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  1. Here then is a WIP for Mrs W's Doll's House project. She's long been thinking of making a doll's house and was offered a second hand one at a very good price at a show. It does lend itself to all the estate agent jokes about being in need of renovation etc. I need to choose my words carefully, because doll's house afficandos are very serious and yet not serious in the way that modelling on Britmodeller is usual taken. So the work is usually stylised, to the extent of being idealised. Weathering etc. is very rare. Scale etc. though is very serious; the normal scale being 1/12 (hence my Tamiya Mini project) with some using 1/24 and very occasionally I've seen a bit of 1/15 (which seems just odd). Within those 'rules' (maybe not the best word but I hope you understand), this is VERY crude, both in finish and scale. The back is removable... When you have the builders in, just gut everything which is where Mary started! The ground floor is going to be plausible but upstairs is always going to take a bit of a stretch of the imagination. Bricks removed (this was easier than in real life) Then let the real work begin... Replacement scale doors and windows, these bring out how compromised the original build was- even allowing for an old cottage and people being shorter in those days etc. The finish on the replacement parts is awesome though; as I say this is serious hobby. Everything works and is beautifully finished. Brickwork replaced with a more plausible render as well... Opening resized along the way...as they might say on Star Trek, 'It modelling Jim, but not as we know it'! To be continued... (She'll probably be finished before me!) PS she might be taking a leaf out of @bootneck's book; on the roof the 'previous owner' merely folded the crude rooking paper over the ridge so the pantiles are upside down on the rear and she's toying with individual tiles (that'll slow her down
  2. Seeing as lately I've been on a bit of a Tyrrell roll with the Yamaha 023 and the Honda 020, I thought I'd continue the theme with the last one in my stash, the 003 driven by Jackie Stewart from 1971. I've had the kit for years and it will be pretty much oob as I've got other 1/12 kits with all the bells and whistle detail up sets, plus the fact I probably will have 2 kits on the bench with the Heller GB running at the same time and it would be hard even for me to mix up the bits of a 1/12 F1 car and a 1/24 Le Man's Bentley 😅 Ian 😀
  3. Hello chaps, Waiting my dental scanner to work again soon and help me so to get convincing wipers that will add the final touch to my Ford Mustang Indy 500 Convertible at 1/16 scale... ... I begin here a new thread dedicated to my next build, the Porsche 934 Vaillant Tamiya at 1/12, a big scale! For this build, I decided to buy the expensive Scale Lab detail set, hoping this set will allow me to get a very nice result, even if I am sure you can get a fine one just with the Tamiya kit. Will this set worth it? I will give you my opinion independently. This set was bought on Spotmodel, it is about 300€, much more expensive than the Tamiya kit itself so (about 140€). Below are some pics of both boxes and their contents: The first impression with the Tamiya kit is very good despite its quite old age, 1976, it has been reissued more recently with a PE detail set and a Cartograf decal sheet (both very nice!). The Scale Lab detail set is impressive with 9 PE plates, resin parts and a sheet of masks for the windows frame painting job. It will require a careful study before use because the instructions sheet above seems to me somewhat succinct... Well, I hope I'm wrong on that point, we shall see. A word about the choice of the Porsche 934 Vaillant: as usual, the choice for a model is for me first aesthetic. From this point of view, I could have chosen the Jägermeister version, orange (I love this color) but I ever have the huge 1/8 Pocher Lamborghini Aventador in nearly the same color. This Light Cobalt Green (lighter than what the Tamiya box-art suggests imho) is though also quite to my taste, in addition to be more original. It is also very possible that the name "Vaillant", even if it is here just a sponsor (Vaillant was and is still today a heating systems manufacturer), resonated in me and more or less consciously recalled the adventures of Michel Vaillant, famous racing driver in the comic books albums of Jean Graton (the French and Belgian members of this forum will understand me very well). Looking in the Net, I found a pic of this Vaillant version showed at Autoworld Brussels. Pity, when visiting this nice car museum last year, the car was missing... The documentation will be consequently quite poor, a priori... For the paint, I decided to use mainly Gravity products, but most likely Tamiya and Vallejo ones too. Well, let's go to the bench now, hoping this build will arouse interest from the Brit community. Cheers, O
  4. I have built some 1/12 F1 cars from Tamiya and Italeri, but now want to tackle a 1/8 vehicle. I really can't decide between the Pocher or Agora Porsche 917K's or, as an alternative, the Agora Mercedes W196R. My wife is quite keen on me purchasing the Mercedes (and I would quite masochistically enjoy building the spoked wheels) but there is a large difference in the prices between Pocher and Agora. As it will be quite a large investment, both in time and cash, I'm looking for any recommendations from anyone with experience of both brands. Any alternative manufacturers? I also see that it seems that Pocher are due to release a new model toward the end of this month (January) - I wonder if it's worth waiting to see what that may be. Anyone any guesses/knowledge?
