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  1. This is the 1/72 Airfix kit built as an exercise in various weathering techniques for me. I made a few changes to the kit in attempt to add a little finesse to the out of box offering: Upper engine nacelles reduced and re-shaped, elevators dropped, ailerons deflected, fuselage antennas added, fuel lines added to drop tanks, braces added to bomb tails, boat release cable added to fuselage side, majority of panel lines filled and then later lightly drawn in with pencil with a few painted highlights. The rear machine gun has been lost to the carpet monster and the wire antennas are missing because I'm out of super glue! I struggled to get the canopy to fit well. The kit decals are wretched! The lower markings were painted on - but not terribly successfully! Painted mostly with Revell Aqua, a little Vallejo Model Color, Tamiya, Citadel, oil paint and pastels. The intention was never to make a wholly accurate model and I accept that it misses the mark in places but as an exercise in developing new ideas and pushing my boundaries slightly it has achieved all I wanted. Most of all, I enjoyed making it! All constructive criticism most welcome! Jon.
  2. This going to be one of my entries, its an Airfix Boeing 727-100, in a -200 box... It will be in the last Dan Air livery, decals from RichW. Im making no mods, my entires are going to be straight out the box..... so this is the kit, i will post a photo of the decals when i get them.... Thanks Bradley
  3. I read this site's content almost every day and I've even dipped my toes here a few times but I think the time is now right to try to contribute something properly. I will try to see this wip thread through to conclusion but updates may be sporadic and may even dry up altogether - please forgive me if I fall by the wayside..... I have here the Airfix 1/72 Bf110E trop and I intend to use to learn more about about modelling and to develop my very modest ablities. Ultimate accuracy is not my goal but I hope if I finish the build it will be a reasonable model. First impressions of the kit is that it looks fair enough but is not without issues. the first of these are the somewhat 'wholesome' panel lines. These have now mostly been filled. The second issue (which I only learned about from reading posts in this forum!) are the overly large engine nacelles on the upper wings. Other than those 2 things, the kit appears to but just fine for my purposes. I have read negative comments about the Airfix decals but I've played with some of the spare ones and I think I can work with them. The one-piede lower wing in my kit was very badly distorted but Airfix swiftly sent me a good replacement part on request. Hats of to them for great customer service. These first 2 photographs show one original upper wing and the other one which I have modified by filling the panel lines with epoxy putty and by re-shaping the nacelle. I think the rear end of it should be slimmer and more pointy but, quite frankly, it'll do for me. These next 2 photos show what I've done to the fuselage so far. Panel lines being filled (this time mostly with green tube putty) and the elevators removed so i can have them dropped. At this point I have a query that hopefully someone here can answer: How/where are the elevators hinged on the real aircraft? Also, what is the function of those tabs seen on moving surfaces that project into the fixed part of the structure? I've modelled these ones as hollow and I'm guessing that they have some kind of role to play in the actuation of the elevators but I honestly have no idea what would be correct. I hope someone can fill in these gaps in my knowledge! Right, that's it for now. I shall endeavour to press on with this build and add more to this thread. Jon.
  4. While looking for something (have forgotten what) in my way too large stash a few days ago, I "rediscovered" not only one, but two Airfix Beagle Basset kits. After having had a look at them, I thought it could be an easy "no nonsense" build, just to get a modell finished for once. Typical simple Airfix kit from the late 60's with lots of rivets all over and very little detailing. Although the interior is fairly decent with a rear bulkhead, floor, seats, good instrument panel with two rather nice control yokes. On the other hand the undercarriage is very simplified and the nose wheel well is non-existing. Decals had naturally yellowed after all these years, but most of the standard markings can be substituted with better ones from my Modeldecal stash. And with some "sun treatment" specific items like the blue cheat lines and a few other small items will probably be useable too. So I decided to have a go at one of them. Apart from a few improvements in the cabin and a nose weight not much more is needed there despite the many large and surprisingly clear windows. Just sanding down all those tea cup-sized rivets on the outside, scribe a few panel lines and scratchbuild a cooling flap under each engine. That should do it. However there are no colour information for the interior in the instructions. But I guess standard colours for that kind of aircraft in those days would probably be a pale blue or gray with slightly darker seats. I have been unable to find any pics of the interior on the net, so if anyone can shed some information on this it would be appreciated. Another colour question is regarding the exterior. I will use the KISS method and not deviate from the kit option - white fin and fuselage top, blue cheat line along the fuselage sides and the rest of the airframe painted silver. I think silver paint is correct, but in all the photos I have found light aircraft grey seems to be used instead. But I have a faint memory of a change over from silver to LAG some time around 1970. Can anyone confirm this?
