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Found 23 results

  1. Charioteer FV4101 Medium Gun Tank As WW2 ended and the Cold war began it soon became apparent that a more powerful gun would be needed to counter the threat of the heavier Soviet tanks such as the T-44 and so the Ordinance QF 20pdr gun was introduced in 1948. It had been developed for use in the Centurion Mk.3 however Centurion production was slow and there was a surplus of the 20pdr's. Cromwell tanks had been retained in service but it's 75mm armament lacked the punch to deal with the newer Soviet tanks so as an interim measure it was decided to up-gun the Cromwell. To do this a new two man turret was developed to accommodate the gun. The resulting vehicle was originally named FV4101 Cromwell Heavy AT Gun but renamed 'Charioteer' before entering service. This is the Accurate Armour conversion kit designed for the Tamiya Cromwell but the Airfix kit could probably be used as well. The model was painted with MRP-349 SCC No.15 Olive Drab and weathered with pigments. The pigments were a little warmer than I had planed and give a bit of a sandy appearance. This was my reference photo. I'm not sure who was operating this particular vehicle. The only visible markings are the 214 on the turret. I made a stencil for them and presumed they are white. I must admit that I struggled with getting this one finished, some of the casting on the resin parts wasn't great and trying to build it alongside a Centaur and Cromwell probably wasn't a good idea. Looking at the photos I can see that using gloss varnish on the vision blocks hasn't worked, they are quite large so I could probably cut a small piece of glass to go in them. If you are looking to build a Charioteer in 1/35 then I believe that the Accurate Armour conversion is the only option and with a little extra effort does build into a nice looing model. If you are interested I did do a Work in Progress. Wayne
  2. Takom FV432 with battlefield ambulance conversion from Accurate Armour. Star decals shows a vehicle from The Light Infantry in Bosnia.
  3. Hi All, Here's my first one off the bench for 2023, Tamiya's M4 Early in 1/35. I bought the accurate armour conversion set to provide the various parts to complete a british fit vehicle. I additionally added a decal set from Star Decals. I painted the vehicle using Humbrol Enamels, thinned and sprayed. I then drybrushed the finish back, before using ochre oil paints, thinned down as a filter. I then used raw umber oil paints, thinned, to make a pin wash. The decals as mentioned were from Star Decals, and whilst they were excellent subject choices and added a good level of visual interest, i felt the carrier film was slightly thick. Though this doesnt detract from the fact that the company offers an incredible range of british subjects as well as others. The stowage is mainly from the spares box, consisting of Tamiya's allied accessory set, and boxes/crates from blackdog models. The track is nicked out of an Asuka Sherman III kit. The whole finish was matted down using Xtracolour Enamel Matte Varnish Thanks for looking, Sam
  4. Like to join this GB with Tamiya`s classic A27 Cruiser Cromwell IV built as a MkVI using Accurate Armour parts and marking of 7th Armoured Division from Star decals. Hopefully the photos will post! Regards Grahame
  5. I started this model in the Anything but Injection group build last year. It's a tricky build but a really nice kit that deserves to be finished.