  5. With the Christmas season upon us (thanks to the forum software for suggesting the intro statement ), I have taken up an eBay project, a BIG SCALE 1967 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray 427. Why did I want an oversized model kit when I already have a backlog of 3 WIP kits and countless other unstarted kits? Because money (supposedly) buys happiness, even if it's temporary... The kit was already started by the previous owner before the seller. But I'd say that this kit is currently on its fourth owner, as the kit does not come with windows or decals, and the seller stated that the previous owner chopped off the roof to make it a "convertible", although it looked more like an open top Grand Sport project. So, my guess is: kit made in late 80's/early 90's, sold to first owner, started but lost interest and lost/broke a few parts, sold to 2nd owner, chopped roof off, sold to selling "dealer", and then to me. The model was never painted. I am going to paint it Silver Pearl with a black stinger (using masking techniques due to lack of decals) with a Teal Blue interior. Reference vehicle on Mecum: https://www.mecum.com/lots/282962/1967-chevrolet-corvette-coupe/ The rear suspension and the engine were already started, but I noticed some parts were glued insufficiently. I say "glued" instead of "cemented" because the engine came apart completely using muscle and a blade. I'm not going to touch the rear suspension YET. At least I don't have to deal with removing actual cemented parts.
  6. About a year ago I posted a trio of Lancias, and had promised myself that I’d add an Integrale to round out my favourite Italian rally cars. Started with the engine and ancillaries. I'm guessing it will be a tight squeeze to fit this lump in the engine bay. Then onto the chassis with a few extra cables and wires for interest Hmm, maybe the 037 was smaller than I thought… Perhaps the bodywork will shrink it down
  7. My build of the Airfix 1/12 Black Prince (02502-7): A straightforward OOB build that I enjoyed making very much. Dave
  8. I intended to build this kit box stock, as an antidote to having to scratch build everything. Here are the bits that aren't OOB.... I always try to make something out of the correct material, because there's no better way of getting the right colour and texture. for example aluminium. I hate painting leather, so this is the first change to the stock build... I found some thin, stretchy black leather Deepened the grooves in the seat and covered it with two pieces, glued incrementally into each crease with CA. I tested the CA on the leather first, as I have had it bleed through and ruin it. Here's the back side which will be hidden (thankfully) (Edit) And then I found this photo, with a different seat cushion. Ho hum. Next to fall victim were the brake drums. As they're round, I can turn them on a lathe AND use the right material (aluminium) Spot the new one! The exhaust tube walls are too thick, so I used brass tubing, first to make a collar to locate the new tube and then the end itself. Normally I'd replace the whole thing, but then this kit is being built box stock.... That'll do for now....
  9. The Madness prevailed! Here it is finished. Materials: a few bits of an Airfix Bentley, styrene sheet and strip, aluminum sheet, scaffolding tube, brass sheet, tube and bar, 3d print (the dampers), fishing line, bass wood, clear acrylic rod and stuff I can't remember. Overall winner Manawatu/ Wellington IPMS Model expo 2024. With the low sun, it got difficult to get good angles, so I waited for the clouds...
  10. A weekend build, very nice quick build of the figure rise kit from Banai, snapped together with some panel lining, a bit of black oil wash here and there and the stickers from the kit. I might paint it one day. It was nice just to build it in the garden when the sun out.
