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  1. Gloster Meteor F.8/FR.9 (A04067) 1:72 Airfix The Gloster Meteor was the first British active-service jet fighter, and the Allies' first operational jet aircraft during the Second World War. The Meteor's development was heavily reliant on its ground-breaking turbojet engines, pioneered by Sir Frank Whittle and his company, Power Jets Ltd. Development of the aircraft itself began in 1940, although work on the engines had been underway since 1936 using the diminutive E.28/39 Pioneer airframe. The Meteor first flew in 1943 and commenced operations on 27th July 1944 with No. 616 Squadron RAF, although it was initially forbidden from operating over enemy territory for fear of a downed aircraft giving away precious secrets. Nicknamed the "Meatbox", the Meteor was not a sophisticated aircraft in terms of its aerodynamics or engines, but proved to be a successful combat fighter through successive upgrades of the basic design, with several major variants incorporating rapid technological advances during the 1940s and 1950s. Thousands of Meteors were built to fly with the RAF and other air forces, and remained in use for several decades overseas. The Meteor saw limited action at the end of the Second World War, primarily intercepting V-1 ‘Buzz Bombs’ as they flew over the British coast, which was a task they were well-suited to. The F.4 was the first major variant after the initial wartime jet, and by the time the F.8 came into service, the airframe had been subject to substantial upgrades, shortening the wings that mounted more powerful Derwent 8 engines, lengthening the fuselage by over 30 inches, adding greater capacity fuel load, and a new tail to improve aerodynamics and prevent instability when ammunition was fully expended. It was also fitted with a Martin-Baker ejection seat, starting with a Mk.1 that was superseded by the Mk.2 later in production. The FR.9 was based upon the F.8 airframe, but with a new nose that mounted cameras to add reconnaissance to its list of capabilities. Meteors of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) provided a significant contribution in the Korean War, flying many sorties against Mig-15s that were superior in most respects, suffering mounting losses before they were re-tasked with ground attack roles where they excelled due to their ruggedness. Several other operators such as Argentina, Egypt and Israel flew Meteors in later regional conflicts with variable success dependent upon the opponents that they flew against. Specialised variants of the Meteor were developed for use in photo-reconnaissance and as night fighters before they became too slow and vulnerable to the more modern, swept-wing aircraft that were coming into service. The Kit This is a reboxing with an extra sprue of a recent tooling from Airfix that had a lot of 72nd scale modellers champing at the bit for a modern tooling of this important early British jet. It arrives in a small top-opening box in the usual red Airfix theme, and inside are five sprues in dark grey styrene, a clear sprue, decal sheet and the instruction booklet that has colour profiles printed on the rearmost pages, plus a stencil diagram on the back page. There is plenty of quality detail moulded into the sprues, so it should build up into a compelling replica. Construction begins with the cockpit, starting with a C-shaped assembly that is made of two sections to form the side walls and rear bulkhead, which is attached to the floor on four tabs at the sides, then has the ejection seat made up from five parts, with a pair of stencil decals applied to the sides of the headbox, latching on the rear bulkhead with a tab and slot. Behind the seat is a short deck that is shown again in a scrap diagram to correctly place it against the rear bulkhead. The control column, instrument panel with decal, and the two-part gunsight are added to finish off the cockpit, then if you are modelling a Meatbox with wheels down, the nose gear bay is inserted into the lozenge-shaped hole beneath the forward floor of the cockpit, after which it can be inserted into the starboard fuselage side, with a scrap diagram showing the correct location, and advising you to place 8 grams of nose weight under the floor. For the wheels-up option, the insert is left on the sprue, the nose bay is covered over with a single part representing the three bay doors, which has tabs to help it fit flush with the rest of the fuselage. Closing the fuselage involves painting the cockpit walls silver, filing a small depression in the centreline under the cockpit, and placing the rudder without glue between the two halves so that it can be left movable if you wish. The wing lowers are full-span, and in preparation for further work there are several flashed-over holes inside that should be drilled out if you are fitting drop-tanks, semi-conformal belly-tank or the official Airfix stand that requires two 2mm holes. For the wheels-up option, a single part that spans the two main gear bays and the belly is inserted inside the lower wing, and the engine nacelle interiors are both painted silver in preparation for installing the engines later. The first step involves inserting two spars that have the rear faces of the engines and their supports moulded into each end, then the front spar, which has the aerodynamic horizontal splitter that is visible through the intake. The spars also have bay detail moulded into them, two small sections of which should be removed from each side to facilitate the wheels-up option. The side walls of the bays are then inserted between the front and rear spars, boxing in the bays that