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  1. Resistance is futile! I've got the classic symptoms of the build 'em all virus! Seeing how many locomotives are in build, I was thinking we needed to add some wagons. Was thinking of a box van but the lure of a childhood favourite was too much, so here comes the Cattle Wagon. Apparently a first issue from 1961, and if I can trust Scalemates not a Rosebud Kitmaster acquirement but an Airfix original. This though is the Dapol repop with some modern enhancements. So let's open the bag... From the KingKit website, here's the original box Instructions, in a modern style (as are the decals) The parts, as per the original. Wonderfully overscale, but the boyhood joy of opening doors (analyse that Dr Freud). The original Airfix couplings are top right though not the quaint elastic band that used to be included to act was a tensioner (tough it is shown in the instruction). Now, to the modern parts... Real wheels! I seem to think the original Airfix ones were plastic join in the middle split axle. Also included are useful couplings Alas no ballast, some thought on how to make a flat one for the floor (which is visible when the doors are open. Completely the wrong scale for me, but an unsuspecting friend will be getting a present. Expect I'll starting far sooner than I should!
  2. I'll put this here as a place holder as I probably won't start it for a week or so. Late 70s boxing I guess, with RC's finest on the front. The mouldings look pretty nice and crisp through the bag, I'll inhale some genuine 1970s air when I crack it open 😁
  3. What to do with a spare braille scale T34? ... It didn't end up being used as envisaged in a small diorama, on the basis its 1/76 and wouldn't go with anything else much, plus it's a bit of a rubbish kit anyway in all honesty, Fujimi of, I guess, 70s origin .. I could've just binned it or given it to a neighbours grandson (do kids still make "airfix kits" these days?) but not liking to waste stuff thought I'd at least do something with it. One requirement.. I'm not using the tracks, at all, they are the worst kind of shonky elastic band rubbish and I can't see any way you could decently use 'em!.. The obvious scenario would be an ancient rusty battlefield wreck or similar... then I thought of using it for a small diorama in a Soviet tank factory, a part built tank, might be interesting...
  4. This was last weekend’s build. A nice bit of kit considering it’s a much older Mathbox rehash. Sufficient detail to make it fun to add some weathering and wear to it. Think I need to try armour in a bigger scale though to add a bit more detail.
  5. Airfix Zoo Animals, unknown figures, base from various Wills, Woodland Scenics, Javis, and natural detritus.
  6. Airfix 1/76 Zoo Animals Set 1 (01724) Airfix 1/76 Zoo Animals Set 2 (01725)
  7. The Long Range Desert Group was formed in Egypt in June 1940 by Major Ralph Alger Bagnold, specifically to carry out deep penetration, covert reconnaissance patrols and intelligence missions behind Italian lines. During the Desert Campaign, between December 1940 and April 1943, the vehicles of the LRDG operated constantly behind enemy lines for all but 15 days. Nicknamed the "Libyan Desert Taxi Service", they were often used to help guide other units, such as the SAS, across the sandy terrain, due to their expertise at desert navigation. Their most vital role however was the "Road Watch", where they clandestinely monitored traffic on the road between Tripoli and Benghazi. With the end of the Desert Campaign, they continued operating in the Greek Islands, Italy and the Balkans. A request to transfer to the Far East after VE Day was declined and the unit was disbanded in August 1945. The unit used a variety of vehicles, modified for their use, but the two most well known are the Willys Jeep and the Chevrolet 30cwt truck, both stripped of all non essential parts, such as doors, windscreens and roofs, and festooned with machine guns, sand channels and other equipment vital for operating for long periods in a harsh environment way behind enemy lines. So, here is the kit. I would have preferred the original Matchbox boxing, if only for the box art, but prices have generally been more than I have been prepared to pay. Found out after it had been delivered that the kit had been started, though its thankfully well under 25%. Plenty of parts still to go, including the all important diorama base! Instructions (I have downloaded the original Matchbox ones too off Scalemates, mainly for the Humbrol paint numbers). One benefit of the Revell boxing is the much newer decals. None for the Jeep, but thinking of the T Patrol markings for the Chevy. Looking forward to getting started, but not sure when this will be, as I currently have a build underway in the Classic Italian GB, plus I really ought to have a bit of a tidy up of the creation station before embarking on another build!
