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  1. 1/72 Messerschmitt Bf 109 line as part of the Eduard 1/72 revolution Bf 109F-2/F-4/G-2/G-4 versions confirmed - in 3D construction source: http://ipmsnymburk.com/forum/viewtema.php?ID_tema=11559 post 26531) 26.06.2015-13:08 S.199 is confirmed as a future release for later time with the 1/72 MiG-21 line
  2. Hallo This model is my second one with this kit. Since I learned on my first model, it is a much faster build as the first one. I started at the 8th of August and the pictures you see are from the 9th of August evening. I choose the vision improved Erla hood, the Mk 108 gun (U4) and trop tank (R3) and gun pods R6. What did I learn from the first kit: The instruction from Eduard concerning Brasin cockpit & engine are full of flaws. Starting with the cut out, and ends on installation. The cockpit tube by itself would be too deep inside, in my first model you see it. The front bulkhead of the cockpit simple you cannot install. Since the length of the sidewall is equal to the floor. The floor has a cut out for the bulkhead, therefore you cannot install it. In my first kit I trimmed the sidewall and got so in quite a trouble. In my case finally I checked it with the bulkhead from the engine set. I found out it is much better to leave the bulkhead out. The engine installation here I used the canon tunnel for a 0,8mm brass wire to support the engine mount due to filigree engine bearer. At the engine: Each single part you have to install, does not fit. Even the diameter from etched parts. All sockets from auxiliary units you have to sand or rasp down until it fits. This is boring and with the risk to break some details. So after all this, you may see the result. Happy modelling My first kit: And now the results from my second kit:
  3. Shadowing the Eduard Bf 109 F on the construction table was this Tamiya 109 G-14. This bird was surrendered at Neubiberg on May 8, 1945. It was apparently originally with JG 53 but taken over by JG 52 as evidenced by the painted over "Pik As" (Ace of Spades) emblem on the nose. The Tamiya kit holds pride of place for the G-6 variant in 1/72, at least for the moment. We will have to see what Eduard does with their effort in a few months. This is another of the Neubiberg 109s on my sheet. There was a variety of variants represented there, including G-14s, G-10s (including the Erla version) and K-4s in both German and Hungarian markings. I didn't take many photos during construction so these will have to suffice. Actually this is a minor conversion with the tall tail and additional small compressor bump on the starboard side. These were taken from an AZ 109 G-14 kit. Also added was the quad bomb rack from an ICM E-7 kit. I made two strips that were placed between the bombs for .005" card. The Erla Haube is a Rob Taurus vac item. This was a very enjoyable build, largely thanks to the excellent Tamiya kit. FC062D8B-2564-4FE3-841B-DAD0A26CD112_1_201_a by Barry Numerick, on Flickr IMG_9530 by Barry Numerick, on Flickr IMG_9630 by Barry Numerick, on Flickr IMG_9555 by Barry Numerick, on Flickr IMG_9552 by Barry Numerick, on Flickr IMG_9561 by Barry Numerick, on Flickr IMG_9563 by Barry Numerick, on Flickr IMG_9570 by Barry Numerick, on Flickr IMG_9608 by Barry Numerick, on Flickr IMG_9606 by Barry Numerick, on Flickr IMG_9634 by Barry Numerick, on Flickr IMG_9662 by Barry Numerick, on Flickr IMG_9660 by Barry Numerick, on Flickr IMG_9664 by Barry Numerick, on Flickr
  4. Hallo This is now a special build. Scale approx. 1/43 as Eduard made some years ago a special kit, some say a flaw. A kit full of flaws, I was told. I think it is worth to build.....? Anyway I bought full of joy some 4 overtree kits. With Brasin sets too. I thought to throw them away. Brasin Engine, cockpit, weapons,gear.... But this would be a waste of money. Now I will build them all 4 kits. I start with a G-6. The painting will be with some Montex masks I have already here. Not sure yet, which one. To make things really heavy, with Brasin cockpit and engine. Weapons also with Brasin set. Maybe rocket launcher underwing. As I said, all of them is home. I will do my best, to learn how to install properly the Brasin sets. I started yesterday. Today after some hiking I did also some hours working on this matter. See what it is! Happy modelling
  5. Hallo This is my third Wingsy kit in 1/48. And this is also my third Messerschmitt Bf-109 Emil E-1. Why not another version yet? The other versions from the Emil are slightly over present. So, the Emil-1 was in use in Spain onward to Poland, France and Britain. So this is the third now. The first in this batch from France. Again I used masks from Montex, Quintas cockpit. I prefer Quintas, as etched parts. Quintas has also for this version correctly two versions of dashboard. The RLM02 and the RLM66. So you may choose for a factory fresh or repair aircraft. Well, the splinter camo took was far out not as difficult as the early splinter from Poland. The next batch of Emils are Eduard Emils. Don't be afraid of my dog in the background! Have a look and enjoy! Happy modelling