are finished off by the moulded-in detail on the inside of the upper wings. The exhaust pipes are each assembled from two halves and are glued to the rear bulkhead, then the front face of the centrifugal jet engine, which looks considerably different from the more advanced axial flow engines used in the Me.262 and most modern jets. Before closing the wings up the underwing landing light is inserted under the port tip, with a tiny recess inside that could be filled with silver paint to replicate the bulb. Before joining the two main assemblies, a trailing-edge root fairing is inserted under the fuselage, then the wings are brought in and glued, with two-part ailerons added to the trailing edges. The exhaust fairings are each single parts, with intakes fitted to the front, which Julien will tell you have panel lines inside and aren’t completely smooth. He says that a lot. The tail fin and rudder are already complete, and are joined by the elevator fins that are made from top of bottom halves, while the separate elevators are each single parts so that you can deflect them if you feel the need. At this point the Meteor has no nose and only half a nose gear bay, the main mechanism projecting from a bulkhead, which is made up from three parts including the upper gear leg that are applied to the bulkhead in order, which is then inserted into a choice of two two-part nose cone, the FR.9 option having camera windows on each side, then the assembly is glued to the front of the fuselage to finish it off, giving the modeller a pair of hollow gun troughs on each side as a by-product. The Meatbox’s wheels were covered at the top with a mudguard, which makes the building of the assemblies slightly unusual, as the wheels are each two parts that have a narrow top section to fit inside the halves of the mudguards that are moulded into the gear struts. Each one is made up in half, then is joined together into handed assemblies before being glued into slots in the gear bays and completed by adding retraction jacks and bay doors on each side. The nose gear lower section is made in the same manner, and is glued into the top half of the leg to be joined by the three bay doors and the door opening mechanism. A pair of two-part drop-tanks are supplied for under the outer wings, with a further conformal ‘pregnancy’ tank under the centre, and a choice of open or closed air-brakes that are added under the inner panels, using different parts for each option. The airframe is completed by fitting the various antennae, cannon shell chutes, the pitot probe, canopy and windscreen, plus the optional pilot. The windscreen has a styrene part inserted within before it is glued to the front of the cockpit, while the sliding canopy has a a solid rear fairing inserted from below, which fixes to the raised track aft of the cockpit so that it can slide. The optional pilot is the usual hands-on-knees type, wearing a modern(ish) hard helmet, as was becoming more common after WWII and the introduction of ejection seats. The FR.9 nose is tipped with a clear lens. Markings There are two decal options on the sheet, one F.8 in high-speed silver, the other an FR.9 in green/grey camouflage with a PR blue underside. From the box you can build one of the following: Meteor F.8 No.77 Sqn., RAF Williamtown, Royal Australian Air Force, 1955 Meteor FR.9, NO.79 Sqn., RAF Benson, Royal Air Force, 1956 Decals are by Cartograf, which is a guarantee of good registration, sharpness and colour density, with a thin gloss carrier film cut close to the printed areas. Conclusion This is a great new boxing of this important post-war British jet, and arrives with plenty of detail that should satisfy the majority of us, adding a reconnaissance variant to round out this boxing and fill a gap in available variants. Very highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  2. Hunting Percival Jet Provost T.3/T.4 (A02103A) 1:72 Airfix As the jet age dawned and took a firm grasp of military aviation, the Jet Provost was designed by Hunting Percival as a replacement for their piston-engined Percival Provost basic trainer, as they anticipated the need for a Jet trainer going forward. Work commenced in the early 50s, consulting with the RAF as to the needs and likely specifications of RAF Training Command for a jet trainer. Although initially undertaken as a private venture, the government saw its potential, and in 1953 an order for an initial batch of aircraft was placed. The new ‘Jet’ Provost would use as many parts of the original Provost as possible to reduce costs and transitional effort, which gives the two aircraft a distinct familial resemblance. The prototype XD674 would first fly on the 16th June 1954 as the Jet Provost T.1, and in light of experience, necessary improvements were made to the aircraft’s design, hydraulic systems replaced less efficient pneumatics, while the tail also gained a new fillet to increase stability. The new T.2 had its maiden flight in 1955, followed soon by the T.3 that would use a more powerful Viper Jet engine, added ejection seats, shortened and strengthened the fuselage, and fitted more rugged undercarriage that could stand up to the abuse doled out by novice pilots, with over 200 of this mark built. The T.4 would follow in 1960, which again used an even more powerful Viper engine, although it was never a speed machine. It was followed by the T.5 with a pressurised cockpit, and an armed version would be developed that would become the Strikemaster. Both the Jet Provost and the Strikemaster are often associated with BAC (British Aircraft Corporation) as Hunting Percival was subsumed in 1960 as the Government whittled