  8. In a way, I'm glad I discounted this kit in my youth, though it goes together well patience is needed to get all the hull parts to meet neatly. I'm really pleased with the base I used Citadel texture paint to create cracked mud at the bottom of the crator. As always the figure is a delight to paint. OOB apart from the wing mirror arms which were replaced with finer wire. Shading and weathering were done with enamels, oils and acrylics as required (and probably the same brush!). I've done this as a Middle East vehicle that has a fresh Light Mud (Stamer mix) scheme applied for the Italian invasion so I've kept the wear light. I've used a mix of the kit markings for want of anything better as contemporary photos seem hard to come by on the internet - those who know can roll their eyes and grumble to themselves
  9. 3-D printed, painted in Vallejo, Revell, and Humbrol acrylics. Decals from the Airfix Refuelling Set.
  10. Whilst going through my stash for another GB I came across another few that are eligible for this one, though I will only be building one. Back in I think 1961 Airfix released their first Tank kit - the Sherman. I remember being on holiday visiting relatives in Scotland, and walking into Woolworths in Alloa and seeing it, so that was the first of a string of Airfix military vehicles I built. Generally they went for the better known ones - Sherman, Tiger, Panther, Panzer IV, Stug III, T34 and so on, so there were plenty of gaps, and I was therefore pleased when one day in the early 1970's I saw a batch of Fujimi tanks in my LMS which filled some of them. Over a few years they built up quite a range, together with diorama sets, 88mm AT gun and so on and with the smaller kits they included extras such as motor bikes, Kubelwagen/Schwimmwagen/Jeep etc. Below is a copy of the relevant pages in there 1976 catalogue. By that stage they had released everything shown up to the Panzer Jager I and seemed about to release a Japanese Ha Go, and on another page they had another half dozen " future releases" shown in silhouette which comprised a Befehlswagen I, Gigant, Panzer II, Marder II, SiG 33 and Wespe, but for some reason none of those 7 were ever released and they went into a sort of hiatus. Then, about 10 years later more kits began to appear though mostly the more "commercial" ones such as Panzer II, II, IV, V(Panther) and Panzer VI(Tiger). and subsequently they have released a few more including some post war Japanese Defence Force ones and an IS-2. According to Scalemates, most if not all of the second batch were formerly Nitto kits if I am reading it correctly. I have built all of the first batch, some more than once, and also a few of the second batch. In my stash I still have a few of the first batch, mostly Valentines, which I bought many years ago with a view to converting them into early British A9 and A10 Cruiser tanks, but then I discovered the Millicast range of resin models which already had those, so the Fujimi ones never got built. If anybody fancies building one please send me a PM. The original Fujimi King Tiger (WA1) was of the late production version with the so called " Porsche" turret, but the one I intend to build now is an early one with the so called "Henschel turret" - in fact both turrets were designed by Krupp but more on that another time. It was first released sometime in the 1980's so I guess it qualifies. This is my build of the original Fujimi "King Tiger" with the "Porsche" Turret. It will be interesting to see what differences there are between that original Fujimi moulding and this later presumably ex Nitto one. Pete
  11. When I first became aware of this proposed GB I was I believe getting ready to start the Armoured Cars one and for some reason decided I would just enter the 4 APC/ICV in my stash. Whilst looking for something else today, I stumbled across something a bit more basic in the form of "transports"- I bought this when it first came out in around 2010 and got as far as painting the tilts in a sandy brown colour, then put it away and completely forgot about it. The two are I assume eligible for this GB, but perhaps Robert @Robert Stuart can let me know whether he is ok with a joint build or would prefer them separate? Pete
  12. The road to Tobruk One new build and one restoration of a previously built model.
  13. Here's my latest completion of this Vintage Classic. I chose to make some small alterations/additions like opening the side door, glazing the windows and having the front windows open, scratching wing mirrors, plus a few small additions to the 25pdr. I was pleasantly surprised with how it went together - I was rather expecting a struggle, but it all went smoothly. Anyway, some pictures.
