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Turbofan last won the day on August 5 2017

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About Turbofan

  • Birthday 07/11/1966

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    Worsley Manchester UK

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  1. Sounds good but I'm sure I've seen Aer Lingus and KLM from your workbench? I have a similar project on going based around aircraft from my spotting days of '78 to '82. I don't think I'll ever complete it though! Cheers, Ian
  2. Hi Dave, Just lovely! There can't be many legacy carriers left to do for your project now! I too have this kit and was going to finish it in AF colours but wasn't sure about which decals to use. Could do with something from 26 save having to import from Mexico. Will need that AA details sheet though for sure! I like the look of the A220-300, the nose kind of reminds me of the Comet and Dreamliner. Cheers, Ian
  3. Hi Martijn, What a little cutie! What with your subtle weathering and trade mark photography it's another winner! I bet Werner never expected his metallic decal sheet would be used for a cheat line! Looking forward to the Qatar CL605. Cheers, Ian
  4. Thanks Neil, I didn't know they were available in cans. Saves getting the airbrush out! I know what you mean about spraying in a breeze, it's part of the reason I take so long with my builds we very rarely have a windless day up here! Cheers, Ian
  5. Hi Tom, Very, very nice! I've got a couple of BA Union Flags on the go myself, a 747-400 and a 777-200. I do like this current BA livery. How did you find the Draw decals performed around the APU exhaust area? Did you need very hot water? Nice to see some weathering at the base of the tail but those wings are far too clean!! Cheers, Ian
  6. Hi Neil, Very impressive! You must really like the Landor livery to build two!! Which colour did you use for the fuselage grey? It looks spot on. Not a fan of Landor myself but I am planning finishing one of my Zvezda 757s in this livery. Cheers, Ian
  7. Hi David, Always a good moment when the masking comes off successfully! Are you planning on adding these for a bit more glitz and realism? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/226019590010?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=RTahfXFmRw6&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ncrcaFBJRe2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I used gold foil on my BOAC Super VC10 and it really looks good! Cheers, Ian
  8. The difference is subtle but noticeable when you replace it with the Bra.Z nose. In plan the kit is fine, mainly I think it's the roof of the flight deck which is higher and changes the angle of the windscreen and the area around the side windows which are flat on the real plane but curved on the Revell kit. The kit windscreen is completely wrong having curved glass as opposed to flat panes on the real aircraft. Here are a couple of comparison pics which I hope show what I mean. Hope this helps! Cheers, Ian
  9. Thanks Matt and Alex! I've recently done some work on the wings. The 747-8 wing trailing edge has a smooth curve between the inner and outer flaps which is missing on earlier variants. To correct this is simply a case of extending the inner and outer trailing edges until they meet, they should meet at the outside edge of the high speed aileron, and cutting off the excess. The new trailing edge needs to be filed back to match the trailing edges to each side which is easy enough with a file or sanding stick. Next I decided to tackle the winglets. As the -8 has raked wingtips these need to be removed and replaced with the -400's winglets. Last time I did this conversion https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235084013-1144-zvezda-qantas-747-8-to-747-400-conversion/#comment-3901043 I used some winglets from an old Revell -400 but this time I bought a set of the excellent Rocast -400 winglets https://www.rocastmodels.com/store/index.php?id_product=236&controller=product rather than scratch build them. I also took the opportunity to order some GSE and a couple of Gogo 2KU radomes for this model and another Zvezda BA 777 I'm converting to a -200. The raked wingtips are easy to cut away using a razor saw or just scoring with a scalpel and snapping them off 1mm out from the scribed wing central spar area. Obviously the cut needs to be parallel with the fuselage but this is easy enough by lining up the wing root with the lines on a cutting mat. The Rocast winglets, once cut from the pouring block, are glued on with CA glue. I have also filled the windows and a few areas on the fuselage which will need rubbing down. That's about all for the time being. Next up will probably be the reshaping of the flaptracks. I've yet to decide which RB211s to use. As I don't have any spare Revell ones they will probably be either Bra.Z, Druz144 or Authentic Airliners. Cheers, Ian
  10. Hi Olly, Another couple of stunners! You certainly know how to achieve a glassy smooth finish! Like Mike I took have a few sets of Laci flaps & slats which I plan on using soon so it's good to see how nice they look on an actual model. Dave obviously has sharper eyes than me as the APU inlet and nose gear leg passed me by but what immediately jumped out to me was the flying harp logo on the right hand side should be pointing forwards! Love the base by the way, might need a larger one for a 747 though!😬😀 Looking forward to seeing more of your models. What's next? Cheers, Ian
  11. Hi Dave, On the IPMS Deutschland website it says this is going to be an A321Neo https://ipmsdeutschland.de/wordpress/2024/01/01/revell-neuheiten-2024-model-kits-2/ Also mentioned is a re-release of their RJ85 Hope this helps. Cheers, Ian
  12. Hi Olly, Fantastic! Really impressive, I generally only work in 1/144 but seeing this makes me want to swap to 1/72. I'm guessing this is nearly 2 foot long? Love the highly polished metal leading edges, always a feature on Jet2 aircraft, which paint did you use? Also what colour did you use for the fuselage? Great work on the decals and masks too. It's difficult to know which is decal and which is painted. Is it a nice kit to build? Cheers, Ian
  13. Hi Julien, Amazing finish! Did you even mask the logos on the inside of the winglets?! I'm very interested in the use of masks rather than decals for the livery, it opens up so many colour schemes and solves two main problems when painting models. Firstly, matching a decal colour to painted areas of the livery especially when the decals are laser printed and secondly, where decals overlap. I'm thinking around the nose with cheat lines or any parts of the livery which wrap over the top of the fuselage eg Iberia, Mytravel etc. or whole tail decals which never work properly, for me anyway! I must investigate using a vinyl cutter to make masks. Looking forward to more of your models! Cheers, Ian
  14. Hi Martijn, Just gorgeous as ever, with your trademark subtle weathering and flawless finish together with the photo realistic bases, what's not to like! Could do with some GSE on the ramp though! Really looking forward to your Spanair 717! Cheers, Ian
  15. Thank you for your interest everyone! Hi Ray, The -8f would make either a good base for the -400 Freighter or a -100/200 conversion. No cutting down the upper deck but there is more work around the leading edge wing/body fairing for the -100/200 otherwise the conversion is similar. My engine choice will depend on which livery I choose but there are a number of options for -400 engines. The Bra.Z ones you have, druz144 (active on airlinercafe) or Kurt at Authentic Airliners. Alternatively, any spare Revell RB211s or GE CF6s from their 747-400 kit can be used too. Hi Neil, I'm not sure on the livery yet, I have a few options. I have decals for Virgin Atlantic, BA Union Flag, Lufthansa old and new livery and BA Landor. I'm definitely favouring BA Union Flag. My daughter is back from university at the moment and needs her desk so I've been booted off so don't know when I'll be able to get on with the conversion. Next up will be the wing modifications. I'm not sure if I'll use Rocast -400 winglets or scratch build my own which shouldn't be too much of a problem. Cheers, Ian
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