away at the British aero industry that had served the nation so well throughout WWII. The JP retired from RAF Service as late as 1993 after 38 years of faithful service, to be replaced by the Shorts Tucano T.Mk.1, which has itself now retired from service after 31 years. The Jet Provost remains popular with private operators and there are still some flying examples at airshows, thanks in part to their simplicity and the fondness of many pilots that learned their trade in its cockpit. The Kit This kit was first released as a T.Mk.3 in 2016, and is back again in a new box with different decal options. The kit arrives in a small top-opening box in Airfix’s usual red-theme, and inside are three sprues of grey styrene, a small clear sprue, decal sheet and instruction booklet printed in spot colour on matt paper with the colour profiles printed on the back pages. A sheet of glossy paper is slipped between the pages with line drawings showing the location of the many stencils applied to the model. Detail is good, extending to all the usual areas, the cockpit having sidewall detail moulded into the fuselage insides, and detail inside what little can be seen of the main gear bays, as the bay doors close around the legs after deployment. Construction begins with the cockpit, the floor of which incorporates the rear bulkhead and shelf, adding a centre console between the crew, and control columns in front of them both. The front bulkhead attaches under the floor on a pair of prongs that slide into sockets moulded into it, then two ejection seats are created from halves, adding a cushion insert or a pilot figure to each of them. The figures don’t have any representation of cushions moulded into their backs, which might cause head-scratching with some modellers, but it could be hidden by the installation of the headbox and pull handle part at the top, so make your choice. The seats with or without pilots are installed on their blocks at the rear of the cockpit, and the instrument panel is slotted into the top of the centre console, applying a decal to represent the dials, which is very nicely done, with a realistic look to them, and most of the background is clear, to remove the need for colour matching. The cockpit is installed in the port fuselage half after painting the sidewalls a suitable black shade, closing the fuselage around it once you have inserted at least 2.5g of nose weight to prevent your model from tail-sitting once complete. The elevators are a single part that slips into a slot in the rear of the fuselage, and they are closed in by the combined exhaust and pen-nib fairing, adding the separate rudder to the fin above it, with the possibility of offsetting it for a more candid pose. The lower wings are full-span and have the tip-tank lowers moulded-in, and if you intend to mount the model on the stand that’s sold separately, you’ll need to drill out two flashed-over holes with a 2.0mm bit. It is glued in under the fuselage, and the upper wing halves and moulded-in tip-tank tops are added once the model is righted for installation of the intakes either side of the cockpit. The splitter plates are fitted first, adding the outer trunking after painting the inside surfaces light grey. If you are posing your model wheels-up, a single part portrays the nose bay doors, with two more for the main gear bays, although for that option the pitot probe and a blade antenna isn’t shown being inserted under the port wing. For gear down, the closed nose bay doors are depicted by a different part that has a pair of push-through doorlets moulded-in, and a socket for the nose gear strut in between them. The strut is made from two parts, one moulded as the strut and half of the wheel, the other part forming the other half of the wheel and the yoke. The two main gear legs have their captive bay doors moulded-in, adding wheels to the stub axles before plugging them into the outer ends of the two small bays. The pitot is installed in a recess under the port wing, and a blade antenna is fixed under the belly between the intakes, adding another on the spine behind the cockpit. The Jet Provost’s canopy is wide due to the crew sitting side-by-side, and it can be posed open or closed as you see fit. The windscreen and rear portion are glued into each end of the cockpit cut-out, and by using a choice of two central parts, you can either close the canopy snugly, or show it pushed back over the rear window, using the scrap diagrams as a guide. Markings There are two options included on the decal sheet, one in traditional red/white/grey trainer colours that it wore for the first flight of a female RAF pilot in 1990, the other in silver and red. From the box you can build one of the following: Jet Provost T.3A, Flt.Lt. Julie Ann Gibson, First Female RAF Pilot, No.1 Flying Training School, RAF Dishforth, May 1990 Jet Provost T.4 Royal Air Force Colleg (RAFC), Cranwell, 1962 Decals are by Cartograf, which is a guarantee of good registration, sharpness and colour density, with a thin matt carrier film cut close to the printed areas. Conclusion It’s good to see the Provost back on the shelves, with some interesting and important schemes. Was it really as late as 1990 that the RAF allowed female pilots to fly jets? I originally typed ‘fast’ in there, but the Jet Provost was renowned for being the best way to turn jet fuel into sound and heat, whilst producing very little in the way of speed. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  3. Airfix is to release in Summer 2025 a 1/72nd Westland Wessex HC.2 kit - ref. A04068 Source: https://uk.airfix.com/products/westland-wessex-hc2-a04068 Box art Renders Schemes V.P.
