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Found 14 results

  1. Hello. I present my completed Airfix 1/24 FW190 F-2 for inspection. I started this kit back in October 2022 with great ambitions to super detail the engine and other areas. However a number of disasters (of my own making) occurred along the way which, together with an awareness of my limited skills, resulted in a change of plan and all panels being firmly glued in. I wouldn't be surprised if Airfix release this in the classic range during 2025 but there are a number of shortcomings with the kit (in my opinion) that are worthy of mention and which I have attempted to correct in this build: The tailwheel needs to be lowered to be more representative of the real thing. The riveting is massively overdone. There is a lack of detail (for a kit of this scale) to the cockpit, engine and undercarriage bay. A wing dihedral needs to be added. The forward rake of the undercarriage needs to be corrected. Aftermarket parts I used were all from Airscale - Cockpit Instruments, Seatbelts and Wheels. Other than that there isn't very much choice. I had to use the very old kit decals because I couldn't really find any suitable masks or decal sets to replace them. Apologies for the picture quality. I'm really not a photographer and don't have the equipment for it. Build thread can be found here: Thanks for looking.
  2. After finishing the Airfix Ford 3litre for the Airfix GB and waiting for the Asia GB to build the R34 Skyline, I've pulled the Mustang back off the shelf of doom to have something to do. I think I started it and decided the white or grey box schemes were boring so I ordered the Volt racing decals and acid yellow paint and it got put back while they arrived, then I got sidetracked, as you do 😉 Floor pan was painted and I've painted and fitted the chassis bits that I'd primed a while ago. 😀 Ian 😀
  3. I got this Quick Build (Legoalike) Beetle from the local Car Boot sale a few weeks ago for One pound Fifty. It was yellow Plastic, had skinny wheels and was missing the rear bumper. So I decided to see what I could do. And here's the result. Disassembly, a rub down with Micromesh, Primer sand then slightly thinned Humbrol Orange. The (ancient) Humbrol was brushed on and has dried with a slightly faded finish. Just what I wanted. The wheels and tyres came from a 1/20th '(90's? Camaro. They're glued to the original hubs. It sits a bit too low on the arches really, I had to open up the front ones as it is, but the wheels go round, so that's good enough. Inside I fitted a pair of decent front seats from an American car kit, changed the steering wheel and customised the dashboard. The Bumpers came from the spares box, they may even be from a Beetle kit. The exhaust is just a bit of chrome sprue. I think it's turned out okay for a bit of cheap fun. Thanks for looking, Pete.
  4. So, 20+ years ago, I purchased the Airfix 1/24th Hurricane Mk1 which I started ..... then stopped as other things in life and career took over. This year, I've been able to give a bit more time with being semi-retired, so here's where I'm at now ...... I have to say, it's been a painful journey getting to this stage .... the age of the kit, the number of parts that have needed a lot of work to make them fit and my somewhat rusty skills haven't helped, but it's getting there. Comments welcome ..... please be gentle!! 🤣 Keith
  5. Has anyone ordered pre-ordered the forthcoming big Spitfire IXc? From the stories on the Airfix Blogs it looks like a "must have" for me. Although it isn't expected until late autumn I ordered a sheet of Xtradecal X24005 from Hannants because I was taken by MK915, a FR Mk IXc if 16 Squadron, in PRU Pink. I'll have to modify the radio hatch to include a camera window, but as far as I can tell, that is all. Thoughts, anyone?
  6. Hopefully the Surtees for the Matchbox GB will be finished tonight as I've just got to decal and add wheels etc. So as I said before I'm throwing my hat in the ring with this one to add a little color to the GB Made a little start last night while the glue was drying on the Surtees, I cut some parts off the sprues and removed the raised seam lines on the body shell. Hopefully get a bit of primer thrown at it tonight then onwards as they say It's amazing how big and solid the kit feels after a couple of 1/32 flimsy Matchbox cars, it's much more suitable for my sausage shaped fingers 🤣 Looking forward to the hopefully usual Tamiya fit of parts as well, need a good MOJO build after the Matchbox ones I'm just hoping the decals aren't as much of a pain as the Castrol Corolla I did a while back 🤔
  7. Hi All, This is another one that I bought a while back (Late 90's, early 00's?) and decided that I need to get going with it again. First, the box art: Brutally Handsome (Hotel California). The engine had been built a while ago, and primed, but not painted. I sprayed the entire built engine (as far as it had got) in Zero paints aluminium: On small components, like the suspension above, I like to paint them matt-black, then aluminium and other metallic colours. The metallic colours come up really well painted over matt black. It's a trick I learnt from my son who was at one time really into Warhammer. There they paint the figures black, the paint the metallic armour over that. After I had sprayed the engine aluminium, I then painted the transmission with the called-out colours The 'box' at the back should be woven carbon fibre, but I have never tried to use the decals, so I stuck with satin black. Maybe the next model, or the next, or the next ... Here's the engine with the decals on the cam covers. Everything about this car is brutal. A six litre V-12 producing 800 bhp (I think). Must have sounded amazing. More to come, Thanks for looking. Cheers, Alan.
