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81-er last won the day on January 9

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About 81-er

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    WW2 planes, Luft '46, hotrods, sci-fi, heavy metal

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  1. Very nice, Pete James
  2. I think the paint under the rear windows should match the factory camouflage, but I think @modelling minion might know more about that James
  3. That would be a good looking build in 1/72, never mind 1/144! Well done! James
  4. 81-er

    Gotha G.V

    A nice selection there, Pete James
  5. If I can build the Airfix 1/72 one in 8 hours from opening the box (Blitzbuild a couple of years ago) then I'm sure you can get this one finished by the deadline, Pete James
  6. I'm loving the look of it as a Nachtjäger James
  7. Those mismatched panels really add some character, perfect for the Star Wars universe James
  8. That's looking good, Stu. I wasn't suggesting you delete anything, just have a build per thread James
  9. That one's looking good, Adam. I like your dust proof model storage box as well, I'll have to get one of those James
  10. You certainly can, Erwin, but we've still got a year to go James
  11. Nice to see the canopy cleaned up ok James
  12. Why do you reuse old threads rather than starting a new one for each build, Stu? It makes it really hard for the rest of us to follow along with what you're doing James
  13. 81-er

    Gotha G.V

    It's nice to see her so close to the finish, Pete. I find the history fascinating, as I only knew about the same as you about these before your build James
  14. She's looking very nice, Pete James
  15. Great subjects there, Steve Maybe there should be bonus points for the most 80's build? 80's subject built from an 80's kit using an 80's tube of glue, painted with 80's Humbrol, all while listening to Pat Sharp's Megamix and drinking from your Roland Rat mug? James
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