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About dragonlanceHR

  • Birthday 05/27/1975

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    NW Croatia

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  1. Got them both in Bratislava this weekend and they are gorgeous!
  2. The new Ki-43 and I presume the P-36 are made in cooperation with Jun Temma using his terrific drawings. In his Oct 23rd post he hints that if 1/72 sales of Oscar are good, we might maybe see it (and one other) in 1/48. So to all of you One True Scale folks: I believe in you. You can do it!
  3. No twin .50 turret in the back, just the open gun stand. A, B, C are early versions, G, J and K are late. Of course there are various other less visible improvements in engine power and equipment.
  4. The biggest diference between MF and bis apart of the spine is in the upper nose of the bis which is fatter and bulged outwards. Once seen, can't be unseen. All else is cosmetics.
  5. It never rains but it pours Two new kits, both of the last version. The renders look way better than the competitor's parts.
  6. But Nosf... err, Mr. Sulc boasted years ago that it was uneconomic due to practically unseen difference. What happened?
  7. I highly doubt it. Aftermarket to the rescue.
  8. Having seen the pictures of various accessories being glued to this kit, I say we have a prop equivalent of the Mi-24 kit 😞 Empty, sparse on detail.
  9. If they mean less profit, why were they introduced in the first place?
  10. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/o9DHJgyK88TSmaoi/ In the comments. If you can't see it, I'll make a screenshot.
  11. It is known that they took the oil cooler matrix - more effective, quality built - from Yak fighters, it's logical that they took the intake duct shape too. Why reinvent the wheel?
  12. Reviews on FB were bad, as in badly printed, no detail etc. Pity.
  13. Yep. This time I'm that guy. I'm looking for rivet plans for Bristol Beaufort and Martin Maryland. 1/48 kits IMO look bare without them. I have rivetless plans for both a/c. I hope the rivet plans exist since making my own from photos is a long-term project. Cheers, Vedran
  14. Yes, but this is a comparison to less-than-stellar revised Eduard attempt at I-16.
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