  4. After pretty much avoiding building weapons since February 2022, I picked this kit up at Telford from Jadlam’s bargain pile. It all went together easily and fairly quickly given that modelling time has been restricted by other issues just recently. The decals were beautiful though the rear stripes didn’t seem long enough for the “conical” shape of the rear fuselage so ended up a bit far back. And the pilot appears to have been running the Griffon very rich, judging by the exhaust stains! I took these photos outside for better light. Hmm, I like an overcast day to get a more even lighting but this is ridiculous. Oh well, at least it’s not raining! Cheers Will
  5. Hello Here is my finished 1/72 Airfix Chinook HC.1. I chose to make Bravo November as this is a very iconic British Chinook. I remember well the time of the Falklands "special operation". The kit is easy to assemble and I added just a few things like a roof above the cargo inside, the electric leads of the winch and the antennae in front of the cockpit. Actually this is my third H-47/Chinook as in the past I built a U.S. MH-47E and a Libyan CH-47D, both of them were the Italeri kit which is less detailed. Patrick
  6. Expected in Spring (May ?) 2024 - ref. A06023 - Boeing Chinook HC.1 Source: https://uk.airfix.com/products/boeing-chinook-hc1-a06023 V.P.
  7. Complete surprise. They've come up with a Me.410. https://uk.airfix.com/products/messerschmitt-me410a-1-a04066 https://uk.airfix.com/community/blog-and-news/workbench/scale-modelworld-exclusive-new-airfix-messerschmitt-me-410-hornisse-takes-flight
  8. Chinook HC.1 (for Airfix) 1:72 Eduard Last year saw Airfix re-tool their 1:72 Chinook kit in the HC.1 guise, and we’re due a later boxing in summer of 2025 according to the new catalogue that arrived a few days ago as I type this. Eduard's new range of sets are here to improve on the kit detail in the usual modular manner. Get what you want for the areas you want to be more of a focal point. As usual with Eduard's Photo-Etch (PE) and Mask sets, they arrive in a flat resealable package, with a white backing card protecting the contents and the instructions that are sandwiched between. Upgrade Set (73831) Two frets are included, one nickel-plated and pre-painted, the other in bare brass, plus a small sheet of acetate with two circular windows printed on it. A complete set of new layered instrument panels plus added levers for other controls; a roof skin added to the entire length; seat belts for the two flight crew; equipment and avionics on both sides of the cockpit bulkhead; a curved panel with overhead panel is fitted at the juncture between the windscreen and the front engine cowling halves, adding a new window interior with film glazing on one side. The crew entrance on the side of the fuselage is replaced with a more detailed set of PE parts, starting with the exterior skin that is folded and curved to match the profile of the kit part, adding an internal skin and three detail parts, then fitting it in the roof above the door, making the lower portion of the door from a folded part that is also curved to match the shape of the fuselage, adding a locking mechanism and step, then filling two grooves moulded into the bottom of the door frame, replacing the hinges with new PE parts and a pull-handle, all of which is best fitted after main painting is over. The rear cargo ramp is also detailed, fitting PE strips around the edges, and covering the three vehicle ramps with skins, all adding extra detail to the area. Moving outside, the engines have two-part engine rear faces inside the cowling halves, making an exhaust to the rear after rolling it into a tapering cone with the same profile at the front as the engine cowling, times two. The two intake filters from the kit are used, but are covered by new mesh panels that are more realistic than the styrene rendering. The last few parts are brake callipers for the inner hubs of the landing gear, plus a small tapering skin that details the fuselage behind the rear gear legs. Zoom! Set (SS831) This set contains a reduced subset of the interior, namely the pre-painted parts that are used to improve on the main aspects of the cockpit, as seen above. Whatever your motivations for wanting this set, it provides a welcome boost to detail, without being concerned with the structural elements. SPACE Cockpit Set (3DL72043) The Eduard SPACE sets use new 3D printing techniques that lay down successive layers of different colour resin, creating highly realistic almost full complete