the kit as the cmk piece was just a square block.. anyway IMG_1086 by tomradford15, on Flickr IMG_1093 by tomradford15, on Flickr IMG_1091 by tomradford15, on Flickr On to painting, as the detail is so small and shallow i didnt prime it but instead went with light, well thinned coats of tamiya XF-24 Dark Grey as the base layer, then on top of that, XF-82 ocean grey as the main colour of the cockpit. This was still quite dark so I went over that with XF-82 + few drops of XF-2 white, but trying to apply it from a top down angle to put emphasis on the upward facing, and so highlighted areas. IMG_1099 2 by tomradford15, on Flickr IMG_1107 by tomradford15, on Flickr IMG_1116 by tomradford15, on Flickr IMG_1120 by tomradford15, on Flickr You may be thinking but that still looks too dark, well you're right. Next im going to hand paint the raised details in the cockpit colour which will leave all the airbrushed paint as essentially shading. To be continued.. Tom
  18. Good evening mates, to be honest, at the moment my Jaguars’ main wheel bays are a little too demanding in terms of …inspiration and I’ve ended up postponing and postponing them. Now there are a few things happening to other members that have let me understand that probably…it’s normal to loose a bit of motivation when a project is taking too long to be brought to an end. Fritag has a perseverance I admire, but we’ve just seen he just went through what first it looked like an experiment (with those PE) and it may turn out as a new job!!! Ex-FAAWAFU was a bit tired with his Sea King and is now going Through Supermarine’ production!!! Perdu is passing with nonchalance from a “Perduxbox” Buccaneer to a “Pernovo” Gannet, Martian’s putting everything else momentarily aside to start a Kamov 28. Forgetting for a moment he did momentarily put his Roc project aside to go on with what seems to have been another project momentarily put aside … the Karel Doorman’s last cruise. This last Thread , whose meaning I understood only on a second time (initially I thought Karel Doorman was a friend of Martian’s!!!) reminded me an old dream I had for a long time , but I never started for lack of …existing models in the right scale (for me 1/48). Back in 2011, on one of my many journeys to the UK, I had bought Aircraft magazine’s April issue, to have something to read in the night. ] In it there was a beautiful article about Ark Royal’s last cruise.I literally felt in love with the opening page picture ( here below ) and I started dreaming of a diorama depicting a Gannet, a Phantom and a Buccaner parked on the flight deck. All those coloured tails were wonderful and a Wessex as that depicted in the article’s third page would have been a nice addiction. At that time, I discussed the idea with my friends modellers and I must say the picture was a real success. But then, the idea only remained an idea for all these years. The “Royal Navy… air” I’ve been breathing since I joined BM and in particular Martian’s friend Karel’s thread brought the old dream back to my mind. The only thing I’d liketo avoid, is to bring the Jaguars to an end first and start working to the Ark project every now and then. About it I have a question for the well informed,: did these helicopters belong to a Squadron ? The aircraft on board the Ark during her last cruise I found what follows: 1. NAS 809 on Buccaneers. 2. NAS 892 on Phantoms. 3. NAS 849 on Fairey Gannets EAW3. 4. ??? on Westland Wessex. 5. NAS 824 on Westland Sea kings. 1. I had been waiting for years for a Decent Gannet AEW 3 in 1/48th , but finally went for the Sword model in 1/72nd, as I saw it and couldn’t resist! That was my first model in 1/72nd after more than 20 years!!! The model looks great and I thought to depict it while landing… …so I purchased the Eduard PE flaps ( I love that system and some times I’ll scratch build it for my Wyvern, which I…left momentarily aside a few years ago!!!). Of course, the fact this set is dedicated to the Revell EAW1 kit wouldn’t have been a problem…untill I heard on this version the wing was shorter!!! My wife, whom I call “Treasure” is always disappointed as she says I don’t listen to her and she’s got to tell me twhat I’ve got to do at least twice! Eduard Staff may have been listening , and that’s probably why I had a doupble copy of theinstruction sheet!!! Anyway this isn’t going to be important, as I’m not going to use most of the set!!! I also purchased the ALLEY CAT decaal sheet dedicated to thie version of the Gannet, as I heard the orignal stencils are so thin, the ay just …get lost in the decalling process. 2. The news that Airfix British Phantom’s will be released in the next few months, together with the high quality standard this glorious Manufacturer has reached in their last products, did the rest! I’ve got it on order. I also ordered Xtradecal dedicated sheet 72268, to have more choice. The Phantom doesn’t say much in the parking configuration, much better to show it ready to launch, maybe with the deck’s heat deflectors open. 3. Perdu’s Matchbox Buccaneer’s thread gave me strength and I bought aRevell reboxing of the thing. If I follow Perdu’s instruction , I can do it!