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Mike W

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Everything posted by Mike W

  1. This just goes to show how a museum quality model can be made from a plastic kit with skill and patience. Mike
  2. The 47th foot had buttons in pairs with square ended braid. Any of these figures would do: https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/the-square-52nd-regiment-waterloo-carl-reid.274004. They are wearing the stovepipe shako which preceeded the Belgic shako (which was introduced in 1812) and the shakos have a bugle on the front, which might be applicable for the light company of the 44th. Good luck, Mike
  3. Apparently Wellington wasn't bothered by his men's appearance as long as their muskets were clean and they had sufficient ammunition. He did object to Guards officers carrying umbrellas though! Mike
  4. The book also covers generalities, i.e. kit weapons etc. Mike
  5. This is probably the best reference: https://www.amazon.co.uk/British-Napoleonic-Uniforms-Complete-Illustrated/dp/1862274843/ref=sr_1_1?crid=5EBJFRYI2XWR&dchild=1&keywords=british+napoleonic+uniforms&qid=1601749874&sprefix=british+napoleonic%2Caps%2C145&sr=8-1 Good luck, Mike
  6. Excellent photos of a 1/1 scale aircraft. Where are the photos of the model? Mike
  7. Beautifully done, I like the hairy forearms - ssomething I'd not thought of before. Mike
  8. Approximately 3/8":1', i.e. 1/32. Mike
  9. I picked up a part finished hull off eBay and have finished it as a generic Pilot Cutter. Working Sail: A Life in Wooden Boats by Luke Powell was a very useful reference. https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/light-relief-model-pilot-cutter.186814/ Mike
  10. Very impressive. To add an extra touch, cloth flags can be obtained here - http://www.becc.co.uk/ Mike
  11. Very imaginative way of displaying a superbly finished model. Mike
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