panels that are supplied on a decal sheet. They can depict metallic shades, plus glossy, satin and matt colours too, which really ups the detail on everything they print. In addition, a small sheet of nickel-plated and pre-painted PE is included for the aspects of the set that lend themselves better to this medium, such as seatbelts and rudder pedals. The centre console in the cockpit has its detail removed and replaced by a new decal, adding PE pedals to the front of the floor, then applying more decals to both sides of the cockpit bulkhead to improve on the simple panels and missing details. The main instrument panel is sanded smooth and has the detail replaced by a new decal, adding another to represent the overhead console in the roof at the front of the engine cowling above the cockpit. The two crew seats are fitted with a set of four-point PE harnesses that drape over the back and sides of their seats. Cargo Seatbelts STEEL (73833) These belts are Photo-Etch (PE) steel, and because of their strength they can be etched from thinner material, which improves realism and flexibility in one sitting. Coupled with the new painting method that adds perceived extra depth to the buckles and other furniture by shading, they are more realistic looking and will drape better than regular brass PE. Whether you have elected to use the pre-painted PE seat parts that are available in another set or not, this set of sixteen sets of lap belts for each side of the cargo compartment, each seat having two belts, offering the potential to arrange them in a haphazard manner, akin to what would happen whether passengers un-buckled and embarked on a dangerous mission, or a much-needed trip to the canteen afterwards. Review sample courtesy of
  9. Hil all, it's been a good while since I posted anything here, so I'd like to share one project from 2024 that I'm most proud of. Airfix's 2010s era He111 is was what you Brits might call a curate's egg. Some aspects are excellent. There are great interior details, things scale out just right, and the complex curves of the wings and canopy are captured perfectly. The engineering of the complex landing gear is done very cleverly, and I like that Airfix gives you the option to open the unique vertical bomb bay (curiously, there are no bombs provided). On the other hand, fit was a little tricky in places, and I used more filler than I have on other Airfix models from the period. I had a very hard time fitting the four piece glass nose, but I think much of that was due to user error. My advice is to glue the three main pieces together BEFORE you add them to the fuselage. The fit of the lower wings and flaps was also tight, and the fit of the side windows was extremely tight side windows didn't fit at all without major shaving. What really surprised me was the low quality of the decals. Airfix has established a track record of supplying excellent decals printed by Cartograph. Indeed, the box side says Cartograph. But these have a thick flat finish, and were a little stiffer than any Cartograph decals I used before. They reminded me more of old Italeri decals. They also had very poor adhesion, and some of the smaller stencils fell off after they had dried. I hope I just got a bad batch, because this was totally uncharacteristic. As for the build. It went quickly. I think I finished the model in about three weeks, which is very fast for me. Despite some of the fit issues, the kit is designed to be quickly assembled. I added some paper belts, and replaced the stick-like Airfix MGs, with the somewhat overscaled, but more MG-ie looking guns from the old Italeri heinkel. I also used a set of resin wheels I had laying around. The model was painted with Mr. Color RLM 65, 70, and 71. I also applied several shades of green, brown, and drab colored oil paint filters (basically dirty thinner), to shift the colors and add some tonal variety. The exhaust stains are Tamiya smoke. I lightened the greens just a touch in an effort to achieve the look of an airplane under sunny skies, and I didn't want the model to turn into a heinkel-shaped black hole on my display shelves, with the two very dark greens. These might look too bright for some color purists, but I think they make the model visually more interesting. Alse the colors have a lot less contrast when not under my bright photography lights. So there we have it. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give this one a 6. The fit issues were one thing, but the poor decals really brought this one down by one or two points.