  6. Hallo This is my second Wingsy kit in 1/48. And this is also my second Messerschmitt 109 E-1. Why not another version yet? The other versions from the Emil are slightly over present. So, the Emil-1 was in use in Spain onward to Poland, France and Britain. So this is the second now. Again I used masks from Montex, Quintas cockpit and here Kelik cockpit too. In contrast to Quintas the seat belts from Kelik broke quite easy! I prefer from this experience Quintas much more. Quintas has also for this version correctly two versions of dashboard. The RLM02 and the RLM66. So you may choose for a factory fresh or repair aircraft. Well, the splinter camo took me some time to mask. Have a look and enjoy! Happy modelling
  7. Last one off the bench for me in 2020, Eduard's Bf109G-10 Erla in 48th scale JG27 "Black 7" Location unknown, June 1945 MDC cockpit sidewalls Quickboost seat pan Yahu instrument panel Brassin exhaust BarracudaCast main wheels BarracudaCast tail wheel Scratch details Montex paint masks AK Real Colors paints
  8. What is it, masochism, stupidity, senility?? After all of the complaining I did about the AMG Bf 109 A build of a few months ago one might think I would never touch another AMG 109 again. Well, the farther that model progressed the more I grew to like the kit. Sure, it had its fair share of fit problems and really, really stupid engineering, but the final product looked the part and it is by far the best Jumo powered 109 available. This time, I decided to go beyond "out of the box", but there actually isn't very much needed. The kit includes a Nice photo-etch fret with seat belts, landing gear covers and cockpit details; but more of that later. Initially I wanted to add the very nice Aires cockpit as seen in this photo, but the more I looked at it the less I decided it was needed. The molded-on map case must be removed from the left side of the cockpit and reconstructed on the right. This was done by folding some .005" plastic card using a photo-etch bending tool. This is much easier than making it from sheet brass; it can be cut with a razor blade and obviously glued with regular glue. The main addition to the cockpit is a Yahu instrument panel. These things are little works of art and really can't be appreciated without magnification. This one was intended for a 109 E, but given the fact that the cockpit is pretty much invisible in this scale, I'll try to get away with it. [/url] The rest of the cockpit need only some scrap plastic and detail painting. Instead of using the kit's photo-etched seat belts, I opted for the new steel pre-painted belts from Eduard. These things are magnificent. I can remember threading painted paper through individual etched buckles. In 1/72nd this was a challenge. These new belts are very thin, incorporate buckles, and can bet realistically draped.I added some burnt umber oil wash and was done. Here is the cockpit just before closing up the fuselage. Curiously, this time I had no trouble with the cockpit being too wide. The fuselage halves mated up perfectly. There is one trick to attaching the wings. As you can see in the photo, there is a "tab and slot" affair at the trailing edge. This is intended purely to frustrate the dickens out of the builder. There is absolutely no reason to complicate the assembly intros manner. I cut off the tab and a section of the wing root as seen here. This piece contains both the lower and upper wing root areas. The wing now fits (kind of) and after cleaning up, the small piece fits nicely once the wing has been attached to the fuselage. Attaching the cowling panels hasn't gotten any easier, but at least I now know what to expect. First, position the lower wing on the fuselage. This contains the lower cowl and forms a base for the next step, attaching the exhaust panels. Once these have set up, the cowl panels directly above them are taped in place and progressively glued. As you can see in these photos, most of the airframe has been riveted using various Rosie the Riveters. Another change this time was the the process of glueing the photo-etch radiator grill to its plastic base. To make life (much) easier, I sanded the base totally flat, positioned the grill, then flooded it with Tamiya Extra Thin Cement. I wondered whether it would still separate during sanding and shaping, but the Tamiya glue effectively welded it in place. There was still plenty of definition for dry-brushing to