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RNoAF Aerobatic Team

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Status Replies posted by RNoAF Aerobatic Team

  1. Doubled my completions for the year, finished 2 more today!

  2. The Wife's away to the Kirk, the bairn's still in bed. Quick Man what are you waiting for? To the modelling room pronto!

  3. Play Guitar sober make mistakes. 3 Pints later play perfect and better than I have in years !!!

  4. I am 30 now,,, Time for some modelling :)

  5. Avatar changed. To the slightly sexier version :)

  6. Tough choice - Dirty Dozen for the first time, or Strictly Come Dancing?

  7. Listinging to Vince Dicola Drinking Coffee and making models. Whats not to like!

  8. I've already got an old man's head - I don't need and old man's body to go with it!

    1. RNoAF Aerobatic Team

      RNoAF Aerobatic Team

      DVT....? Distinctive Voluptuous Tounge....? Strange illness...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Friend asked me to run him and his family in my minibus, not a problem £100 each way for 11 people. Pick up 3:15 this morning! Well at 3:55 am I have 2 bags on lol, don't care I've been paid already

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