  14. I though I would start off with what should hopefully be a fairly simple build. Back in the 1990's a company called JB Models released a range of small kits of British Army vehicles - Light Tank Mk VI, Bedford lorries, Land Rovers etc. They also included the Alvis FV 601 Saladin 6x6 armoured car and the Saracen APC which shared the same chassis etc. Airfix seem to have taken over the moulds and this was reboxed and released in I think 2005. I built their Saladin last year. During WWII the Brits mainly used relatively small 4 wheeled armoured cars such as the Humber and Daimler though the AEC one was rather bigger as was the T17 Staghound from the US and they also looked at the very big T18 8 wheeled Boarhound though decided not to use it. The US made a lot of use of the 6 wheeled M-8 Greyhound and the Germans quickly went from 6 wheel to 8 wheel "heavy" armoured cars which must have made an impression because after the war ended the War Office decided that they needed something bigger than the Daimler and with 6 wheels to improve the cross country performance of what would inevitably be a heavier vehicle. This led to the Alvis FV 601 Saladin, and it was decided to use the same basic running gear for a family of vehicles which eventually included the FV 604/610 Armoured Command Post, FV 603 Armoured Personnel Carrier, the FV651/652 Salamander Fire Engine, the FV 620 Stalwart amphibious load carrier, together with various other versions including an ambulance and a REME fitter's transport. Initially it had been thought that the Saladin would take priority but the outbreak of Guerrilla warfare in Malaya and other places at the end of the 1940's caused an urgent demand for the Saracen, and so the Mk 1 entered service in February 1953, around 5 years before the Saladin as Alvis could not cope with production of both in parallel and their attempt at subcontracting to Crossley failed when that company was taken over and the factory closed, or so it seems. More later. Pete
  15. Three of the Airfix resin buildings - European Ruined Workshop, European Ruined Cafe and Polish Bank. Built as a scenic backdrop against which I can photograph vehicles and figures. It's sort of finished, there may be additions to the buildings as I rediscover bits and bobs, but the concept is laid out. Expect to see this behind many AFVs and men.
  16. I was surprised when I opened the box to discover a Kubelwagen and BMW motorcycle with sidecar. ]
  17. Hi all. While I'm flitting about with builds in another GB, I thought I'd start this as a 'slow burn' until the others are complete. I have a number of subjects that could fit into this GB, so I thought I'd start off with this Guy Armoured Car Mk. 1/1A by Milicast in their 1/76 scale. The obligatory stuff: The box. The resin parts...with breakages . The instructions. According to the above, the only difference between the Mk. 1 and the 1A is the weapons. Clean up time I guess. Stuart
  18. Here is my rendition of my recently completed Guy Mk.1 Armoured Car as part of the Armoured Car & Halftrack GB here: The kit used was the Milicast 1/76 resin kit and although it had some nice detail, it also had a little damage, particularly the smaller parts. Thanks for looking.