highlight the grill. There was a bit of sanding required, but by thinking the plastic part, this was easier than the last time. Further progressing along, here the nose has been filled and primed: ...then rescribed and riveted: Another change from the last model was the use of a vac canopy. After quite a bit of trial and error, the Squadron (Falcon) canopy proved to be the best fit. I returned to a familiar method of making brake lines, True Details .007" coated wire. In the past I have used sections of stretched plastic Q-tip tubes for guides, but .3mm Albion Alloys brass tubing works much better, and when glued in place, stays in place. Another piece requiring a minor adjustment is the spinner. The prop cutouts are just a bit too large, leaving a gap when the base plate is attached. A strip of .005" card was glued in place, then the joint was filled in with very thin superglue. Once sanded things fit very well. At this point everything is buttoned up and ready for paint. The white rudder and wingtips have been done...now the fun begins. This aircraft, 6 O 51, is one of about three very oddly painted early 109s used in the Spanish Civil War. Instead of the common RLM 65/63 or even 65/70/7, it had three upper surface colors. Initially I thought it was just a partial overpaint of RLM 63 over the delivery scheme of 70/71. But after the urging of a knowledgable friend, I studied the photos for some time. The contrast was just too great for the greens, so the natural conclusion was 61/62/63 on top and 65 underneath. There was something curious about the starboard stab though. The lighter color looked lighter than RLM 63 and the darker one was darker than RLM 61. So I lighted up the 63 with white and used RLM 70 for the other. So far so good. I went to my Gunge Sangyo (say it with me...God's Paint) stash and realized that I didn't have what I needed. A quick email to Libor Jekl, a reading of the Special Hobby SCW JU 87 A, and a review of a 109 F that I posted on Hyperscale years ago, gave me a close enough set of mixes. Also my non-red/green color blind wife confirmed the matches. Then came the issue of hard vs. soft edges. The photos three available photos of this plane are inconclusive. The best of them seems to show a fuzzy demarcation but then you realize that the whole photo is fuzzy. There is an excellent shot of a sister 109, 6 O 55, that clearly shows a hard edge camo. And since virtually every other plane with these colors has a hard demarcation, I went with that. Color RLM 63 applied and masked: Then 61/62 and the other two colors on the stab. Over the past few days I applied the decals, gloss coat, oil washes, another gloss coat and Gunze 182 flat. Whew; that was a mouthful. More soon.
  9. Hello everyone, At the risk of being a bit OTT on the WIP threads (this will be my third ongoing thread, though the other two are approaching their end, so it's not too bad), I wanted to share with you my first ever (I think) Bf109 build. I might have built one as a kid, but if I did, it made no impact on me. I haven't built many WW2 German subjects since coming back to the hobby, but I have a few in the stash. Actually, there's only one aircraft in my cabinet that bears any Luftwaffe markings, and that's the most recent completion (an Eduard Bf110E). This kit has jumped the stash-queue, as I only bought it on ebay this week. It's the Airfix 2010 boxing. From a first inspection, the detail is a little soft, but then I'm hardly the best modeller out there, so maybe we're a good match! Anyway, this boxing comes with decals for a 1942 Romanian airframe, which is a colourful, if busy, scheme, and I can't resist it. There's a little info on the pilot, Tiberiu Vinc, here: https://www.asisbiz.com/il2/Bf-109E/FARR/pages/Messerschmitt-Bf-109E7-FARR-7-Grupul-Esc56-Yellow-64-Vinca-Tiberiu-WNr-704-Stalingrad-1942-0A.html I think this'll be OOB only, Box art, scheme, and sprue shots: Thanks for looking in.
  10. Here is my recently completed AMG Bf 109 B. The complete build thread can be found here: After fighting the AMG Bf 109 A to a draw, I thought I wouldn't want to touch another one for quite some time. But the more I looked at the finished model the more I liked it. This time I didn't adhere to "out of the box" rules and added a few bits. However the AMG kit is so complete, not much was necessary. The cockpit only needed a little sprucing up with some stretched sprue, plastic card and some Eduard preprinted steel seat belts. I also added a Squadron Vac canopy, Barracudacast wheels and wire brake lines. Decals came from A Kagero monograph (Cartograph) and Print Scale. Paints, as always, are Gunze Sangyo aqueous. All in all, this is a very good kit, but not without fit problems. And here it is side by side with its older brother.