  5. Finished this last week and thought I'd share the results, hope you don't mind. The kit is the recent Airfix release OOB finished with Humbrol gull grey and white with a wash of Flory/promodeler weathering wash(great stuff) to highlight the engraved detail I used the kit decals which for the most part worked well, the only issue were that the intake warning markings would not fit the intakes(so just used the 'Danger' center bit and used a matching red for the intake lip). Also the decals on the tops of the wings did not want to snuggle down over the vortex generators and required a little persuasion and touching up when dried. I have weathered the kit with some oil wash and streaking but the effect has been lost due to the bleaching effect of the camera flash. I still have to hang a couple of dumb bombs from the pylons, TER's with a pair of 250 pounders on each I think should look ok. Thanks for looking
  6. I saw a book "Spitfire Revisted" at Talford for £24.99 It was by Tony... It had a referance chart at the back on what should be included or on each version of your Model. I humed and haahed about buying it. I had alread overspent on kits( surprise, surprise). Now I am wondering if I should have got it. I cant find the book online or a supplier. 1. Anyone know of the book I am talking about. 2. Is it worth the Money?I have Alfred Prices - Spitfire story and a host of other books 3.Who sells it Thanks
  7. Finished today the nice Airfix Seafire F.XVII, completely OOB. I decided to build this to try the Agama Alcohol based paints - specifically the EDSG, DSG and Interiour Grey-Green. These paints behave nicely when thinned with IPA or Mr Levelling thinner, close to Gunze to spray, and has the advantage that Agama do colours that gunze dont :-). Unfortunately at the moment you can only buy them direct from Agama but hopefully that will change. The paints: And the finished Peter
  8. Have just started the Airfix 1/48 Spitfire V a as flown by Douglas Bader and have a question regardibg the oil cooler fitted to this aircraft. The instructions show a version with a "D" shaped opening but my reference show a different version with a round hole at the front. The kit does contain another oil cooler and this has a round hole but is the wrong shape in plan. In fact when I think about both types included in the kit box seem wrong. Can anyone throw some light on this subject please? Cheers, Don
  9. Hi all! Anyone has any information about the Airfix Westland Lynx HAS.3 1:48 Scale (color scheme, versions, etc)? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Airfix-50112-Westland-Lynx-1-48-Scale-/350635141630?pt=UK_ToysGames_ModelKits_ModelKits_JN&hash=item51a37ba9fe Regards, Lynx
  10. Hello All, An Airfix Kittyhawk, with a bit of cockpit detailing, new plastic sheet rear windows, plunge moulded undercarriage doors and some other tweaks, finished using the kit scheme and decals (which fought me all the way): I went for Hu 29 and 93, with a 4:1 Hu 34 white:Hu 25 blue mix underneath - next time I will use more blue or less white. It was a fun, low-stress build and I like the scheme and want to do more (but possibly not enough to spoil a Spitfire with a Vokes filter!). Thanks for looking, Adrian
  11. Another test to check I can successfully post images. This time its the lovely Airfix Seafire. I originally made a right botch up of building this as the FR47. After being left lonely, three-quarter finished, on a back shelf in the shed, I pulled it out, stripped off the paintwork with oven cleaner (losing the tail wheel doors as the eagle eyed will notice), built up the nose with filler and scrap plastic (as I was missing that piece as well) and rebuilt it as the FR46. Brush painted with Tamiya acrylics, only other addition was a vac form canopy (Falcon I think). Thanks for looking.
