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    West Sussex
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  1. Hiya folks, I was just working my way through this topic. I came across this YouTube video of Martlet MkIII’s In the western desert. If you haven’t seen it before, there is a chap painting the serial on AX733. Earlier in the thread there is a discussion about MkIII Corsairs not being used operationally. I have log book evidence that they were being flown onto Victorious during Ops with the Eastern Fleet. I’ll have to dig it out and find it at some point and add it to a corsair thread. I believe I passed the gen onto Lee Howard ages ago to go into the next iteration of aircraft of the FAA.
  2. Hi Mike, I've just been doing some research for a possible wildcat build and came across your thread. Absolutely lovely work there, really really excellent.
  3. Where's the battery located? Might be a vent for that. An aircraft I operate has an oil bleed down there. At the end of the flight it always dribbles out a bit so it could be something like that.
  4. Hi Mike, it is indeed. No.3 Naval Spotting Pool, 885 Sqn I believe. I sometimes go into Lee/Daedalus so it's nice to make an aircraft that operated locally. Up next, I'll be converting an Eduard 1/48 Spitfires VC into a Seafire III which I think will yield the best results of them all! It would be nice if Eduard released one and it would save us having to scrounge for 4 bladed props and arrestor books!
  5. Hiya Folks, It's been ages since I posted anything but some years back @Troy Smith mentioned the dimensional issues of the Special Hobby seafire III and how to fix it. Being a huge FAA fan I was keen to build one but the fuselage is quite short compared to the original. So this was extended with some fillets added in. Some time ago I built an Airfix Vb with a Seafire XVII wing to make a Seafire III which I think is still better than the SH kit. Here it is, painted with Colourcoats. Cheers all.
  6. @Jamie @ Sovereign Hobbies I just want to say thank you for the time and effort you have put into your craft over the years and for producing such an excellent product. I've used a lot of your paint products on ships and aircraft and it has been absolutely superb. I will be sorry to see you stop producing those paints which have been my go to for several years. I wish you and your family all the best for the future. Nick
  7. It's a fascinating photo that one. A birdcage Corsair in the UK was a rarity. With only 95 in British service, most lived in the States for pilot training and conversion onto the Corsair before the squadrons were issued with IIs and IIIs. I think your on to the right 'thing' with a mix of the ANA colours and repaints in British stocks. Of interest, what you think the serial is?
  8. That comparison photo is quite poor. Don't underestimate the larger format films that were also used, photos could be blown up quite large without loss of fidelity.
  9. I had to throw a load of money in aftermarket at the Trumpeter Firefly but for me the nose is still well off and stands out a mile. I've built the Albacore too and that required a lot of work. I really hope the Barra is more accurate from the box and the price is not outrageous if we do have to go for aftermarket parts. Things like that protrusion from the wing are no big deal as we can sort that with a sanding stick. Trumpeter kits are very buildable though.
  10. For my moneys worth, I think it’s just paint used to cover the heavy exhaust staining. The chap flying ‘U’ HV663 appears to have forgotten to retract his step, I wonder if it was still there when he got back from that sortie?
  11. Hi Bruce, the post up above has a link to the Seafire III I built with the Airfix Vb fuselage and Seafire XVII wings. There is a gap at the wing roots but it’s all doable. Good luck!
  12. Hey folks, I actually got around to finishing the Special Hobby 1/48 Seafire III using Troy’s splices as shown up above. I’ll get some photos up in the RFI soon. I think I actually prefer the Airfix kit bash I did in the post above. The SH hobby kit is pretty long in the tooth now and it’s nowhere near as nice as the modern Spitfire kits. I have a couple of Eduard Vcs so another Seafire MkIII will be along soon using some of the parts from a SH Seafire kit I have kicking around. cheers Nick
  13. Hey Troy, I can't add anymore I'm afraid but I too have taken issue with their decal sheets for various reasons. I had a look through the 787 Sqn diary but couldn't see any relevant info unfortunately. Best regards Nick
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