  10. Airfix is to release in 2014 a variant from the new 1/72nd "fabric wings" Hurricane (ref.A02067), a Hawker Hurricane Mk.I "metal covered wings" under ref. A01010. A fabric wings in the illustrations/box arts??? Displayed as ????? Error? Source: http://www.airfix.com/shop/new-for-2014/172-scale-military-aircraft/a01010-hawker-hurricane-mki-172/ But also as stater set (fabric or metal covered wings Hurricane?) Ref. A55111 Source: http://www.airfix.com/shop/new-for-2014/172-scale-military-aircraft/a55111-hawker-hurricane-mki-starter-set-172/ V.P
  11. As promised in the chat thread, joining with this recent Airfix kit. Receipt says that it cost me £9.89, on 19 Oct 2023. Airfix's description of what it is and does. A look at the instructions. And colours for the English Channel crossing in June 1959. I'll post a photo of the parts on 11 Jan. See you then.
  12. Expected in Spring (May ?) 2024 - ref. A09010 - Consolidated B-24H Liberator https://uk.airfix.com/products/consolidated-b-24h-liberator-a09010 V.P.
  13. https://uk.airfix.com/products/westland-navy-lynx-mk88ahma8mk90b-a10107a V.P.
  14. Airfix Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I - ref.A05126 Sources: http://www.airfix.com/catalog/product/view/id/8404/category/1213/ http://www.primeportal.net/models/thomas_voigt9/airfix/index.php?Page=3 V.P.
  15. New airfix kit in progres is a 1/72nd Fokker E.II/E.III Eindecker Source: http://www.airfix.com/uk-en/news/workbench/workbench-behind-the-scenes-at-airfix/ V.P.
  16. Airfix is to release in 2014 new tool 1/72nd Bristol Blenheim Mk.I & Mk.IV kits. Ref. A04016 - Bristol Blenheim Mk.I Bomber Source: http://www.airfix.com/shop/new-for-2014/172-scale-military-aircraft/a04016-bristol-blenheim-mki-bomber-172/ Ref. A04017 - Bristol Blenheim Mk.IV Fighter Source: http://www.airfix.com/shop/new-for-2014/172-scale-military-aircraft/a04017-bristol-blenheim-mkiv-fighter-172/ V.P.
  17. Airfix 2025 - catalogue & programme Source: https://uk.airfix.com/new V.P.
  18. Hi all so my next project I am undertaking is one I am very very excited to do. It is the Vickers valiant prototype WB210 conversion for the 1:72 airfix Vickers valiant. The conversion is made by a very talented person, I am sure people have heard of BritJet ( Steve ) it's thanks to him that I can make this absolutely beautiful valiant. I have made a start on this conversion, the first thing is did was to fill in the radome panel lines. the next step I did was to remove the U shaped parts just above the bombbay on both sides then after that I removed the vortex generators from the fin, then the fin intake and then I reshaped the two blisters under the rudder. I actually forgot to reshaped the top of the fin so that is next on the to do list.
  19. Despite 60 years of sticking bits of plastic together, I've never made an Avro Lancaster. What better time to start than the 80th anniversary of Operation Chastise? Back in the 1960s I got pretty obsessed with the raid. I read Paul Brickhill and Guy Gibson's books and studied the original table models of the dams used to plan the op that were (then) in the Imperial War Museum. Where are they now? Last time I visited the IWM I was, well, a bit underwhelmed With the new Airfix' dambuster kit about to arrive, I picked up the earlier boxing for a good price; Nice box art. The phase of the moon is about right for 16/17 May 43 (Waxing Gibbous). The plastic looks OK too. Reviews are OK (I don't want to know what's wrong with it ). Not too many decals... Mostly OOB. But a few details to add. But! Before I dive in... The film! Real Lancasters! b&w, great cast, dreadful special effects when the upkeep mines go off. --------------------------------------------------- In memory of the brave crews who took part...
