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canberra kid

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canberra kid last won the day on September 19 2021

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About canberra kid

  • Birthday 03/12/1960

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  1. The flaps and inner wing and wheel bays and undercarriage units will be silver. The underside colour wasn't LAG for long it changed to MSG. The paint also changed from gloss to matt in the 60's. I can't remember the date but I can find it if you want? The tanks should have an adaptor so they fit the modified wing. John
  2. No problem mongo, that's what we are here for, if you need any more info let us know John
  3. Here you go, this is some more pylon info. The weapons loading AP isn't very forthcoming, it has some fairly generic information. John
  4. No problem, I'll have a dig around in what I have. I'll post them later. John
  5. Hi Julian, I totally misunderstood the topic! I'll slink back with my tail between my legs and look for the correct reference. 🤔☺️ John
  6. @mongo I'm a bit late to the party but these took some finding, I hope they shed a bit more light on the subject. John
  7. I wouldn't get too hung up on the shade of green, like anything there are bound to be variations, how often has it been washed? What batch was it from? How old is it? John
  8. a few more AEW drawings that may be of use? John
  9. Some drawings that may be of interest/help. John
  10. Antti the Canberra in my photo is an RNZAF B.(I)12 the scheme is DSG, DG, over HSS. John
  11. Did you get Vol.2 of our book? These drawings should shed some light on your question. They are for a B.2 but they still apply to the B.(I)8. John
  12. SC.9 is an easy conversion, Something a bit more adventurous would be HAPR.9 WH793. John
  13. Hi Matthew, I was going to write a long answer, but I thought the AP's would put it better, so here goes. I hope it helps? It was a failure of the inboard leading edge skin that lead to the loss of the PR.9 prototype XH129 over the Irish sea with the loss of the flight test observer. As a comparison, the B.(I)8 wing from which the PR.9 wing was developed. John
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