  11. Hello my friends, Here it is! My 2nd Honda Repsol bike, with cowls in place this time, is now ready for inspection. Even if it is a bit less detailed (mainly regarding cables running under the dashboard), I admit I love it and probably even prefer it to the first one, maybe because it is the last build, but above all because the cowls in place give the best perception in term of design and aerodynamics of this beautiful G.P bike. The decision to build a new model is for me, as for most of you I suppose, the result of an aesthetic crush, and the first time I saw the Tamiya box-art of this 2014 Honda Repsol, I thought I would build it some day. I finally build it 2 times! For this 2nd build, I sometimes used alternative approaches for some details (no use of the provided decals for the Black stripes on the seat cowl and the tank cover, or yet use of the Kevlar Fiber pattern SK decals inside the upper cowl instead of the painting option), but most of the time, I was faithful to my first build. So, the Top Studio Chain set was patiently assembled and set in place another time to represent faithfully the chain, and, to give another example (I could give many), the rims were dug using the same technique than for the first build. Here are below the pics: I have now to try to represent Marc Marquez on this bike (from a Valentino Rossi figure I recall), what will be another challenge. I just began the work: Thanks for watching Cheers, Olivier P.S: for those of you interested, here are the links to the first build WIP and RFI:
  12. This one didn't seem to take very long. The Build thread is here, https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235136055-droid-speeder-bike/ This is a meld of a large Droid from the Stap set, some scrap model bits and bits box lurkers. Start with an idea. In '50's Britain Motor bikes were a big thing. There emerged clubs and gangs of riders. One thing to do was to race against the clock between 'tea stops' on modified bikes. These became known as Cafe' Racers. The Cafe Racer thing is just the basis of the idea for the pose. I see this as a fast scout bike. I added a larger Comms pack to his back. I took a 1/48th Skyraider Fuselage. Turned it upside down and back to front and joined it to a 1/32nd Puma tail Boom. Lots of filler and rubbing down until smooth followed. Please assume that this has the usual Star Wars Anti Gravity drive. Comin' right at ya! The hadlebars are from the Stap. The 'headlights were a bike instrument cluster. Guns, Front forks The prone position apes the '50's riders who would shorten and lower the handlebars to aid slipstreaming. The base is the Stap base with some old model railway scatter material glued on. The pale blue is a mix. The droid is lying on mostly plastic card supports. The feet are on ex Stap footplates. I wanted to weather the boring overall brown of the Droid. The blue bit shows his section, or maybe rank? Here we are sans Droid so you can seen his supports. The guns are clear here and the bit on the side is ex Stap too. Underneath I sprayed with semi matt clear and sprinkled some ground stuff on. This Guy flies low! Witness the bit of bush on the footplate too. I couldn't resist also putting some Bike engine bits on. The tailfin has spoilers which actually swivel in and out, Again, a blue patch for the section. At the base this side of the footplate are ex Jet Provost intakes. Now thrusters. Just to prove that the two sides are the same! I enjoyed the weathering. This thing has seen some action. Here's a pre-paint side view. Just to make it clear how it all looks. It's close to 12 inches long. I hope you like what you've seen. Either way please feel free to leave a comment and don't forget your party bag from the bar. Thanks for dropping by. I'm in the middle of having a clearout and general tidy up of the manshed at the moment. So when the next build will appear I'm not too sure. The subject is also unknown at this moment in time! Cheers, Pete
  13. Hello to all, Even if my endless Ford Mustang 1964 1/2 Convertible at 1/16 scale is not over: I begin a new build and thread dedicated to the 2014 Honda Repsol 213V Tamiya at 1/12. Even if this awesome GP motorbike will require a lot of care, it should be more simple than the Mustang, for which a lot of scratch was and still is necessary considering the quite poor AMT kit and the fact that I made a conversion from a Coupe to a Convertible. As my Mustang project is the priority, this Honda build will go on very slowly first (that is why I hesitated to open a new thread now). Here are below the first pics I made, engine build: N.B: I painted the clutch but in fact, I should not use the Tamiya part, that is not very realistic. I ordered a Top Studio detail set in which a more convincing PE/ resin clutch is provided. But I should not get this set before several weeks... Talking about detail sets, I will certainly order also the Tamiya detail set (front fork ref. 12667), waiting the latter to be in stock again on Passion 132. Cheers, O
  14. This was a quick build meant as a gift for a close friend. Also, it was my first venture into figure modeling, so way out of my comfort zone! The Bandai kit is press/snap together, fully articulated, and molded in various colors of plastic. I chose to paint my build using various shades of acrylics, weathered with pastels and enamel washes. Paint chipping from battle damage done with the 'hairspray' technique. My only real complaint about the kit (other than the lame 'fabric' provided) is that stickers are used for the markings, instead of waterslide decals. Please excuse my poor photography!
