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Everything posted by rayprit

  1. https://www.google.com/search?q=British+Terrier+Armoured+Digger&sca_esv=584265682&hl=en&tbm=isch&sxsrf=AM9HkKkqCKm1mnk3CVpOr7BxQGltjASA6w%3A1700568338302&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=963&ei=Ep1cZZjlD7e7hbIPz42uyA4&iflsig=AO6bgOgAAAAAZVyrIvJ_Yw1yX_hsvO0YF1wDEPZuaBVA&ved=0ahUKEwiYtt_dhtWCAxW3XUEAHc-GC-kQ4dUDCAc&uact=5&oq=British+Terrier+Armoured+Digger&gs_lp=EgNpbWciH0JyaXRpc2ggVGVycmllciBBcm1vdXJlZCBEaWdnZXJItihQkw9Ykw9wAXgAkAEAmAE-oAE-qgEBMbgBA8gBAPgBAvgBAYoCC2d3cy13aXotaW1nqAIKwgIHECMY6gIYJw&sclient=img
  2. Strongly disagree with voting.........great for those at the upper end of modelling, kudos all over the place, BUT what about those at the end of the scale with the very low points, or even zero???? Makes them wonder why they bothered making the kit in the first place, may throw the kit in the bin or give up the hobby altogether - all the hard work they put into it making it - wasted; to get such a low feedback, can be very off putting enough to put people down on there ability to build..............I myself have entered a few competitions..........just the usual first, second and third...........which, OK at least those below third know to try harder, but points I am afraid can be very demoralizing and off putting................as they say, why change something when its working?
  3. Due to the age of the paint, I would stick to manufacturers thinners, try to retain manufacturers mix. Once you have rescued the paint, dilute with whatever you want. I have about 100 Humbrol tins, some I have had for over 30 years, if not longer.......silver is still good............To thin the paints out, I tend to leave colors on the window ledge in the sun, rotate tin during the coarse of the day, once warm they are easier to stir........I only use the Badger paint stirrer to mix all my colors....................https://barwellbodyworks-shop.com/badger-airbrush-paint-mixer?search_query=paint+stirrer&results=204(other makes are available) be careful really thick paint may burn out the motors on the stirrer. I have just bought 2 x new ones.............tend to buy most my humbrol paint from Ebay as the new formula from Humbrol has been changed and colors go off as soon as tin opened and not many of the new colors match the paint chart...................Rumour has it, Humbrol are discontinuing many of there colors........Humbrol tins in the color range your dad has are the ones to look out for Update: When you buy any model paint, drop a couple of stainless steel hexagonal nuts into the pot..........tried ballbearings for a few years, but chances are, they will settle and solidify in the pigments, so really unless you use the paint regular, a bit pointless.........the nuts, have 6 cutting edges on them and with 2 nuts, you have 12 cutting edges.....shake them well and they will cut the mix ideally - but remember, they are in there? Otherwise you may get a surprise when you put the electric stirrer in there..........in my many years of mixing paint, one of the nuts has been known to fly out............once, and once only .......lost a good shirt and had to tidy up where the nut flew. I mark all my paints with a little sticker...........nuts or bearings.......just to remind me whats in there as I still have unused paints with ballbearings in them.............a little red dot sticker or yellow.................one for ballbearings and one for nuts
  4. Yes, I meant first SRN-1...........I am old enough to remember thier first kits coming out and their paint in square triangular bottles.........thanks for picking me up
  5. This the first kit that Airfix produced so watch with tongue in cheek. I do hope the transfers are a little better and that they include new cabin/canopy as they did with the Beagle Basset.....in this review the glazing is just like the bottom of a milk bottle!!!