  11. Another bulk post here. A few fairly quick builds while I mentally prep for the Zvezda PE-2 - the part count of which is making me a little anxious. Looks amazing though... Anyway - here are my 3 last builds. As always - brushes and rattle cans on these. All 1/48. Thanks for looking - all criticism and notes welcome! Bruce 1ST : was Airfix's new tool Hurricane. I wanted to try something a little less standard, and had some decals for this left over from... I think a Hase Hurricane kit. This kit really throws itself together. Real joy to build. I had a nightmare with the yellow band on the nose - which I had to sand down twice and re-do, albeit because I was cack-handed and kept touching the thick layers of yellow spray paint too soon. Chipping on this was done after main paint with Vallejo aluminium paint on a thin brush. 2ND : Eduard's lovely Trop ME109. Off the bat - this was a joy - and I buggered it up at the last moment... Last thing to do was the canopy, which I masked off then confidently hit with a lovely coat of WHITE primer... So - forgive the horrible internal white on this. Was exceptionally annoying after all the work. Panels were primed both white and black before Tamiya's dark yellow went on - slightly breaking up the model. I also tried weathering with undiluted oil paint on this one - the desert colours lent themselves to it. So along major panel lines, and on the flaps for example I blurred in umber and white. Was quite happy with the result, but think it would be harder on a camo aircraft, or anything not yellow for that matter... Decals were lovely. Really liked the chipping on the decals. Lovely touch I thought.. unless of course you aren't trying to build this EXACT plane. 3RDLY : Hasegawa's Ki44 kit. This was actually the version including contra-rotating props. But I elected to go for a normal set. Was a very nice build. No fit issues at all... Markings were all painted on. With masking fluid sponged on before the red went down to emulate wear. The rest of the plane was painted in a combination of Tamiya bare metal silver and titanium. Then I sponged on some vallejo aluminium to try and replicate the patina I saw in some photos...
  12. Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-3, 6-123 of the 3.J/88 flown by Hans Schmoller-Haldy in Spain 1938. A wonderful kit, I decided to add it to a base and sourced a couple of figures from Hecker & Goros. I had a few problems with this one, all my own making the kit is superb. I tried to be clever on the bonnet and chose to only leave the front bit off which got me in a pickle and I forgot to add a couple of panels around the exhaust. I also had a bit of silvering which is creeping into my modelling all of a sudden! Oh and the aerial has pulled down a bit so I may re-do that at some point, rushed this one a little for a show. Eduard Dual Combo Legion Condor Extras: OOB Paints: MRP RLM 65, 63, 02, white & black. Gunze RLM 04, 70 Figures from Hecker & Goros Spanish Civil War pilots
  13. Hi Despite search the net I can seem to find any reference to Rall's aircraft when he was Gruppenkommandeur III./JG 52. fron the few b&W picts I think he was flying WNF which in theory (Can of WORMS) should mean that the G6 per factory would have still had a splintered sqaure shape on the right wing. Does anyone have any information or references Thanks
  14. This was finished a while ago, but I have only got round to photographing it this week; the WiP is here. The big change here is the Aires cockpit set, an amount of work but worth it. I am fairly happy with the finish but the decals proved to be not as opaque as I would like, so some colour demarcations do show through in places. If you think the pitot looks a bit odd, the real one has subsequently been found and substituted!
  15. 1/72 AZ 109's built out of box with a slight fattening of the nose and leading edge of wing. Still learning plenty through trial and error regarding clear coats and weathering (or lack of). Theses 2 builds were mostly complete about 9 months ago, but suffered a stall due to a loss of enthusiasm. They were finished very early this year, and I wanted to re-learn how to post pics for participation in the 109 group build. IAR Brasov assembled Bf 109Ga-2 "White A" was the personal mount of Capt Av Cantacuzino April-May 1944. Kit supplied decals, hair antennae (last time ever), PV glue navigation lights. Bf109G-6 Trop of 364a Squadriglia, 150 Gruppo, 53 Stormo of the Regia Aeronautica in Italy 1943. Piloted by Mario Bellagambi. Sky Decals, (thick) hair antennae, PV glue nav lights. Thanks for looking.