  15. So as a result of my first failed attempts at printing off my imperial Daleks I have quite a few recognisable bits left over so rather than throw them out or let them molder in the spares box i thought I’d do some asylum themed Dalek rust and wreckage. The asylum is a Dalek prison/scrapyard that featured in the episode of the same name and features almost every Dalek that ever appeared in Dr Who. More to follow…
  16. I'm asking for trouble starting a third build, but what hell, how often do sci fi GBs come around? Besides, I think we need some representation from the Red Dwarf universe. On my first visit to Telford last weekend I came across the wonderful Cozmic Scale Models stand (check them out here: https://www.cozmicscalemodels.com/ ) and couldn't resist this: They are 1/12 scale, resin and very few parts. Shouldn't take too long... Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!
  17. Just a place marker until I decide on the final victim. I've narrowed it down to a choice from 3, the Brabham, the Tyrrell or the Renault as the Bentley has gone and the other 2 wouldn't be completed in the GB timescale as I have the full detail sets for both. My current feeling is for the Renault RE20 as it was a car I remember well from it's day, either winning or blowing up Plus it is nice and colourful I need to make the choice next couple of days so I can get the paint ordered, then I'll change title Looking forward to this one hugely Ian
  18. Saw a purple Carrera GT with black interior previously on my way to work. Absolutely stunning machine. I recreated its color based on my memory and swapped its interior with a terracotta/black/titanium one.
  19. Hello to all, When I began the build/ thread dedicated to the Honda Repsol 2014, it was to take a break while I was struggling with paint problems on my 1/16 AMT Ford Mustang 1964 Convertible. I thought then that I would build it straight for the box or nearly so. It appeared very quickly (as Jochen had foreseen) that it would turn to a highly detailed build, using several details sets (mainly from Top Studio but also from Blue Stuff, Decalcas, Tamiya etc.) and bringing also my own touch for many details. It appeared then that it would be a pity to hide all these details, wires, cables under the cowls. I decided so to keep only the seat/ tank cowl, while all the other ones would be exposed separately. Then came other ideas: build a second bike, that would be the Marc Marquez one (this one is the Dani Pedrosa, using the Pedrosa Blue Stuff set), with a bit less details and with cowls assembled on the bike. But this, with probably a mechanic working on the "naked" Pedrosa bike and Marquez sitting on the one to come, and if possible with a little paddock scenery, is for later... I thank warmly here all my followers in the WIP section, who encouraged me and sometimes, gave me a hand to avoid errors. In particular, gamblor 916 was my GP expert, me who was up to now totally ignorant on motoGP. I am very happy with the result, especially since the last build I was able to finish was the 1/48 Nieuport Ni 11, in May 2020. I apologize for the Mustang followers, this build will go on waiting, but I prefer to go on and begin asap the 2nd bike. I will not open a new WIP thread for this 2nd bike. The latter will appear in the RFI section when over. And now the last pics of this highly detailed Honda Repsol 2014: Some more pics will be added asap… Cheers, Olivier
  20. Hello Fine folk, I present to you my Italeri 1/12 scale Fiat Mefistofele. This was built using Zero Paints pink primer followed by Zero paints Pre 60's Rosso Red (As I had a plentiful supply of this red!!) It was given a coat of Proscale Paints 2K lacquer system, which worked beautifully, and went on nice and thin unlike my ususal go to 2K. The wooden areas were given a veneer and then varnished as I would never be able to get an effective wood by painting and the kit looks all the better for that decision (Thanks to Jamie Beet for that idea!!) I used some putty to upholster the seat back and add missing buttons to match the seat as my internet reference pics had the back buttoned!! No additional wiring was added and the rest of the kit was built out of the box. Various metallics used on the busy, 23 litre aero engine, followed by some gentle weathering which was a bit of AK grime and fuel stuff with some soot effects. Its a long ol' model at about 17" and looks impressive once assembled. No issues during the build at all. I highly recommend this kit to anyone considering tackling it. You get a lot of model for the money. Thanks for looking.
