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Max Headroom

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Max Headroom last won the day on July 7 2017

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About Max Headroom

  • Birthday 05/06/1960

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  • Gender
  • Location
    not far from 53*17'N 3*03'W
  • Interests
    British aircraft WWII to approx 1980's.

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Blabber Mouth

Blabber Mouth (7/9)



  1. That looks very nice indeed. I feel your pain regarding accuracy as I have a (stalled) build of their 1/32 version. That is also……’challenging’. The Tamiya paints look nice on it, so must invest in their rattle cans come the day I do mine 😆 Trevor
  2. First Zvezda one I’ve seen and very nice it is too👍 Trevor
  3. The 202 looks a handsome beast and that is a very nice model. Well done Trevor
  4. Now this is different. Watching with interest and am currently studying the menu……. Trevor
  5. The Clodfather Schindler’s Lisp Fight Club Sandwich Science of the Lambs Django Unhinged
  6. Done With the Wind Citizen Kale Star Wart Funeral in Benin Reservoir Digs
  7. Welcome back to the hobby! I’m assuming the wheel and hub are one unit? A method (not one I have used btw) is to first paint the hub in your chosen colour. Once dry, apply a liquid mask such as pva glue to the painted area. Once that has set, spray the wheel. The mask can then be picked off with a toothpick once the paint has dried. It’s a modification of a technique used for painting camouflage on plane wings. If you don’t want to use pva, use a blob of blu tack instead. Even with a coat of paint it is still malleable and has the advantage of being re usable. Good luck Trevor
  8. than a nutty thing
  9. That is an excellent result. A real silk purse from a sows ear! I butchered one recently as an alternative Nimrod. Any inaccuracies were ‘dismissed’ as irrelevant! Trevor
  10. of a Proper Pint
  11. Can't stop coffin loudly
  12. for pile cream and
  13. Wow, the last time I touched this model it was hot outside. I know there isn’t much left to complete the Eduard IX, but I always found something else to do. I think it’s called procrastination. My six year old granddaughter certainly had an excess of it! Anyhoo, last weekend I took stock of what I needed to get it over the line. Basically this….. Parts were duly painted up. In addition there was the quite frankly silly three piece main wheels. I see the logic of the separate hub, but why do the wheels need to be in two parts? And in 1/72. As Ed Heinemann once said “add simplicity”. The hubs have five spokes and once painted they looked awful. So a quick rummage in my Spitfire spares box, failed to elicit another pair. However, I did have a spare set from my AZ IX/XVI from a few years ago. Unfortunately, they were four spokers, but since I’ve seen the IX with both I made an Executive Decision to use them. So there! That was last week and so today I did the deed and finally, finally, stuck them on. To be fair, these days me and painting 1/72 wheels don’t get along that well. Must be my age/eyesight/temper/lack of skill! My aim, is to learn the art of convincingly grotting up models by adding mud and wear and tear (thinx I need to look up weathering with pastels on YouTube - suggestions welcomed). Here we go with the finished product I’ll add some more photos later in Ready for Inspection, once I have flown a few missions with her from a muddy field! Now then…….I have that new tool Airfix Vc to complete as a Seafire II. Wish me luck 👍 Trevor
  14. explode automatically on impact
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