  6. While waiting for the Thunderbird 4 filler and paint to dry, I've started looking at what next to build and fso the time has finally come... Ever since doing the Bar-armoured Scimitar back in 2012, I've been planning to have a go at doing one of the new Scimitar 2s. On the face of it this should be relatively easy, after all its "only" a Scimitar turret on top of a Spartan hull isn't it? Bar armour? pah no problem! (hahahaha!) This is what I mean: (Image sourced from http://plain-military.proboards.com/thread/4962/qrl-sqn-cvr-mk-2 with thanks) So let us begin by working out what we will need to build it. So: Scimitar Turret - not a problem, got several AFV Club Scimitar kits in the stash. Spartan Hull - okay bit trickier, but Accurate Armour do a Spartan resin kit. Problem here is its an old-style hull which will need updating. Bar armour - well I scratch built the bar armour 2 years ago, I could do it again. However Accurate Srmour also have a PE bar armour set of the Warrior, so it might be worth seeing what can be done with it. Tracks? No problem got several sets of early and late Fruilmodel tracks in the stash which are great fun to put together (ahem!) Right to this is the stuff to begin with: Now the reason you see a Spartan AND Samson Accurate Armour kits is that I also intend at some point to build one of the new build bar-armoured Samson recovery vehicles. Now with these, the commander's cupola has migrated from the middle on the old hulls to the left side as on the Spartan, so I'm performing some drastic surgery on the hulls by cutting them both in half and using the Samson front with the Scimitar rear for the Scimitar 2 and the Scimitar front and Samson back on the Samson 2 at some point in the future. Yes I know how mad that sounds, but it seemed like a good idea at the time! Oh and just because there appears to be a lot of expensive Accurate Armour kits, they've all been acquired over the last 2 years so I'm not made of money Opening the boxes and we end up with this lot of components: Left and top, AFV Club Scimitar bits, Middle top, Accurate ARmour Spartan kit Right Top, bar armour plan from my own fair hand! Middle, Scimitar/Scorpion Photoetch leftovers from previous Scorpion and Scimitar builds and some resin pieces from Castoff Armour left over from the LEP Scimitar build, to provide the extra armour panels. Bottom right, Accurate Armour Warrior PE bar armour set. In addition, there will be a plethora of plastic card, stowage accessories from Castoff, Accurate Armour and other sources. Finally in this introductory post is the bar armour schematic I've created, having studied a lot of the photos in the Plain Military board thread linked to above. This has benefited from my previous research efforts while building the bar armoured Scimitar and research into the Samson build. So thats the intro, now to go and actually DO something about it! Watch this space...
  7. Hi all. My entry will be this Accurate Armour, Hotspur Armoured Land Rover. A resin kit with a good smattering of PE. I've always known that the RUC use armoured Land Rovers to police Northern Ireland, but I hadn't really appreciated that there have been various iterations, with each new design providing enhanced protection. The Hotspur version saw service in the 1980s and incorporated additional armour plate fitted within the cabin (in order to maintain the civilian appearance as far as possible). EDIT: Please ignore all that follows - I'll now be building this as an RUC vehicle Their retirement from service corresponded with the start of the 1990s Yugoslav Wars, and one retired vehicle at least was purchased to provide protective transport for the ITN news crew that was covering the conflict in Bosnia. Accurate Armour provide decals for this version (but unfortunately not much infomation on how to use them). I'm still trying to find online images of the ITN vehicle and the only thing I've found so far is a fleeting glimpse of it on its side in a ditch in this YouTube video on similar BBC vehicles. It appears at 40 seconds and you may be surprised by the choice of colour.... Cheers
  8. This group build is the nudge I needed to build this model. It will be my first resin kit and I am daunted by the idea of using CA for all these little parts. I did just buy a new bottle of thin and a new bottle of thick CA to reduce frustration as much as possible. It's a beautiful kit, some flash to remove but the detail looks great. I might get a figure in the turret too.
  9. At IPMS Farnborough Modelfest at the weekend I picked up a cheap Tamiya Challenger I Mk 3 kit so since my Avro Anson build has ground to a halt, I'd do something with the CrARRV conversion I've had in the stash for about 3 years! it makes a change from bloody Thunderbirds! So this is the starting point: and after all the resin has been washed in soapy water The Tamiya kit only contributes the lower hull, road wheels and tracks, the rest is discarded - which is why I've been reluctant to build this conversion up until now as I don't like the idea of throwing away most of a £30 kit! However having sourced a cheap one, I'm less concerned... So the first steps in the conversion and of course building the lower hull as Tamiya instructs, Here are all the road wheels [img[http://www.mardona.org/gallery/d/19614-2/DSC_3864.JPG[/img] I'm not going to distress them as frankly I can't be bothered Next is to attach the upper and lower hulls together... and I've just realised that means I can no longer fit the driver figure in using the neat technique they've used: which would locate the figure in the right place at the right height... bugger! I'll have to sort something out about that late - doh! Anyway the two halves came together with a bit of fiddling and filling The rear joint needed a bit of filling and it was rather gappy and the front joint also needed some work Speaking of the front, the next task it to look at the dozer blade and its mechanism... I'm going to do this as a Gulf War 1 vehicle, probably Big Geordie as I found some great photos online at Prime Portal.