  12. P-40B/C Resin Upgrades 1:72 Quickboost by Aires for the Airfix Kit The new Airfix P40 Hawk has quickly established itself as a great kit, building on the reputation that Airfix are developing for their newer kits. If you're looking to take it further, then there is a whole range of aftermarket accessories becoming available. The P40 served in many different theatres and this makes it such an interesting aircraft to model due to the wide range of schemes that you can choose from as the decal range becomes available. QB 72 364 Propeller with Alignment Tool The first set here is a replacement propeller. Whilst the kit propeller certainly isn't bad, the limitations of injection moulding are not a problem here due to the resin manufacturing process. The propeller blades are individually cast and very thin giving a more accurate scale representation. The hub is also nicely moulded. This will need the sprue sanding off the rear face before fitting to the kit. A great feature is the prop assembly tool to make lining the blades up consistent as you attach them. QB 72 361 P-40B Exhaust The exhausts are beautifully hollowed out which really improve the appearance of any kit. They are supplied as direct replacements for the kit parts, so other than cutting them off the sprue, no additional work is required. QB 72 374 P-40B/C Exhaust & Damper Cooler Another option if you're looking to upgrade the exhausts is this set. Again, beautifully crafted exhausts with hollowed ends although these vary slightly in being marginally more swept back at the tips compared to the previous set. The radiator gills are very thin and will give an alternative option to using photo etch to get scale accuracy under the engine cowling. QB 72 375 P-40B/C Gun Barrels These are a very fine set of barrel upgrades. Getting this level of finesse from injection moulding just isn't possible, so these are most welcome. As the kit parts are moulded into the wing, removing them and drilling location holes will be necessary so a fine drill bit of approximately 1mm will be necessary QB 72 376 P-40B/C Undercarriage Covers Main and tail wheel doors are catered for in this set. The kit parts are somewhat chunky so these will give the undercarriage area a real sharpen up. The parts are very delicate so care should be taken removing them from the sprues. Further more, unlike the kit parts, there are no tabs to locate them, so delicate fitment is necessary, but well worth it. Conclusion These fine sets offer the already good Airfix kit a significant enhancement. If like me, you enjoy modelling on this scale, getting that extra bit of accuracy and detail is important to make it look less toy like and more like a scale replica. The precision in the sets just can't be achieved by plastic injection moulding technology so I'll certainly be using these when I build mine. Review samples courtesy of distributed in the UK by Hannants Ltd.
  13. As my output of finished models is ludicrous I have decided it is time to kick myself in the behind. Hopefully a build threa(t)d will keep the pressure on and me focused. The victim of this endeavor will be the venerable Airfix Hannover which is not a bad kit for it's age but can be improved upon (fingers crossed). Don't expect a quick build as I am an extremely slow builder. It takes me more time to open the box than most of you need to finish it So here it goes. The mandatory box and sprue shots. Yes one nine six seven! Hmm.., seems like Airfix wants us to paint the lozenge by hand, we’ll see about that when the time comes. The excellent Windsock datafile will be the law during this project.
  14. General News We have just received the much anticipated 1:48th scale Modern British sets from Airfix. We have a large number of backorders for these and we will try and dispatch all pre-orders on monday. Although we currently have good stocks we recommend ordering early to avoid missing out. We have received deliveries from Revell, Airfix, Kinetic and Deluxe this week and are expecting restocks from Vallejo, Gluelines and Masterbox next week. Below are the new arrivals from this week. AIR50121 Airfix Gift Set 1:48 - British Forces - Landrover Patrol SRP - £24.99 Received - 28-Sept-2012 AIR50122 Airfix Gift Set 1:48 - British Forces - Helicopter Support Group SRP - £39.99 Received - 28-Sept-2012 AIR50123 Airfix Gift Set 1:48 - British Forces - Patrol and Support Group SRP - £49.99 Received - 28-Sept-2012 AIR03701 Airfix 1:48 - British Patrol Troops (Afghanistan) SRP - £9.99 Received - 28-Sept-2012 AIR75009 Airfix 1:48 - Afghan Single Story Dwelling SRP - £14.99 Received - 28-Sept-2012 AIR75010 Airfix 1:48 - Afghan Single Story House SRP - £29.99 Received - 28-Sept-2012
  15. Looks like the following sets have been released as they are showing up at Models For Sale; http://www.modelsforsale.com/catalog/products_new.php Airfix - Afghan Single Storey Dwelling Scale 1/48 75009 Airfix - Afghan Single Storey House (A75010) Scale 1/48 75010 Airfix - Operation Herrick British Forces - Helicopter Support Gift Set Scale 1/48 50122 Airfix - Operation Herrick British Forces - Land Rover Patrol Gift Set Scale 1/48 50121 Airfix - Operation Herrick British Forces - Patrol and Support Group Gift Set Scale 1/48 50123 Airfix - Operation Herrick British Troops (8) Scale 1/48 03701
  16. As some of you may know I am working in Douglas Baders Airfix 1/48. The Instruction call for attaching the propeller when the two halves of the fueslage. I theink the idea is so your models prop can turn.However all videos and books on model bulding depict aircraft diring construction with the propellor as the last thing to go on. This makes sense as it is going to get in they way when airbrushing and assebling the rest of the model with a high risk of getting broken. Have I missed some trick or crucial step?