  21. If you are of a squeamish nature, look away now... I bang on a great deal about being true to the subject and history with regard to all the details on my models. This model must be the most botched, inaccurate depiction I have produced since I first started modelling, many years ago. The car number is incorrect to the body/mechanics etc; wrong stripe, wrong windscreen, wrong air inlet trumpets, wrong mirrors etc etc. In my defence Tamiya's description and painting/decal instructions are woefully incorrect and/or misleading. However I will support my tentative 'showing' here, by my builds redeeming feature... When I first started this model my immediate reaction was what on earth was Tamiya thinking when they modelled the exhaust system. I spent untold hours bending solder and puppet wire to try and improve the 'look' of Tamiya's 'dangling' pipes. A chance conversation with Malc2 on this forum and an introduction to Nick of 'Unobtainium', led to the development and production of a most fabulous 3D printed solution (available from Nick's online shop). Anyway, enough waffle - just look at the photos: Tamiya's system for holding the front cowl consists of some pretty big obtrusive screws. I experimented for the first time with some micro magnets superglued to the inside and the corresponding superstructure of the chassis - they seem to be holding. The seat is covered in a lovely thin real leather that I seem to have acquired. I've no idea now, from where, but together with some PVA glue and a dressmakers pin marker to represent the stitching, it has given a reasonable representation. Not sure of the accuracy of the shape of the seat however, absolutely no reference available. The brake calipers, front and back, are 'borrowed' from 1/12 Italeri Alfa Romeo 179 and a little scratch work; they are not terribly accurate. Nick's 3D exhaust pipes are completely hollow, all the way through. Bodywork: Tamiya TS7 Racing White from the can, no clearcote, and polished with micromesh cloths and Tamiya polishing creams. The crimson stripe and circle are Tamiya TS86 Pure Red with masked outlines, Tamiya TS14 Black. The engine is a variety metallic paints - Alclad, AK interactive Xtreme metals, Tamiya X range. I also used some Bare-Metal foil in places. Tyres had a variety of AK interactive 'dust effects' enamels and even some grains of sand pushed in to the treads. Any number of rivets and bolt heads were used, both metal from Top Studio, and resin from Plus Models (Czech). Compression fittings from Detail Master. Jewellery wire, fuse wire, Model Factory Hiro fuel line, hand coloured optical fibre, Zsus fasteners from replicas of Maryland, self adhesive mirrored sheet - and probably more that I cannot now recall. Nothing fancy with the photography - iPhoneX, daylight ring light on an anglepoise arm, black card, white card disc.
  22. This is my most challenging build to date. The kit itself is easily Matchbox's greatest achievement in terms of detail and finesse, and from when the masters where probably carved in wood. It suffers though from the the near non-existent or vague attachment points everywhere. A more modern kit would solve these issues but even then the subject is just very demanding as a build due to it's complexity. There just isn't a easy way to handle the model while its being built and it was tempting to stick wings on it just so I could hold it. Finally the extensive chrome work was very challenging - I used Alcad as that's what I had but the finish is just too delicate, clear coating helps but you lose that sheen. I will explore newer alternatives such s the Molotow pen refills and Green Stuff World Chrome but I don't want to got near another metal finish for a quite a while! I re-spoked the wheels with florist's wire and insulation stripped from fine wire. The kit's seat position was lowered to the correct height. Like my other Matchbox builds this year it will be on show at SMW on the Classic British Kits SIG table.
  23. hi,every one!!😄 it's been a long time..... this is my 1/12 TAMIYA HONDA CB750.. this kit is quite old...but fits well!! I did some modification on this bike.. not perfect, but I am happy with the result hope you like it 😀 and here is the video build if you are interested😀
  24. 13th (Duke of Connaught’s) Bengal Lancers 1897.
  25. This is JPG Production's 1/12 Viper Probe Droid, scaled to fit in with their previous Gonk and Chopper releases, as well as all the Bandai droids. It's a resin garage kit and, as such, is a little rough in places and some of the details are more approximations of the original than exact copies. I swapped the rather crudely formed arm actuators for metal tubing on mine and added some generic details to the arms and body. The ball sensors on the head were re-built using acrylic beads since the kit parts were rather poorly shaped, and the sensor lenses were removed and replaced with red and clear resin ones. It also features one of Warren's excellent lighting kits, available from Tirydium Models. Thanks for looking Andy
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