  10. Not strictly armour, but this is the 1/35 SAS Landrover from Accurate Armour. Made out of the box except for the 2 M4s, also from AA. It was the usual curates egg from AA, missing and broken pieces in the box and mis-leading instructions, but still making up into a lovely looking model. I couldn't get the engine to fit so I left it out which was a shame, also I struggled to fit the wings and radiator square, but that gets lost under so much baggage. Thanks for looking and all constructive criticism great fully received.
  11. This is going to be a build of two different variants of Cromwell, a IV with an F hull and a Vw with the welded hull and extra armour. I like to build vehicles based on actual vehicles from photographs so I’m going to be basing my builds on these pictures: an F hull Cromwell IV of welsh guards, GAD knocked out in Germany. I bought the kit and most accessories as one of the first kits when I got back into modelling but has sat in the stash until I’d got my skills up. I really like all the extra ammo can storage on it but it’s only recently I’ve realised it’s an F hull as my knowledge of Cromwells has increased. I believe it’s a 75mm rather than a 95 based on its markings. the second welded hull Vw will be based on one of 4CLY sharpshooters knocked out at Villers Bocage, based on these photos and a couple more in Dan Taylor’s through the Lens book on VB. The kits and aftermarket that will be going into these builds: I recently bought off eBay one of these Cromwells that came with all the AA upgrades for both the F hull and welded hull for a very decent price. Now some of the AA parts are incorrect such as the F hull engine deck and the front plate for the up armoured hull so I’ll either be correcting those or making my own parts. I’ll be using @Bullbaskets welded hull Cromwell build log plus various photos I’ve collected and a good walk around video on YouTube for the corrections for the welded hull variant. The build has started with the rear hull. Appropriate Rivets have been removed from the welded hull along with the towing shackle mounting plates as these were welded directly onto the hull. I’ve also removed the first aid box from the rear with a razor saw that will be saved for reattaching later. The upper part will have a section of styrene attached over with weld beads added. Welded hull at the bottom with comparison to the riveted hull to show which rivets and plates have been removed. Pin marks have been filled since taking photos.
  12. Whilst working for ABRO/DSG in December 2007 I was asked if I would like to go to the British Army Training Unit at Suffield, Alberta, Canada for three months winter repair season. I left the UK on 2nd January 2008 on a 24 hour trip to Medicine Hat the nearest town to Suffield with an airport. We were put up in the Medicine Hat Lodge hotel as there was insufficiant housing on the camp and we travelled dailly, the journey taking about 3/4 of an hour each way. Towards the end of the three month deployment I was asked to stay on in Canada as part of the year round support to the BATUS training fleet which lead to me staying in Canada until October 2010. Anyway what has all this waffle got to do with modelling, well just before Christmas 2019 my daughter and son in law presented me with this saying I could make something to remind me of my time in Canada Well I worked on heavy A vehicles second line serviceing/repair and Challenger 1 tanks were not in UK service at this time, I very diplomatically said this to my daughter and son in law and was promptly told to open the box............................ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH Accurate Armours combi kit of the CRARRV that changed to out look to the build somewhat! This then was the original CRARRV replica so to update to the 2009/10 spec Challenger 2 track and sprocket carriers and later type road wheels were added to the mix, I also obtained a copy of the Tankograd BATUS by Carl Schulze which has pictures of a great deal of the BATUS fleet types during exercises on the training area, this book covers the 2007 year exercises when the vehicles were in green/sand colours as apposed to the single colour sand of the period that I was there. I will start this project in the near future but as @Dads203 asked what was next this is a sneak preview Thanks for stopping by Roger
  13. I've just built the Tamiya Challenger (and what a lovely kit it is to build!). OOB it has the usual plastic/rubber tracks so I decided to use some accurate Armour resin tracks (the same configuration as the Chieftain). Not knowing any better, I just snapped the track off from the sprues, thinking there was going to be a natural break at the edge. Unfortunately, NO THERE ISN'T - so I now have all of joined tracks with the ends missing (the "metal" part of the track). GUTTED! I've tried supergluing the two pieces together, but there is so little to push against it just won't stick. Moral of this story? Remove AA tracks from their sprues using the correct tool. (I don't think nippers will do as it will either compress the ends of the tracks if used one way; or cut too far away from the sprue if used the other). I COULD still use them if the damaged sides were placed towards the inside and heavily weathered - but... Hey ho! Happy New Year everyone!
