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Everything posted by Nebbor

  1. Does anyone have a decal placement guide for this set, none in my detail&weapons set: https://www.djparkins.com/product.php?productid=17804 Thanks in advance.
  2. Not without some serious work. The CH-53G has: 6 rotor blades, 2 engines and a vertical tail The CH-53E has: 7 rotor blades, 3 engines and an angled tail And most likely many more small differences.
  3. Couple of seconds? You got answered at 12:39 and posted here 14:30-ish... The described way is the only way unless you have access to some fancy lathe or 3D milling equipment. Using a hobby saw will never get you a cut good enough to ensure a good alignment of the mating surfaces.
  4. You already have your question answered on Scalemates.
  5. I found out only 18 Jastreb's were used by the Yugoslav AF, serials 23501-23518. Preserved/stored in the Belgrade museum are/were: 23502, 23505, 23506, 23507, 23512 and 23513. Type is listed as "TJ-1 (NJ-21 Jastreb)"
  6. After some more digging I found this info here. I didn't go through all pages: https://www.mycity-military.com/Avioni/G-2-Galeb-J-21-Jastreb_167.html I assume the same applies to the NJ-21 Basic differences are - three machine guns, Galeb has two - six pylons for HVAR 5 ”rockets, Galeb has four - larger tip tanks - stronger construction - stronger landig gear - breaking parachute - Viper 532 is more powerful than Viper 22-6 Jastreb is light attac aircraft, Galeb is a jet trainer.
  7. Short version; what Graham said. Long version: Galeb: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soko_G-2_Galeb Jastreb: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soko_J-21_Jastreb
  8. Please take these so called exact matches with a few grains of salt: I have got 3 tins of Xtracolor X123 "Blue Angels blue", 2 are labelled FS15050, 1 as FS15052 and none of the 3 match each other when sprayed. Same product number, different results. Go figure. As stated in my first post Xtracolor also has a paint for the Hornet 1999 season: X163. I have not tried that (yet). On the Hannant's page it looks lighter than X123. No Blue Angels colors in the Xtracrylics range.
  9. And in 1/48: Caracal CD48064 F100F Aerodecal 27C F4E Bullseye 48-014 F16C Speedhunter 48010 F16C Superscale 48-0387 F16C Superscale 48-0319 F16A Superscale 48-0278 F16A
  10. Not sure about the requested squadron but these are for 401st TFW birds that I could find: Microscale 72-176 F100D Microscale 72-546 F16A Superscale 72-609 F16C Superscale 72-501 F16A Superscale 72-546 F16A Wolfpack 72-120 F4E Aerodecal 25A F4E Xtradecal X72072 F4D I found a 612TFS F100F sheet: Caracal CD72071 F100F That's all folks!
  11. Sure! T4 Gunze C380, C381, C382 (FS15180, FS17925, FS36440) T2 Gunze C1 (or your favourite bright white), C322, C323 F86 Gunze C1 (or your favourite bright white), C323
  12. The FCM suggested colors seem to be OK, finding model paint equivalents is something else. In the online FCM instructions the grey is stated as 36495, not 36307: FS36495 http://www.colorserver.net/showcolor.asp?fs=36495 FS36306 http://www.colorserver.net/showcolor.asp?fs=36306 FS35184 http://www.colorserver.net/showcolor.asp?fs=35184 There is a build on ARC that uses Gunze C338, Gunze EC-20 and Testors 2132: https://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/Gal12/11701-11800/gal11762-A-4-Sidharta/00.shtm Edit: FS36306 is close to RAL7030 Stone Grey FS35184 is close to Flanker blue/grey FS36495 is readily available
  13. Cannot help you with the dimensions but have a look at this company: http://lpmodels.eu/index.php?fbclid=IwAR2taj8u2b4OOlxsv_gkjxAz9PVoMyUmyBetz7BNxfQSpF7TDAWL5pzZg9A&id_lang=2 I know they have a Sea Vixen Ladder, Hunter ladder I could not find.
  14. So you were aware of being answered to your request but decided to ignored them, edited your initial post and then blame me for my "tone". Right...
  15. Thank you for editing your post AFTER all my replies. And the requested answer is still there, i guess you need to be spoon fed...
  16. And for an in depth analysis of the paints used trough the Blue Angels history: http://tailspintopics.blogspot.com/2011/04/blue-angel-blue-and-gold-draft.html
  17. Other options: Compucolor CAC26 Italeri Acrylics 4687AP Precision Paints M455 Scale Modellers Supply PL174 Hataka C328 Vallejo 71.090
  18. Try these: https://www.hannants.co.uk/search/?product_category_id=0&product_division_id=0&scale_id=0&product_type_id=3107&manufacturer_id=0&sort=0&search_direction=asc&keyword_search=blue angels
  19. Ask here, you might get lucky: https://www.facebook.com/groups/partialdecals And said to be in stock here: https://meridiahobby-container.zoeysite.com/cd72017-usmc-av-8a-harrier
  20. I checked the tanks and pylons of my side-opening box of L4811 9-12 late and they are identical to the sprues of L4818 9-19. So I guess I am lucky, maybe the previous owner already had them replaced.
  21. Caracal did a sheet (CD72017) for the AV-8A so the serial has to be cobbled together. All other VMAT-203 markings seem to be the same.
  22. Here you go: https://www.google.com/search?q=aup+cockpit&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi3tITThLLwAhW6iP0HHWZlDeIQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=aup+cockpit&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECAAQQzoCCAA6BggAEAgQHjoECAAQGFCp_URYn55FYMGiRWgAcAB4AIABPIgB9AOSAQIxMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=nkuSYLftNbqR9u8P5sq1kA4&bih=983&biw=958&rlz=1C1ASUM_enNL691NL691
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