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About Massimo

  • Birthday 09/30/1965

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    Bologna (Italy)

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  1. What a nice pair!!!! the greek one is one of the most difficult mixture of camouflage and weathering and you did a great job! Very realistic!!!! Bravissimo!!! Ciao Massimo
  2. ...it's called the Murphy's law!!!!! Very nice job on those wings and tail!!! Ciao Massimo
  3. Wow Giorgio!!! As usual your approach takes everything in consideration and the result is excellent!!! Splendid interior and I like the landing gears wells' weathering. Well done !!! I'll be watching closely!
  4. Yes, 312 SQN...not 23rd-Sorry for the mistake ! Ciao Massimo
  5. Hi Daniele, the picture is the one showing the F-104's tail and the marking is the black circle with the red lightnings. The white Diana in the yellow circle is the 5° Stormo's badge. Te 23° Gruppo 's badge is the yellow triangle on the air intakes. Ciao Massimo
  6. Ciao Daniele, Unfortunately Hasegawa in many cases is a bit ...short armed in terms of loads and pylons. The configuration you've chosen is the 70s, when the white codes were in use. I've had the same problem on my kits in 1/72, years ago and had to go for some scratch building, but it isn't a big deal. The kit comes with decals for 23° Gruppo, 5° Staormo based at Rimini AFB. That reminds me when I was a bit younger and used to go to Rimini for my holidays and ended up spending most of my time outside the fences watching take offs and landing , rather than at the beach...great times. While we're here, please let me allow to add a few pictures I took during a base visit in 1980. 23° Gruppo HQ This one shows the marking of I think is 23rd SQ of the Netherland AF, reminder od a Squadron Exchange, it's in line with you as you live there now! This one was taken inside the shelter of one of the two aircraft on QRA. At that time (1981) it was armed with two Sparrows. Quality is bad, but they were old prints. Hope you'll appreciate. The guy in the pictures is young Massimo, a few years and KG ago!!! By the way you're doing very well with this build and look forward to see the next update! Ciao Massimo
  7. Very nice result on those legs and doors! The camouflage looks the part! Well done! Ciao Massimo
  8. Very nice interior , great result and from the box offering!!! Look forward for the next update! Ciao Massimo
  9. Good evening mates, after finishing “Sadman” I considered several options among my projects on hold, but decided the logical choice for the next one to carry on with was the second Jaguar, as I had just refreshed my memory on the subject. I still wasn’t sure about the markings and at the end decided for a 41st Sq. aircraft in Nato wrap around scheme. I glued the windscreen to the fuselage and filled the gaps with CA glue, then sanded the junction, masked it the cockpit and all the open bays, before getting ready for the painting session. It’s been ages since I used my airbrush and every time I feel nervous about it! I started by priming the model with Gunze black. I did some pre-shading with White first… …then with zink chromate, to give a little variation to the camouflage. RAF dark grey was sprayed first… …followed by RAF dark green. Both colours were by Tamiya, sprayed free hand. The anti glare area In front of the cockpit and the wings and elevators’ leading edges were masked and sprayed black and followed by a coat of Future, to blend the camouflage and black areas, getting ready for decalling. Decals were next. Among all the decals I had, with at least three exemples by different manufacturers, I chose the Airfix ones because their dimensions were the most accurate compared to the pictures I came up with. Stencils were a mix of Airfix, Revell and Xtradecals. Once the Future was dry, I highlighted the panel lines with brown Tamiya accent line liquid. After having sealed the decals with another coat of Future, I sprayed a coat of Xtracrilix matt varnish, diluted with Xtracrilix thinner. I’m quite satisfied by the way the pre-shading is visible through the camouflage, even if the look of the aircraft is a bit immaculate. Weathering will follow, but in the meantime, I’ll have to think how to increase a little the contrast between the two colours without deleting some of the stencils. The last day I spent at home (New Year’s Day), I spent some time painting the wing tanks and Recce POD. To increase a little the contrast with the Jaguar, I darkened the dark green and lightened a little the dark grey. I want the level of weathering of these components to be higher than on the aircraft. This is it for now! I’m actually in the USA and won’t be back until next Friday. Best regards Massimo
  10. Hallo all and Happy New Year! After a loooooong time away from the working bench, over the last few months I found some time to spend on this project which has been put aside for too long...if you look to page one you'll see it's dated 2017!!! The Desert Storm Jag is finished, but I haven't had a chance to take some decent pictures with a proper background. I've opted for an oval smaller base dark oak as I think it's a good contrast with desert pink and I want the attention to be focused on the kit.Here below a few pics of the last documented additions, Starting with the eshausts : I still haven't seen any realistic solution to simulate the AB, thus I thought just to paint the inside to replicate the orange-blue colour ... it won't be seen and I'll live with that! Next I worked on the main gears' and doors' actuators and front doors for both kits. The second main leg was modified to match the first one , hydrauling tubing was added , then they were painted , together with their wheels and pre-assembled. Same treatment for the front leg, which was then fitted to the kit. This is the last picture and shows the front leg with a different angle fro the one I chose at the end, as based on the pictures I've seen, there was quite an important offset between the closing time of the front one compared to the main legs, thius I decided to re- position it nearly closed, but this will be shown in my next update. Ciao Massimo
  11. Sorry for the late reply, but I've seen these messages just now... It's been a busy year from a working perspective and lately I've only surfed BM site on my cellphone and couldn't see many messages, expecially on old threads left aside for a while! Thanks Ian for your info and Terry: yes, that's an MS 406, another project involving french fighters. Both the Canberra and the French fighters are in my list of things to doi, but in the last few months I've finally found some time to work on my 1/48th Jaguars and I'll add some pictures soon...well...I hope! Happy New year to both of you!!! Ciao Massimo
  12. ...and that's exactly what he did!!! Was it expensive? ...I may want to buy one too! Ciao Massimo
  13. WOW!!!!! I was waiting for this!!! To get this result from a vac-form base kit is simply incredible!!! Another "beauty" which makes a superb pair with your Alizée. A few pictures showing both are a must!!! Chapeau!!!! Ciao Massimo
  14. Hellenic Phantoms are probably my favourite, but to face their painting and weathering is a real challange, that's why I haven't dared buying one yet. This wip will be my reference when the time comes. In the meantime I'll enjoy your build. She looks already fantastic!!! Can't wait to see your next progress!!! Ciao! SALUDOS DE MEXICOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!😀
  15. Very interesting bird and impeccable work up to now! I'll keep watching with interest. Ciao Massimo
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