  14. This is Accurate Armour's CVR (T) Samaritan. The figures are AA too. There are no decals in the kit and my masking skills are not that good so I sourced some red crosses that were about the right size from elsewhere. I had a tough time with the tracks; the ones supplied come in short strips and have to be heated to bend around the sprockets which I didn't fancy, so I bought a set from AFV which didn't fit without a lot of cutting and fettling and don't really ride right to me eye. Anyhow, on with the pics:
  15. This is the 1/35 Accurate Armour SAS Longline strike atv, released last year. Possibly the hardest build I’ve ever had, nearly all done under magnification. For an expensive kit I was disappointed with the instructions with parts numbered in error, poor assembly sequence and just unclear in some parts. Maybe because it has been digitally designed the fit has to be super accurate as I found it very difficult to sit everything square, and the suspension just wouldn’t extend far enough for the vehicle to sit at the right height. However the seats are a thing if beauty, as is the .50 cal, and I’m going to load it up with equipment to explain the fact that the mudguards are sitting right on the wheels. Anyone know where to source a Javelin in transport mode? Anyhow, on with the pics.
  16. The next project starting. This one is a bit of light hearted fun, not so many parts as the Chieftain so hopefully a bit quicker. Dan
  17. To go with my David Brown tractor I was looking at a Fordson type N tractor, which from photos seem almost to have been more common. Virtually every photo or video clip I've seen shows the tractors with rear mudguards. The Accurate Armour website shows their finished model to have no rear mudguards, does anyone know if they are included and simply haven't been fittest? Also Matador list one without any photograph of the actual product, again does anyone know if it comes with mudguards? Any opinions from anyone who has seen/built got one in their stash?