  20. I have not posted on here for far too long. So I thought I would start off 25, with a pair of SeaKings that now sit in the conference room at Heli-Operations, Portland, Dorset, Airfix has done an outstanding job with fine detail on the 1:48 Seaking. Both aircaft were painted with MRP paints, with the brief that they should be clean, with little or no weathering.
  21. I originally had the idea of doing a Whatif Lightning FGR.7 with ALL the weapons mounted to it with some trumped up idea of Jaguar and MRCA being delayed or cancelled or whatever other politically expedient excuse would pass muster. Then I decided I had enough on the go without spending ages umming and ahhing over whether something should be an FGx, or an FRSx, or a BRx etc etc. So, because I want to model a Lightning in Beast Mode, I've decided to do an F.53 diorama based on the numerous photos from 1967-1969 of the BAC display at various Airshows (exhibit A & B below courtesy of the internet). I'll be starting with the Airfix Lightning F.6 kit (for obvious reasons), and generally 3d printing the various bits that can't be bought or found for love nor money. As I've only recently bought a 3d printer this promises to be a doddle painful learning experience that I'm sure I'll regret ever embarking upon. So, onto the obligatory box shot... Fabulous artwork, note the inspired use of colour palette and copious amounts of alcohol leading to forgetting to finish the image.... (or whatever the excuse was)... For the F.53 specific weaponry I managed to obtain the Odds & Ordnance underwing stores kit from rossm on here. The CBLS is available though Air-Graphics, but the rest I can't find anywhere, so the list of bits to 3d print (as seen in photos above) is as follows: - JL100 double stack with overwing pylons - Matra 155 double mount (OAO kit is single mount only) - Matra 155 open cones (i.e. without frangible cover. These will be to modify the resin ones I already have which are too fiddly to paint!) - Ventral rocket pack (how has this never been available?) - 540lb bombs - Drop tanks (from a Strikemaster but I'm not buying a whole kit just for 2 of these) - RAE Universal Twin 7.62mm Gun Pod - Firestreak ventral pack - Red Top ventral pack - Reconnaissance ventral pack - 1000lb retarded bomb with semi-deployed parachute (still scratching my head over how to do justice with this one) - Aden cannons in a naked state - A multitude of 2" and 3" rockets..... painting 188 of these promises to be (insert expletive here) delightful The vast majority of the above don't have easily accessible drawings (and I'm not willing to join a billion sites and get spammed for the rest of my life just for some blueprints), so I'll mostly be working from a handful of reference books, photos and whatever Google shows me. I intend for things to be detailed enough that an armourer would recognise what they are supposed to be, but I'm not going to model every rivet and safety catch, mainly because my printer won't do that level of detail, but also because I want to finish this before the apocalypse. As far as the airframe goes, unless someone can direct me to some 1/72 Queen's Award roundels I'll likely be doing the G-AXEE Kuwaiti scheme from the Paris Airshow rather than the G-AWON scheme seen in most other photos from the period. Either that or I need to get creative with Microsoft Paint and some waterslide paper. I've already made some reasonable headway with design & print loops to refine some of the parts, but its late, I've been gardening ALL weekend and I really need a shower, so a progress-so-far-post will have to wait until tomorrow. Stuart
  22. I hadn’t planned on joining this GB, but talking to Owen @jackroadkill about his builds and having a “number” of suitable subjects got me suckered in. So, first up for the British side, Airfix’s Spitfire Mk Ia, in starter set boxing: I say first as I’ve got two further examples of the same kit in Mk II guise, but we’ll see if I can get this one done before I promise any additional builds! I’m not enthused by the kit scheme, so I’ve got some Xtradecal decals to replicate K9867/ZP-J, based out of RAF Rochford: This seemed appropriate as RAF Rochford became Southend Airport, which is only about 3 miles from my flat. James
  23. A new Wingleader vid, the story of the Stuka modelled by Airfix.
  24. My first completion of 2025. 207 Squadron RAF. And the fearless crew. First the pilot, sat behind his flyscreen. Then a gunner firing the Start Mission pistol. Whilst the other prepaers his gun.
  25. Just got a deposit refund from Jumblies saying the 1/48 Sea Vixen re-pop has been cancelled by Airfix. Oh well. Wonder what other repop might get the chop this year - Javelin too ? Tony
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