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About flyboy2610

  • Birthday 11/01/1961

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  • Location
    Lincoln, Ne. USA
  • Interests
    Jesus, model Railroad, model armor, RC planes.

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  1. More than you may realize, my friend! Have you talked to an attorney (solicitors I believe they're known as in the UK) about suing the garage to get your money back?
  2. I have the Gaahleri Swallowtail Studio G trigger action airbrush and it is a very nice brush! Well made, sprays well, and is easy to clean. I wouldn't hesitate to buy another. I also have the NeoEco SJ83 and it works very well also.
  3. Welcome!
  4. Welcome!
  5. Welcome from Lincoln, Nebraska, about 70 miles from the geographical center of the USA.
  6. How long did you let the primer and paint cure?
  7. Welcome!
  8. I glued some bits of plastic together Sunday (just now able to get back to the bench) and if the fitment I encountered so far is any indication... I'm less than impressed. I started with the engine. The block itself is one piece. Gluing the heads on required trimming a bit of the locating tab under each head. They still don't line up with the block like I think they really should. I've been wrenching on cars for 48 years now, so I know a bit about how an engine goes together. I decided to line things up so that the front of the engine would look the closest to reality, as that's the part that will be the most visible. The intake manifold presented the same challenge. With the heads on the block as far as the locating tabs would allow, the intake would not sit flush on the block. I finally ran a bead of the infamous Testors orange tube cement around the areas where the manifold would contact and clamped it down very firmly. Testors tube cement is some pretty powerful stuff, so it 'melted' the intake into position. After the cement dried it doesn't look too bad. The tube cement will also act as a gap filler. 😉 The transmission consists of two halves and the bell housing. This is a manual transmission. The two halves did not want to line up quite right with each other, so I got them the best I could and glued them together. Once the transmission halves had set up, I fit them to the bellhousing. Guess what? The rectangular locating tab on the tranny needed trimming, sanding, and shaping to fit the opening on the back of the bellhousing! Otherwise the tranny wanted to rock back and forth and side to side! 😠 I got that glued up as best I could and moved on to the seats. The front and back didn't fit too badly, but the was still a small gap along one side and a bit of a mismatch on the front of each seat. I positioned them as best I could, and glued and clamped them. This was all on Sunday. Today after work I unclamped everything and used some Vallejo Plastic Putty 70.401 https://www.scalemates.com/kits/vallejo-70401-plastic-putty--633657 to fill the small gaps between the parts. This putty has gotten a bad rap from some people, but I think that's because they don't know how to properly use it. It's not designed to build wing fillets or fill large dents in the side of a model. It's designed to fill small gaps between parts. To use it, run a thin bead down the gap between the parts, then immediately use a tissue or small towel and run that down the gap. Most of the putty will be removed, leaving only enough to fill the gap. That's how it's designed to be used. It works well for what it's for. I'll let the putty dry overnight, the tomorrow after work I'll give the gaps another treatment if needed. TTFN! (Ta-ta for now! Tigger)
  9. I haven't eaten whirled peas since I was a baby. 👶
  10. I've never used this particular brand of airbrush, but as far as cleaning the needle by puling it backwards I agree it would be better to pull it out forwards if possible. My Badger Patriot 105 has to have the needle removed backwards, so when I use that brush I just try and get the front end as clean as possible, to where no more paint is coming out with the cleaner, then pull the needle. I haven't had any problems yet, and I've used that brush for at least 5 years.
  11. This reminds me of a joke I heard. During the Stalinist era in Russia the minister of agriculture was visiting farms to check on the wheat harvest. He asked one farmer how the harvest was going. "Mr. Minister, the wheat reaches to the throne of God!" The minister chided the farmer "Comrade, there is no God." The farmer replied "Not to worry, Mr. Minister, there is no wheat, either." 😁
  12. Welcome!
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