  16. Hi all Sirs, here my latest tiny beast. Absolute love for these new kits from Airfix. I still had no idea on how to proceed, this way I gave a (wrong) paintcoat to the interiors, and closed the fuselage. Then taking things a bit more calm, a bit of putty was thinned in water and spread in 1 to 3 coats into gaps, avoiding overdoing. This way only some cleaning of the excess with ethanol was enough for a neat surface on wing roots. The bomb support provided into the box,cut and resized, is welcome to build the "drop" for a camera equipped machine Cartridge ejectors pierced into the lower wing.
  17. HI everybody; here's my latest off the bench, Academy's 1/48 Messerschmitt BF 109 G6, in the markings of Erich Hartmann's Yellow 1. The kit is actually an Academy re-boxing of the original Hobbycraft; not much trouble building it, but it's oversimplified in terms of details. The idea was to do a quick build and practice painting the German mottling camouflage ... but couldn't resist and I added some scratch built items. The WIP thread is here, if anyone's interested in. Scratch built items: - Pitot tube (using a prescription needle mounted on the kit plastic shaft) - Navigation lights - Wheel wells struts and canvas covers - Main wheels break lines - Seatbelts (out oh lead foil coming from a wine bottle cap) - Fuel pipe inside the cockpit, plus various other interiors bit - Open canopy holding cable plus other minor things. Aerial was done using one of my eldest daughter hair. The crosses have been painted, doing my own mask; same goes for the ventral yellow band. The kit itself was painted using mostly Tamiya Acrylics, with an airbrush; detail painting by brush, using mainly Lifecolor. The Swastikas were not provided in the kit decals, so I used some from an Eduard FW190 kit; for this reason, they are the wrong kind and size, but since this was all an experiment, I figured I wanted to test how Eduard's decal would react (much better than Academy ones, by the way) Enjoy! Any comments welcome Some pics on an old base I had laying around Sorry for the mess up, I inadvertently posted while still writing Ciao
  18. Since I finished my brace of Spitfires I thought I'd have a go at an idea I've had kicking around for a while, combining a rag wing Hurricane and a Messerschmit bf109 with an old stand I had lying around. This was supposed to be done a while back to clear out time for a Battle of Britain build but when do we ever stick to any schedule we plan? Both kits are the new tools from Airfix, the 109 is the starter kit edition. Both are good builds, very easy and go together quickly, though how the top and bottom of the wings on the Hurricane have wound up different sizes is beyond me. This was done as a first experiment with weathering more than anything so the finish on both is a bit scrappier than I would normally aim for and I wasn't sure if I was going to put them up here but I'm generally pleased with the result so thought I may as well. Hurri first This was finished first and so is my first attempt at weathering. This was in no way because it represents a fighter operating away from home for some time so I could get away with being a little heavy handed. Also, the port red gun decal went missing mysteriously overnight after application so had to paint a red patch which is a bit scrappy. The 109 Again, not the best finish but not what I was aiming for with this one. And the finished article Had fun with these and looking forward to working on these skills in the future. Thanks for looking.
  19. Having built a few of the (newish) 1/72 Airfix 109E-4/7 kits I wanted to do an E-1. Rather than try and find a E-1 kit, or use an E-3, I decided I would have a go at modifying an Airfix E-4. This required a change of canopy to the earlier style, and removal of the 20mm cannon, as the E-1 had 7.92mm MG 17's in the wings. I had in my stash a couple of E-1 style vac canopies to suit Heller, Matchbox and Airfix 109, but I believe that this must be for the older tool kit, as the vac canopy was a bit narrow. I have an Avis 109D kit in the stash and it has 2 canopies in it (not sure why). So I used one of these as it fit okay and while not great, it was acceptable by my standards. I did a work in progress, but can't figure out how to link here. It was an enjoyable build,however next time I think I will use a Tamiya E-3. Built as Yellow 14 of 6 (J) TrGr 186 1939-40 using Print Scale decals. Painted with GUNZE aqueous RLM 70/71/65. This is the first time I have used these paints on the exterior of a model, and they spray beautifully.
