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  1. You're really moving thru this kit.
  2. Stalingrad minatures- https://www.scalemates.com/kits/stalingrad-s-3251-bergepanther-crew--1405704
  3. Look here- https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/214947-tanks-damage-improvements/?page=5 I've been on the Leo2A4 and was surprised to see it.
  4. Its not compartmentalized like the turret ammo. Heres a pic of one destroyed and notice the area where the hull ammo is stored is now gone. https://ahvalnews.com/tanks/turkeys-leopard-tanks-have-disappointed-syria-daily-mail
  5. This isn't a plain M3 as its a diesel. Of course the hull isn't the correct length.
  6. One of the faults of the Leo series is the exposed ammo in the front hull. Looks like a nice kit.
  7. I served on A1s and the kit seems to be missing alot of small details here and there but the big items are there. Some googling will show you these smaller items if you care to search. Also, you can add alot more chipping in the turret area!
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