  19. So, after a couple of easy builds I will start on a few more complicated ones. About 10 years ago I got as far as priming it and joining up the hull and axles, but to comply with the 25% rule I have dismantled the latter so it is now back to as in the box other than the primer. I started building small scale kits after I bought the Airfix Sherman in Woolworths in Alloa just after it came out - I thought it was 1960 but Scalemates say 1961. I worked through their following issues - Panther, Tiger, Crusader etc but in the early 1970's Fujimi started releasing their 1/76 range which filled a lot of gaps. I bought 2 Sd Kfz 222 kits. As you can see I did one in the old and rather orange Humbrol Authentic Afrika Korps sand and one in late war colours. They are very nice kits to my mind, the only weakness being the "solid" wire mesh grenade screen on the top of the turret. I suppose it would be possible to replace it with some etched mesh but I can't be bothered. I did the same with a couple of Sd Kfz 251 kits and so a while back I picked up a third of each with a view to a Panzer Grey finish, and that is what I will be doing here. Cheers Pete
  20. Back in around 1992 a company called JB Models started releasing a range of simple but rather useful kits including the Vickers Mk VI light tank, FV601 Saladin, FV 603 Saracen APC, a couple of versions of the US M113 APC, various Land Rovers and Bedford lorries. Their last kit seems to have been the 105mm Light Gun in around 2003, and then Airfix seem to have acquired the moulds. In fact they seem to have had a relationship with Airfix quite early on as they actually released a reboxing of the Airfix Scorpion/Scimitar in around 1993 according to Scalemates. I built a couple of their Light Mk VI not long after they were released, and an Airfix boxing of the M113 ACV a couple of years ago, and now I am going to have a shot at the Airfix ex JB Saladin. Originally armoured cars were intended as scouting vehicles with light armour and limited offensive capability though some users preferred small tracked vehicles which were better for cross country work, but slower and somewhat noisier which could make sneaking up on the enemy a bit difficult. Inevitably both types were "misused" against enemy tanks and strongpoints and so the armament started to become heavier, and after the end of WWII the UK started thinking about something bigger and better armed than the Humber, Daimler and US Staghounds that saw wartime service. Thus was eventually born the Saracen, somewhat delayed by priority being given to the FV 603 Saracen APC based on the same chassis, but more on that later. The Ferret was developed at about the same time as a replacement light armoured car to replace the old Daimler "Dingo". Pete
  21. I’ve not done much modelling of late, having been distracted for several years by toy trains, then moving house, a new role at work and loads of other excuses. As part of the house move, I got rid of a lot of the stash, since it became painfully evident that even if I could retire tomorrow, I would never build it all, and that I was, in fact, a collector of boxes and part-built kits, rather than a modeller. Alongside that, I’ve had a growing interest in wargaming - painting up and playing solo Five Parsecs games. What’s all that got to do with anything, well I’ve also had a long-term interest in “cold war gone hot” type scenarios, based on the crises which happened in my youth. I’ve decided to combine my interests (apart from the toy trains!) and build/play some form of solo RPG/wargames campaign set in a fictional engagement across the inner German border in the 1980s. To that end, I’ve started acquiring, building, and fussing about with various 20mm/1:76/1:72 scale miniatures, models and so on. (Note that, in common with all 06/24 builds, none of these are finished yet!) This thread is just to track these – it’d fall foul of some rule somewhere, since I model flying things and ground pounding things with equal ineptitude, and without firm distinctions. So I've stuck it in here (which will still be wrong!) Also, some of these are diecasts (albeit I usually take them apart and tweak them.) So, sit back, put Major Tom or 99 Red Balloons on the Walkman, and take trip back to the 1980s that never were with me… by Jon Gwinnett, on Flickr Untitled by Jon Gwinnett, on Flickr Untitled by Jon Gwinnett, on Flickr Untitled by Jon Gwinnett, on Flickr Harrier GR.3 wip by Jon Gwinnett, on Flickr After by Jon Gwinnett, on Flickr Bedford MK/MJ by Jon Gwinnett, on Flickr Bedford MK/MJ by Jon Gwinnett, on Flickr 1:72 scale Zil-157 models by Omega K/ICM by Jon Gwinnett, on Flickr 1:72 scale Zil-157 models by Omega K/ICM by Jon Gwinnett, on Flickr 1:72 scale Zil-157 models by Omega K/ICM by Jon Gwinnett, on Flickr
  22. I just finished this as a five day quickie build, from parcel arriving at the door to RFI: I added glazing, headlight, wipers, mirrors and an early roof but it’s otherwise as Mr Airfix intended it to be. WIP is here, replete with lots of useful information on colours. And I’ve still got the Bedford to go! Thanks for looking, Adrian
  23. I just threw this old kit together strictly following the instructions. T34/76 T34/85
  24. Just found this incomplete old farm animals set I must have done 40 years ago for my railway. I should really re-paint them.
  25. Evening Folks, Thought i would squeeze another one in if i may? This is a Revell re-box of the Puma AFV complete with dio base. I haven't built this one before and have been impressed with the other armour kits that have been going on in the GB. Anyhoo, here are the photos of the box top and pile of bits - all in glorious monotone grey . Cheers, and "tanks" for looking - get it??? - "tanks" for looking!! No??? (i'll get my coat.....)
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