  20. The sparse contents of the box Scratchbuilding a roof rack Most of the diorama built and primed More installments will follow
  21. Hello I would appreciate Your opinions concerning this can of worms..... Based on my references,I am being offered between two different camo schemes for this 109G-14; first is 82/83/76 and the other 74/75/76. Now what would be most obvious choice,the 82/83 sounds suspicious,it is the option given by decal sheet. The new AZ Model G-14 1/72 scale has the normal three grey option. My only resources are two b/w pics where this 109 has taller (wooden) rudder but with shorter tailwheel and Erla canopy. This is either 4.JG 3 or 10.JG 3 plane and Werkenummer is 462919 and its number is white 7 and vertical line (or cross bar). Any opinions would be highly welcome. TIA Teemu H
  22. I recently posted my Spitfire Vb. Here Is the 109F. Some Unhappy with the canopy and I'm hoping to attempt a different approach with my next build. I'm still not happy with the finish. I think that none of the mistakes right at the end where I am perhaps into much of a rush to finish the model. On this bold tried some new techniques on the undersurface. Despite having looked at a number of photographs I turned down the exhaust staining and the overall weathering for this build. I found myself in Hobby Craft with the wife and spotted some place in the bridal section. This makes for superb grill affects and 2 meetings cost a couple equipped. It will last forever. I bought a few different types. I used a small piece to cover the air filter and am pretty happy with the result. As always I am hap to receive comments, criticisms and pointers which I can apply in my next build. I await your feedback. This was my first attempt at painting a pilot
  23. Ok folks, here we go...I haven't been around my modelling bench much lately for one reason or another, so I thought I'd mark my return with a traditional Deanflyer bit of silliness... I think we all know about Matchbox two colour kits, don't we? How the good people at Matchbox thought that having two different colours of plastic negated the need for painting? Well, I'm not really into 1/72 scale, so I thought it'd be interesting to build a larger and more up to date kit, but do it as Mr Matchbox intended. At Cosford, I secured a second hand Tamiya 1/48 109E and two appropriate pots of paint. So here we go, a Tamiya kit painted like a Matchbox kit... Construction progressed speedily: A slightly tricky bit of masking was required due to the strange way that the wings attach on the Matchbox kit...completely different to the one piece lower wing of the Tamiya kit, so I had to paint it to represent this: Eventually it was all together, and coated with Klear: I then added the decals, being careful to use only those that were included in the Matchbox kit - so, no stencils or swastikas. I was going to overcoat the decals with Klear afterwards, but I decided to leave them as that'd be closer to what Matchbox envisaged. So here we are, a 1/48 scale model painted to represent a 1/72 scale model: So what do you reckon? Daft enough...? Cheers, Dean
  24. Here is my latest completed model. Inspired by Deanflyer's impressive Tamiya/Matchbox Bf109, I blew off the dust from an old Hasegawa 109E box and got cracking. I'd always wanted to build this particular plane - I have the original boxing of this still in the stash, and I've wanted to build this for at least 15 years and never got to it. Carpe Weekium, and it is complete. The old Hasegawa decals were not only cream (as usual) but refused to stick or respond to MicroSet/Sol. So, I used a combination of Eduard stencils and national markings, and some markings from Sky decals. I kept this very simple, adding only the aforementioned decals, an Ultracast resin 109E seat and some judicious use of wire to add some details. I simply drilled out the gun barrels rather than adding Master Brass barrrels. I used a combination of WEM RLM enamels and Humbrol enamels for the paint. The WEM enamels are great, so much better than the Xtracolour enamels (for me anyway). Oblt Otto Bertram was appointed Staffelkapitan of 1./JG2 on 26 October 1939. He claimed his first aerial victory of WWII on 20 April 1940, downing a Morane 406 over St Avold. He went on to claim four victories in the Battle of France and in total claimed 22 aerial victories during the war. On 28 October 1940 as a Hauptmann in charge of III./JG 2 Otto Bertram was awarded the Knight's Cross of The Iron Cross. He was also sent back from active duty as both his brothers had been killed (both were in the Luftwaffe). He never saw combat again, fulfilling mostly administrative and training roles in the Luftwaffe. Otto Bertram finished the war as a Major and passed away on 8 February 1987 in Freiburg im Breisgau, aged 80. The boxing I used, which contains generic 109E-3/4 sprues. 'Bonzo the Dog' was a cartoon by Briton George Studdy, and pictures graced both German and British planes in the war. That awesome silhouette... I added the canopy retaining wire. Classic early war 'splinter' of RLM 71 Dunkelgrun and RLM 02 Grau. This plane the walkways on the wing in RLM 70 Shwarzgrun. The wing crosses are also quite far out compared to later markings.
  25. Something I've just completed. These new mould Airfix kits are great value and build into nice looking models with little effort Shane
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