  8. Hi All, While I have this burst of energy, I thought I would try to complete as many as I could... Another one that I have resurrected from the pile-of-doom. This Is the original Tamiya XJR-9. I have has this one for a very long time. the box top: The engine: And the rear suspension, primed:
  9. My first Ebay purchase finally arrived from Nevada. Took a while and cost more than I really wanted to pay,more for postage and duties than the actual kit, but it is the car I would love to do. It came in a small box so I was worried for a minute but it is quite a deep box and on opening everything is nicely packed in. At first glance it is a bit dated but as it is from the mid 90s originally this is to be expected. A quick story on why this particular car. I was stuck in traffic in the most romantic of places, Hatfield Tescos access road, when I heard rumbling coming up along side me on the outside lane. A car passed and it was a Trans Am. Meh, not a big fan, but on its tail was this car and it's been on my "lottery win wish list" since then. The colour I want to do it in is Caspian Blue (see Kitkent's photos in the reference thread) but I am struggling to find it at the moment. I already bought a colour way off and Guardsman Blue as a back up if I can't get it. Anyway, here's the obligatory sprue shots and I will start making this soon,once I finished a bike I am doing. (I also have 2 and a bit tanks to finish but my military mojo has gone for now.) Thanks for looking in and all the best in your builds.👍
  10. Nearly finished Lancaster in the STGB barring weathering etc and had a look through stash to start next Stumbled across the 206 I'd forgotten I'd started before Christmas that I had to tidy away to make room, so I thought I might as well finish it off first Before anyone mentions the floorpan and interior etc should be silver/aluminium, I remembered that as soon as I'd glued everything in place 🙄 , so it is what it is
  11. I'm building the big Hellcat...it really is BIG. The kit is progressing well, I'm at the point of building the wings. My plan is to have the guns and ammunition panel open on one wing: I assume this would only happen with the wing down in the flying position. QUESTION: Was the Hellcat able to have one wing folded, the other extended, or did they fold/unfold together? I have found lots of photos of folded wings and unfolded wings, but so far not one with one folded and one unfolded. Can anyone help with an answer?
  12. Afternoon all, I've just finished the Airfix 1/24th. Typhoon, which I purchased at Perth this year for the princely sum of £50. Here's some pictures for you to gawp/marvel/laugh (delete as appropriate) at. IMG_1549 by simon_rw, on Flickr IMG_1550 by simon_rw, on Flickr IMG_1551 by simon_rw, on Flickr IMG_1552 by simon_rw, on Flickr Thanks for looking!
  13. Here's some pics of a big scale Airfix Mk. I I'm building. I have the basic paint on, and the decals have just been finished. Next up will be weathering and so forth. Paint is Tamiya Sky, RAF Dark Green 2 and Gunze Dark Earth. It's a good kit to build, though it does show it's age. I am building this on commission, and I ordered the recent Airfix boxing. I'd forgotten I have an old 70s era boxing of this kit. About halfway through the build, I "discovered" that old boxing, and compared parts. It is amazing to see what time does to a mold. Still, quite builadable and quite fun. (Although I am hoping Airfix decides to do an updated 1/24th scale Spitfire someday!) I added a few aftermarket parts- a seat, control column and undercarriage lever from Gray Matter Figures. (http://www.greymatterfigures.com/) The rest is OOB. It's built gear up, as the customer wants it to hang from his ceiling. To facilitate this, I split the rubber tires in half, and it fit pretty nicely.
  14. Hi guys, New year new kit... almost. I have wanted this kit for a long time, in fact I've wanted a large scale Buccaneer for years. I've decided to make a go of it along side my other 'large' kits, The Hudson, Il-76/82VKP etc so it gives me a huge variation in what I'm doing. Huge thanks to Andy and Stuart for this kit, it's brilliant and it's going to give me hours (years) of fun! I won't bore you with everything you get in the box, as no doubt you've seen it on Andys brilliant thread. If you do want to see, check out my Flickr here! Here it is placed on my kitchen floor against the tape measure Resin 1/24th scale Buccaneer by Totallyrad.co.uk, on Flickr Resin 1/24th scale Buccaneer by Totallyrad.co.uk, on Flickr I'm starting off with the seats, Resin 1/24th scale Martin Baker Mk.6MSB Ejection Seat by Totallyrad.co.uk, on Flickr Resin 1/24th scale Martin Baker Mk.6MSB Ejection Seat by Totallyrad.co.uk, on Flickr Resin 1/24th scale Martin Baker Mk.6MSB Ejection Seat by Totallyrad.co.uk, on Flickr Photos vary now with the light as I was kindly donated some lights from a photographer friend who was going to put them in the bin!! (still getting used to them to) Resin 1/24th scale Martin Baker Mk.6MSB Ejection Seat by Totallyrad.co.uk, on Flickr Rear has had the resin ground away for an insert to neaten things up. Resin 1/24th scale Martin Baker Mk.6MSB Ejection Seat by Totallyrad.co.uk, on Flickr Resin 1/24th scale Martin Baker Mk.6MSB Ejection Seat by Totallyrad.co.uk, on Flickr It'll be trimmed to fit properly too, it's just pushed in at the moment. Resin 1/24th scale Martin Baker Mk.6MSB Ejection Seat by Totallyrad.co.uk, on Flickr Thanks for looking in..
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