  6. This may help, Australian Armour Museum currently restoring Stuglll 26 episodes!!!!!!!!!
  7. Looks a bit bland to me? I would have thought that they could come up with something more exciting.......although I do want one, this picture really does not inspire me to buy one............Squadron number 446 appears to be wrong font dont look right somehow
  8. Very nice build.........I viewed thinking it was the Airfix Whirlwind helicopter.............nice to see a lovely fighter
  9. Apparently its 8mm pipe, a long since discontinued pipe only found in old houses(or gas fires). However managed to find chrome pipe on Ebay, and olives(dont need olives, as current olives in compressor ARE rubber and will re-use), I have ordered a pack of five 8mm olives just to be on the safe side, all for less than £4!!! cant be bad
  10. Thanks rob.................did think of that, will have a word with my neighbour - he is a plumber
  11. Repairing my 8 year old compressor I had reason to disconnect the small 5 inch chrome(Brass - but chrome plated) straight piece of pipe which goes from cylinder head to tank.......I notice when I got the part from the machine, both ends of the pipe were heavily corroded, rotten through.............been looking online for replacement pipe but cannot find replacement, anybody any ideas where this part can be purchased? This is similar to my compressor https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203983465269.......................................just the short chrome pipe
  12. Must be contagious .................I keep getting 500s popping up more frequently
  13. Lets hope its the production version, as Mel only planned no floatation gear on either. This airframe was used for design work never carried any...........check out sprues and hopefully prove me wrong
  14. If this helps, rehearsal for flypast at RAF Cranwell..............plenty of videos by different organizers on YouTube PLUS Royal Air Force Coronation Review 1953 By HM Queen
  15. Didnt realise the Royal Air Force could muster so many aircraft............didnt think we had that many
  16. I do not I do not use the caps? throw them away and use a small drill to open up hole on end of tip when I next need to use bottle. Eventually the drill will not penetrate the cap and all I do is get a pair of pliers(modelling pliers will do) and squash the hardened CA, it flys off in all directions............then use it and put it back into fridge where the CA seals itself closed and use a small drill the next time I need to use it........repeat cycle
  17. Dont forget the trumpeter tool which I find very good https://www.themodelworkshop.co.uk/trumpeter-tools-rivet-maker-tru09910.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw6IiiBhAOEiwALNqnccWOyRQHHieJDUYe1q-CGZkn81VtxZNOVCvaGRyO2ExeAMhZ4wQOWRoC7_8QAvD_BwE
  18. Stick CA glues in the fridge...............keep mine in the area where the eggs go...............have 6 bottles different strengths and makes, some been in there over 9 years........also keep my epoxy glue in there My aerosol paints from Halfords also go into my airing cupboard next to the combi boiler..........keeps them warm and stable..........15 cans in there at the moment on there own special made shelf
  19. I have tried all that you have tried, with EEC putting restrictions on a lot of products now chemicals have had to be substituted for now banned ones.........in the past, my go to stripper was Brake fluid, but gave up working many years ago.............all I use now is caustic soda(for drains, plumbing etc, etc) strips all my models, Dinky toys, Hornby Dublo......be careful though.....only use cold water and add crystals to water, not water to crystals..........caustic soda generates heat and fumes so be care........I buy mine from local hardware store or even screwfix.......I believe some hypermarkets have doctors theres to comply with eec rules............but hardware stores seem to have the good stuff.............dont put your hands in it, it will strip your flesh......wear industrial rubber gloves and rinse well with cold water after paint has been stripped
  20. Seems Russia is putting them back into front line service March 2023
  21. Recession? What recession? Well beyond the scope of your average enthusiast. When I was young, I saved my pocket money to go to airshows.............dont think many kids could ever afford these prices unless daddy gives them a £30-£40 towards admission.................these prices are set for the adult spectators and not the plane spotter of the hobby
  22. 4 pages at accurate Armour, ranging from 1914 to current day soldiers, all nations Dont forget Verlinden either https://accurate-armour.com/aa-products/135th-figures/page/1
  23. Use in an electric drill and use a file or emery paper on it as it rotates until required profile is achieved
  24. Have you tried using Google and typed in AFV 432 walkaround? Hundreds can be found there such as this one.............also do not forget "Prime Portal" http://www.fv432apc.com/fv430webzine/issueone/fv430webzinewalkaround.html
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