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Lightningboy2000 last won the day on December 11 2023

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About Lightningboy2000

  • Birthday 08/10/1970

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  • Location
    Bury st Edmunds Suffolk UK
  • Interests
    East Anglian aviation and Cold War history.

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  1. Excellently done masking with that splinter scheme! Zelensky would love that! 😉
  2. Thanks mate, this one was surprisingly rewarding especially after how it looked at the start. It was actually gathering dust for about 6 months before I cleaned it up and started painting it. Great looking jets, & the plan is to do a MiG-15 to sit next to it.
  3. Thanks, at first it seemed like a nightmare kit, but it does reward at the end.
  4. The kit supplied resin ejection seat. Belts were from a small supllied etch sheet. Found this which I used as reference. https://www.mct57.org/archive/index.php/thread-4684.html
  5. After a sketchy time with the modelling blonks (mojo lack of), Christmas hysteria & various nasty bugs around the house I am glad to say that i've finished something. There is a very minimal build thread here. This is the short run Valom 1/72 Dassault MD450 Ouragan - Patrouille de France boxing. This is definitely a kit of two halves in that the parts aren't perfect in going together, notably around the rear cockpit coaming which is unequal on both sides. The fuselage halves don't match perfectly & in general you have to sand the seams both where the fuselage joins & the wing leading & trailing edges. The underfuselage gun installation once attached needs to be sanded within an inch of its life to get it to conform with the contours of the rest of the fuselage. Basically be prepared to spend a good day or two filling & sanding! The other half of the story is that the surface detail is actually quite stunning after a decent layer of metal paint. Once the kit is tidied up, it does present itself really well. Once the B&D sander had been put away & applied a 3000 sanding pad & proceeded with a scriber for the panel lines & reintroduced the rivets with my RB riveter. The SNCASO ejection seat was nicely molded in resin. I couldn't find any clear reference to the seat used in the 450 but found an image of a seat which looked very similar for the Mystere IV. The only non kit part was the addition of the pitot tube on the intake splitter courtesy of some brass tube. Painting started with Ammo AStand gloss primer, then used Alclad polished aluminium, this was knocked back with a dusting of straight aluminium from Alclad. Red white & blue was from various water based paints & masked with the aid of Tamiya flexible strip tape. French blue was Vallejo Model Air. No problems with the supplied kit decals.
  6. Brush painted? Nooo I can't believe it! Seriously superb work and & makes me feel inadequate and a cheat with my fancy airbrush. Always loved the Firefly and I'm also impressed with that wing fold. Martin
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