  17. To celebrate this year's Airshow at RAF Leuchars on Saturday 15th September Wonderland Models are giving away an Airfix Supermarine Seafire aircraft model kit in 1/48 scale to one lucky Facebook fan. To be in with a chance of winning simply download and print off a copy of the Keep Calm and Build Airfix poster and then take a picture of yourself with the poster in a memorable setting! Then upload the picture to our Facebook page and hope for the best. On 27/09/12 we will then select the lucky winner. http://woobox.com/gpp9p8
  18. Airfix Mark 3 wings added to the 'new' Revell fuselage. Additional parts from the WEM exterior and interior sets - including the extensive bomb bay. RG527 - KN Q 77 Squadron 1945. Let me know what you think!! Thanks http://i1260.photobu...Sept2012018.jpg http://i1260.photobu...Sept2012016.jpg http://i1260.photobu...atthews/001.jpg http://i1260.photobu...ws/003-Copy.jpg
  19. Well this is my first model I have made since my return to the hobby after a 7 Year absence... It's the new Airfix Mk.1a kit that I bought from a Museum in Norwich... It's been brush painted (for those who speak Humbrol, in 29, 30. 33, 90) Ok, the finish isn't perfect, and I smudged a bit of glue on the Cockpit plastic... But let's just think of it as condensation I'm quite pleaed with it all in all! Chris
  20. Heres my build of the reissue of the old Airfix Chipmunk, very much an impulse buy this one, went into a little model shop i found and i felt rude not buying anything so i ended up with this. Although an old mold it is still a lovely little kit all round and does go together nicely, the only downside is that it is abit basic in the cockpit but you expect that from an old mold. Rather pleased with this one specially the stripes which i masked bar the tail stripe that i painted free hand. Tempted to get another so i can have both the BBMF Chipmunk :ha: Enjoy, Tom
  21. Hello Everyone Id like to do a BEA Airtours comet 4. i know of the airfix version, but which version od the comet is it? Also how difficult is it to locate? Thanks Bradley
  22. For those of you who have been following my topic on Douglas Bader's Spitfire, you will already know that I recently bought the Airfix 1/48 model. Having now satisfied myself that more research is complete for the project begin, I suddenly realised that I had absolutely no idea of what to do with the paints included. I know that they are acrylic, also the box says? However, how do you use them in the airbrush? Should they be diluted with a reducer. If so, what reducer? I normally use Tamiya paints and thinners. When I bought the model and went over to the pain stand to grab a few bottles of Tamiya paint, my wife stood glaring at me, saying "TThere is paint in the box". I tried to convince so that this was a bigger model and that they would not be enough paint. The helpful shop assistant to took her aside and said that I would have more than enough paint if I was using a airbrush. I am not convinced!!! So, If any of you wise folk have any sage words I'd like to hear them. 1. Will I have enough paint 2. do I need to thin the paint 3. if so, what thinners do I use 4. should I just toss the Airfix paint and go and buy the corresponding tamiy colours?
  23. My attempt at the recent RAF Sabre from Airfix. It was an easy build with no real vices, panel detail a bit heavy perhaps but otherwise a nice little kit. I really liked the weathered box art so had a bash at reproducing it; I was using my old airbrush at the time so probably could have made more of it now, but I was quite pleased with how the preshading worked out.
  24. Hello Everyone i just got an Airfix 747, the series 8 British Airways adition. id lke to do a Highland Express Airways 747 using the kit, but im not sure if it has the correct engines, so can some onetell me does the Airfix 747 have the correct engines for this airliner? http://www.planespotters.net/Aviation_Photos/photo.show?id=169415 Also i have the old Revell 747sca, it doesnt have a shuttle or any shuttle parts, so im going to do it as a boeing 747-100, so does this one have the right engines for the BOAC Airliners? Any one know? Thanks Bradley
  25. Hello Everyone This is my Airfix 727-200. It was built straight from the box. The decals are a mix of 737-800 and A320 decals, i didnt have any actual Lufthansa 727 decals...... As you can see it is in the present scheme. It was the only 727 to were this livery. The tail is alot darker as well. Im using my phone and it has a very bright flash... I hope you Like it. Thanks Bradley
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