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About IanJohnB

  • Birthday 05/17/1960

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    United Kingdom

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  1. I am just going with the instructions and colour scheme in the box, plus copying a bit from what others have done. Not really skilful enough to customise stuff yet - still see myself as a modelling novice
  2. Made a start on this. The two halves of the hull were well warped. Managed to eventually get them stuck together but required filler to fill a gap in the middle 🙂
  3. This is fantastic. Just starting this model, will use your pictures to help me work out how to paint it. Amazing build - thanks
  4. Put the body together ready to paint 🙂
  5. Added the windscreen and have put the bodywork on the chassis QUESTION - Does anyone have any tips or techniques for avoiding damaging clear parts and ending up with opaque windows:
  6. Made a start on this - interesting model Have put the engine together
  7. Putting the interior together
  8. Front Chassis Built and Attached
  9. Rear Chassis Built and Attached
  10. Engine Installed
  11. Finally got around to starting this I'm going to do the red version It's taken a while to put together the engine - lots of different paints involved for something that will mostly be hidden when complete Looking forward to getting this built 🙂
  12. Inspirational build😀. Looks amazing. Nice tidy model
  13. Thanks for this. It is a shame that this is a common problem with the kit but I find your comments and those of Frank quite reassuring -its not just me. I'm 5aking a break from this model for a while and working on something different. Your build looks great by the way 😀
  14. HELP I am struggling to get these pieces to fit. They will not line up and seem too small. I have tried fixing hem in different orders, but I cannot get the edges to meet. Considering using some filler but I think this would be a bad idea as I can't get the pieces aligned. Any thoughts?
  15. Interior Complete Now to cover it all up with the superstructure
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