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNIrEYimmXs …sorry, but I couldn’t find the english version!!!! The only problem seems to be the decal sheet: I’ve got the Airfix sheet for 1/48th kit, but 4. Italery Wessex will be chosen to represent the SAR aircraft. About it I have a question for the well informed,: did these helicopters belong to a Squadron ? I can’t identify the crest on the top starboard (…correct…???) side, behind the cockpit. 5. Hannants seems to have only the Airfix kit on stock, which should be a new tooling. Any ideas if there’s some PE or decal suggested for the version belonging to NAS 824 on board Ark Royal in her last cruise? On second thoughts, I’m getting interested in depicting the Ark herself. The model which seems to be the closest one to this configuration of the famous ship seems to be Fujimi 1/700th scale kit. The main question mark for a project like this is: how to develop it? I mean, the first idea started from was a diorama with a Gannet, a Phantom and a Bucc as shown in the picture. This could do, with all aircraft in parking configuration with wings folded. On the other hand, these aircraft could be depicted in a quite effective “ready to take off” pose . • The Buccaneer is quite singular in both cases, ( wings and airbrake folded or nose up , ready for launch).Even showing it on the lift notfully up wouldn’t be bad!!! • The Phantom’s best configuration is with th nose gear extended , ready for launch. • The Gannet is quite singular with folded wings , hook down, open canopy and ladder out, but it’s not bad even with those curious flaps extended. Even a pre-flight configuration could be interesting , with a couple of crews and what seems to be a starter, as seen for Buccaneers too. At the moment I’ve already started cutting the Gannet’s flaps, just to discover the Eduard PEset is wrong for this model. I could still use the folding mechanism struts( if this is the right name for them!!!) and modify the flaps cut off the wings. • The Wessex could be depicted parked with folded rotor or even i 1/144 scale in the background of a Buccaneer or the Phantom ready for launch, as shown in one of the article’s pictures. • The Sea king is the less colorful of the party and is still a question mark. Suggestions are welcomed. I could : 1. build a big base depicting the flight deck for the three aircraft as in the article’s picture; 2. Build a separate base for each model; 3. Build a big base with some sort of …”islands “for each model, something like my F-15, as in the picture below.I like this idea, but room might be a problem. That’s all for now… enough written modelling , for this weekend!!! Hope I’ll soon share some real modelling. In the meantime, any answers to my questions or suggestions are welcomed. Thanks for your patience!!! Ciao Massimo
  19. Hello! I proudly present my 1:72 Bucc! It took just over a month to do and I'm very happy with the finish on it (brushpainted). I had lots of fun making this, it's a relatively easy model and the single colour fuselage really helps with build speed, one of my fastest models (although the fact that I had to self isolate for 10 days helped a lot with getting me time to build) Thanks for looking! Next RFI either F-15E or another JP T.4
  20. Good evening. The bucc is actually almost done! Just thought I'd share how things went. It all started 20th December with the gear bays... Then... The next day, my father tested positive for coronavirus! No school for me! On one hand, I was happy because I finally got to spend my birthday at home for once. On the other hand, I wasn't able to celebrate Christmas with the rest of my family, had to visit them once self isolation was over. After I took a PCR test, I immediately went back to modelling. Speedbuild time! In one day, I went from this: To this: Quite a bit of progress. After that, it was just putting together the subassemblies and finishing the painting. I then took a break to celebrate the new year and a late Christmas with my family! (Happy Christmas and new year by the way everyone!) Last night, I finished painting and added the first pledge coat. Today I applied many decals. Here it is with the rest of my British jets: Only rocket pods, many stencils and weathering left to do! Unfortunately, exams and prelims are looming so I may not get it done soon, thought I'd post this though at least as I am excited by the progress I've made. I must say that for brushpainting, I am very happy with how smooth this is! Some have asked elsewhere what paint I use, for the grey in this I used revell aqua colour blue grey. Hope you enjoyed reading! See you all later.
