Back in July 2010, I started designing some decals for the CargOman Douglas DC-8 on this very web-site.
While scratching through my lap-top recently, I stumbled on the unfinished design and with the re-release of the Minicraft DC-8, I figured out that it would be rude not to have a go at building one. Unfortunately, I deliberately ordered two of the blighters and then "accidentally" ordered a set of Ray's excellent Air Zaire decals as well (if you get my drift) !!!
So here we have it :
DC-8-63 of Air Zaire, DC-8-55 of CargOman and a DC-8-43 of another airline (Couldn't stop myself from ordering another Minicraft kit - they look brilliant !)
So while I'm waiting for the resin engines to arrive, time to cut up the fuselages :
DC-8-63 on top, fuselage cuts made (to make a DC-8-55) in the middle, and one I already glued together to make a DC-8-43 at the bottom.
This is going to be madness (and slow)......
Wish me luck.