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About Stratto

  • Birthday 01/14/1961

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    Model kits photography dog walking

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  1. Thanks Mark
  2. Hi Victor after seeing your images of your decals I decided to buy the same kit you mention so can use some of the left over decals in the kit. Thanks for pointing this out. I think I should be sorted. Thanks to all for the help mentioned.
  3. No problem take your time
  4. Yes please
  5. Hi all asking the wealth of knowledge here as struggling to find what I am looking for “sorry if it in the wrong section” I damaged some decals for a 1/72 hawker hurricane mk1 so I thought why not just buy a selection of Battle of Britain 1/72 decals aftermarket. I found I could buy letters and roundels and make them up but was rather looking for a set with the components together. Being a newbie to this and bowing to the learned can someone explain how it works. I know you can buy lots of combinations. Can someone please help me out navigating the pros and cons. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi all thought I would tap in to the knowledge out there about a good primer that does not lift when airbrushing and is masked that does not lift top coat is primarily Vallejo Model air for airbrushing and Model Color if brushing.
  7. That’s a bit of good news I think hopefully you are on a stable track and can enjoy life a bit more as you have had a lot to deal with. Medication is only necessary if you need it. Fingers crossed that things remain stable. Thanks for your update.
  8. Oh Dave such a disappointment for you I hope the find some treatment that works for you at least the health professionals are on it. on a different note. I have just came back from my pain clinic appointment and no surprise to me but it’s official. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia so now that I have a diagnosis it’s a relief to get that. As no explanation for the pain I am in was getting me down. I hope your rash gets under control soon and Rheumatology get back to you quickly with something else that might work.
  9. I used to fly in those when I was in the ATC from RAF Kinross along with the wooden gliders great fun days
  10. Hi anyone know of a replacement seat for Harrier 1/72 ESCI / Italeri or Hasegawa RAF
  11. Never noticed that I have 2 off them interesting great info thanks
  12. That puts thing in to perspective and good news that’s great to hear.
  13. Hi Dave thinking about your journey it can be a long road at least the GP is going to correct the mistake and update your records as it’s very important to have accurate information about you on file. keep struggling on hopefully you can enjoy some good days maybe get some modelling done.
  14. Hi Dave and so it carries on with more tests hopefully they will find something and be able to give you some support or treatment my brother suffers with RA so I can relate somewhat to your situation. i like to get updates to my medical records as errors do occur and you are right to query them. all the best.
  15. I used to have lots of issues airbrushing Vallejo Model Air until I came across a few YouTube videos and the answer was a pain thinner mix. 70% flow improver 30% thinner and 10% retarder works great. I use both for model air and Vallejo Primer as a 50/50 ratio to paint mix vs Paint.
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