  18. Hello folks, I was looking for something to work on whilst the paint and filler dries on my P-47 build and thought it was about high time I tackled an Armour build. I was contemplating the stash and it was a toss up between the AFV Club FV101 or the Accurate Armour Stolly with UBRE load. Well after spending some time looking in the boxes I chose the Stolly, and also because at Croft Circuit Nostalgia day this year I managed to take a load of photo's of the a real one, and managed to blag a 'sit in the drivers seat' when it was parked up! I thought if Internet Explorer is brave enough to ask me if I want it to be my default browser then I'm brave enough to attempt my first resin kit! Anyway here is the box and its contents... First the box and what it should look like after I've finished super gluing bits of it to my fingers and dipped it in green paint. Apologies for the poor pictures, I was using my phone camera, and my idea to photograph green resin bits on a green background wasn't my brightest one of the day (I'd say i'm definitely a penny chew short of a lucky bag!) After removing the polystyrene quavers this is what you get in said box... The resin parts for the Stolly unbagged... That's a lot of parts for what appears to be a simple vehicle with no engine or transmission detail on view! And the etched parts etc... I've only shown the Stolly parts here, I'll save the UBRE parts for later in the thread when i get around to building that part. I'll post more as I start to put it together. Wish me luck I'm going in! Al
  19. The next project. Tamiya old but good Chieftain, not the most accurate kit on the market but with the help of a few companies I should be able to pull off a good replica of a MK11 Stillbrew. Onto the build pictures, early stages, loads of cleaning up on the parts, filling the motorisation slots. I've also damaged the rubber road wheels with a blade and Dremel. Next up is to finish the return rollers and fill the gaps on the underside of the sponson's with Milliput and plastic card. Regards Dan
  20. I feel a big diorama coming on These turned up today with the blessing of Mrs D After the Spartan though, need something a little simple to build next. Dan
  21. Calling this done..........Fought me every minute of everyday, but finally, I have had enough!!!! I decided to make it different, so, its a Gulf War Bridgelayer and not a bronze green. Many delicate resin parts recast in white metal and to make it different I decided to add the Tamiya Pearson Mine Plough.(Rivet counters keep quiet about it not being a British plough) This plough has 1 more blade fitted than the British, but, it looked right, so went ahead with it. It is fitted with Fruil metal tracks and has replacement light lenses from our friend "Little-Cars". It was initially sprayed in places Bronze Green then hair sprayed, then overall sprayed in Desert Color scheme, then picked at for hours with a tooth pick and cotton bud to reflect the state of a weathered Bridgelayer. The call signs and reg numbers are authentic as I worked from photos of the Gulf War Bridgelayers. [/url]">http://
  22. Having found out how to upload pictures, I can now display a couple of my builds. Today we have the Accurate Armour Foden 6x6 Recovery Vehicle. As usual with these resin builds, lots of bits break easy, so much time spent scrap building replacements...the hand rail on the body sides was flimsy and just etched brass, so this was replaced with square tube, string for the lifting howser and front winch cable was replaced with wire sold in packs for hanging pictures on. Operating levers for jib all replaced, as was the etch brass window bar protectors by correct diameter brass rod.........bunk in the back has cotton sheets and featherlite pillars as well as 3D TV in the corner which actually receives sky TV......shame you cannot see them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I enjoy building these kits but I do hate painting them......my enjoyment is in the build, the hard work is the painting. I used Xtracrylix XA1814 British Deep Bronze Green, a lot!!!! .....as this was the colour these vehicles were initially issued to the units with. I enjoy applying the decals as you can slowly see the vehicle coming to life.......the fun with this one was there are no decals for this kit so it was lots of research and sourcing decals from other kits, used or unused. I also built the Firing Line AFV432 Engine pack to go with this as I plan a diaroma of the Foden lifting the pack from a 432.......I scratch built the lifting frame and currently I am chopping an Accurate Armour 432 to pieces just to make sure the pack will go in and out............but, sods law, I have cut away engine access bay and the engine is just 2 mil to big, so, thinking cap on at the moment. Hope you enjoy. [/url]">http://
  23. Here we have an Accurate Armour Mark 3 Tank Transporter with Sankey 60 Ton Trailer designed for carrying Chieftain and Conqueror Tanks. In this case the Cromwell Models Conqueror. As one of the original members of 3 Tank Transporter Sqdn....23 Tank Transporter Sqdn disbanded shortly after to become 3 Tank Transporter Sqdn and this is the equipment we used in the 70s at Antwerp Barracks in Sennelager BAOR. Both kits, well, 3 actually counting the trailer, fought me all the way with brittle parts breaking and replacements having to be hand made. I have made the antar with options for ballast or 5th wheel, crew canopy or, as often seen when not being used just the skeleton framework for the canopy/crew quarters behind the cab open to the elements. It still need some weathering on it although these vehicles, like tanks, only moved 6-8 months of the year so much time was kept keeping them clean, spotless and depending on the driver "bulled up" The rather long ramps on the Sankey Trailer can be displayed up or down with all chains detached or in situ
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