  21. Hi I have the 1/72 new tool Airfix Royal Navy Buccaneer kit that I'm planning in building a very early RAF version from. I'm aware that a number of the first aircraft on 12 sqn were ex FAA airframes, so can I use the slipper tanks supplied or will I need to steal the ones from the RAF version of the kit ? Thanks in advance Lee
  22. Buccaneer S.2B Upgrade Set & Masks (for Airfix) 1:72 Eduard The new Airfix kit is one of the crop of new tool kits which are excellent direct from the box, this has not stopped Eduard from offering some upgrades. Upgrade Set (73742) Here we get a sheet of brass for the airframe parts, and a small sheet of nickel-plated and pre-painted PE for the cockpit and ejection seats. Firstly from the nickel fret you get new head boxes for the seats, firing handles, and complete seat harnesses. In the cockpit you get new multipart instrument panels and all the side consoles. New rudder pedals are provided. For the airframe you get the interior of the large prominent rear air brake, burner can details for the engines, and heat shields for the exhausts. Internal skins for the landing gear well are provided, as well as new skins for the gear door. Masks (CX601) Supplied on a sheet of yellow kabuki tape, these pre-cut masks supply you with a full set of masks for the canopy both inside and out, with compound curved handled by using frame hugging masks, while the highly curved gaps are in-filled with either liquid mask or offcuts from the background tape. In addition, you get a set of hub/tyre masks for the wheels, allowing you to cut the demarcation perfectly with little effort. Review samples courtesy of
  23. G'day all. It's been a while since a completion. It just so happens I reduced the stash by one this afternoon. This is the lovely 1/72 Airfix S2C Buccaneer. It's a great kit to build with only two real gripes. I found that the inserts for the exhausts at the rear fuselage required some material removal as did a small amount at the nose to fuselage join. Other than that she's in the display cabinet safely. Kit decals used as XV336 while with 800 NAS on HMS Eagle in June 1971. I opted for the folded wings and deployed airbrake not so much as a space saver, but because I think its an airframe that doesn't look too bad like this. Keen to hear you thoughts. Cheers, Mick
  24. I've got one of the new Airfix Buccaneer S2B kits, and want to make a version from 237OCU as Honington is my nearest RAF base. I can find the decals for 237 on Xtradecal 72307 (Buccaneer S.2 XT287 237 OCU RAF Honington 1972), but can I use this kit? It doesn't matter if I can't because I will use it for another aircraft, and I'll get an S2C as the base for this instead. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks
  25. Buccaneer S.2 XW530 was delivered to the RAF in October 1970, initially serving with XV and 16 squadrons at Laarbruch, Germany. After transferring to the Honington Buccaneer wing in 1979, she briefly served with 216 sqn before being assigned to 208 following the resumption of Buccaneer ops after the fleet was grounded for six months in 1980 to check wing fatigue. XW530 was one of six Buccaneers deployed to Cyprus in Operation Pulsator in 1983 to support the British contingent of the UN peace-keeping mission in Lebanon. Following very low level Buccaneer flights over the city, there were no attacks on British patrols. On her return to the UK, XW530 was assigned to 12 sqn at Lossiemouth. During this time she received an avionics upgrade at Woodford in 1987, before returning to operational status on Christmas Eve of that year. She was one of the Buccaneers that also served in the Gulf War of 1991, receiving a temporary 'pink' paint scheme, returning to Lossiemouth at the end of March and serving with 12 sqn, then very briefly 208 sqn until the Buccaneer was sadly and prematurely retired in 1994. XW530 is currently on display at a service station in Elgin near Lossiemouth. Before I attempted the kit I'd read a few horror stories about it, but I found it a really enjoyable build. Massive thanks to @224 Peter for selling me the kit at a reasonable price (unlike ebay!). If anyone has the 1/48 Buccaneer in their stash it's a very rewarding kit. And quite big! There were some fit issues but nothing too bad.
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