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Rabbit Leader

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Rabbit Leader last won the day on January 27 2022

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About Rabbit Leader

  • Birthday 06/12/1970

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    Brisbane, Australia - “2032 Olympic Host City”
  • Interests
    Like's Anything with a Type 'D' roundel !!

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  1. Looks great and so glad they stuck to a relatively high performance jet rather than downgrade to a turbo prop job. The RAAF has never recovered from downgrading their old MB.326’s to PC9’s and now PC21’s… the old Macchi’s were so good back then. I echo your thoughts on a good 1/72 scale kit, surely Italeri will now take notice and issue another Frecci Tricolori boxing! Cheers and thanks for the information.. Dave
  2. Always an emotive topic, however here’s my take on what will probably never be agreed by all modellers. Start with a good shiny silver and dull it down to your hearts content from there. My previous preference was Tamiya’s AS12 Airframe Silver rattle can, however I’ve now taken a liking to SMS Aluminium as well. Lay it on, apply decals, then use your choice of clear top coat sheen after that. Cheers.. Dave
  3. My good wife usually buys me my Xmas gifts… I’d better not call her that!
  4. Because a new tooled, more finely recessed panel lined B.2 / B.6 kit is just around the corner… (or so I hope!). C’mon Airfix…. the worldwide modelling audience needs a new tooled 1/72 fishbowl Canberra. Can you imagine how many box tops you could do? Cheers.. Dave
  5. Just wondering if anyone has seen photographic evidence of the NMF Tempest V (SN228) as depicted in the new Airfix ‘Post War’ boxing? The Airfix paint call-out and box top would suggest Type C1 fuselage roundels, yellow wing leading edge ID markings and large underwing serials. There is a B&W photo and artists profile of this aircraft in Ospreys ‘Tempest Units of the RAF’, however that shows type C fuselage roundel, no wing leading edge stripes and no underwing serials. I’m inclined to go with the Osprey book, however would also be interested to see if anyone can confirm what Airfix believe this aircraft looked like at one stage of its life. Cheers and thanks.. Dave
  6. If history is anything to go by, we’ll probably get a 1/72 ‘C’ from Tamiya as well. I really like the ‘Hover’ optional parts they provide with the ‘B’ kit, so suspect the 1/72 ‘C’ option will mimic its larger 1/48 brother. Smart move all round I say Cheers.. Dave
  7. Thanks for the link @Dave Swindell. Also note the ASV antenna fitted under the wing, which doesn’t seem to be included in this new boxing. Would spares from a Wellington be the right size or were these smaller on the Beaufort? Cheers.. Dave
  8. Having built a Tamiya F.3 and pondered over the limited colour options, it’s no surprise that an F.8 would offer Revell many more choices of different schemes to both British and worldwide modellers. I’m just very surprised it’s taken so long for the F.8 version to finally be given the credit it deserves in all the major scales. Cheers.. Dave
  9. The Matchbox Hunter wouldn’t be a kit I’d recommend Revell reissue. I think we all know what are the better Matchbox moulds, even their small armour kits are still quite serviceable.
  10. You’re probably 1/2 right, it’ll be Series 9, but in 1/72 scale! Now let me go and read the rest of this thread, I’ve missed entirely. Cheers.. Dave
  11. That looks every inch like a Hurricane Calum, beautifully finished and photographed. Congratulations on a very fine build. Cheers and well modelled.. Dave
  12. One of the three Meteor airframes scanned (in this case Newarks FR.9) was modified with an upper fuselage intake for Vertical Lift trials. Don’t worry Dennis, that won’t be part of the final model, however the PR.9 nose should be an option within some boxing over time. Cheers.. Dave
  13. The Fiat G91Y and Dornier Do 18 fit the bill, however as for the others we should mention. Norseman - Dora Wings (coming soon) Heinkel He-70 - ICM / Revell Mystere - Special Hobby / Azur SBC-4 - Heller Provost - S&M models Hunter T7 - Xtrakit Whether any of these are better than the old Matchbox moulds is up for speculation. Cheers.. Dave
  14. I suspect we’ve been drifting this thread a little towards ‘Matchbox nostalgia’ so I do apologise for that. I’m now just wondering if Revell themselves have any ‘classic’ type kits worthy of reviving, although I’m hoping that their 1963 1/72 P-51 is certainly one that never sees the light of day! Having visited my LHS recently, I did notice the old Revell 1/32 Mosquito in a new box. Thankfully I have a good understanding of plastic kit genealogy so knew what little is provided for the high price being asked for it. So sticking with the ‘classic’ theme, do any good old Revell kits come to mind that are worthy of a re-run? Cheers.. Dave
  15. Hope you don’t mind @ABeck but here’s a better link. Revell Meteor Blog Scroll down for English text.
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