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opus999 last won the day on April 14

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About opus999

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    Richland, WA. USA

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  1. I can't say whether the pipes are wrong or right, but they look terrific so that's what counts!
  2. Thanks ME! Its not so dramatic as it may seem. I only meant a modeling slump, not a whole-life slump! Just a combination of other responsibilities and other fun stuff and a bit of lack of motivation, that's all. I just realized that my statement could've been taken many ways.
  3. Really nice work on this one! The flap additions, the paint.... it really does look terrific. Plus its a neat looking little plane too.
  4. Nice to see a Norwegian option among the decals! I like your choice, I think its going to look really nice.
  5. There a lot of terrific schemes on that decal sheet. I would've had a hard time choosing. Hopefully this kit is easier to build than my Testors SNJ I built a couple of years ago. I guess it was easy to build, it was just a lot of work to give it detail. SH doesn't seem to have a problem with detail!
  6. 😥 I love both of those. Especially the Mongolian IL-2. Alas, I was late -- I would have considered displaying that IL-2 even if I didn't build it!
  7. Yeah, I'll probably start a thread when I make it. I just don't know when that's going to be. I've hit kind of a slump in the past couple months and have only recently gotten back to the forum. You seem to be making short work of this kit. It looks good so far!
  8. This is fantastic stuff Bill! I still think of your Mountains of Madness diorama. I'm curious to see how this one turns out.
  9. Sorry for the delay.... Yes, the 1/72 kit has the white stripe decals. I just chose not to use them.
  10. I thought I'd use the ones in the kit. It has decals for a series of experimental and war games camouflage used by the US. One of the experimental camo schemes looked pretty nice. I've seen the Swedish P-35 and that would be a lot of fun too. I think you're right. I ordered a Dora Wings P-43 about the same time as the P-35, but it hasn't arrived. I like the fact that it's the grandpappy of the P-47. The only SH kit I've done was my Boomerang and It took a little effort to get the cockpit in, but nothing too terrible. Everything else fit really well. There was a little slop to clean up around the wing seams, but it only took 5 minutes. In general, I was pretty happy with it. Hope yours is going as well.
  11. Ooo... This will be fun! P-35's and P-43's fascinate me as "almost ran"s (although they did "run" for some countries as we see here). I think it will look pretty neat in Ecuadorian markings. Timely too... I got a SH P-35 just about a week ago.
  12. Alistair, this looks spectacular! Terrific work.
  13. Looking good so far. I have enjoyed some of the "Classic" Airfix kits I've built as an adult and others not so much. Hopefully this one goes together well so you don't have to obliterate the raised lines too much!
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