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About Paul821

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  • Location
    Essex, England
  • Interests
    20th c conflict in Eastern Counties of England

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  1. One of the reasons for suggesting VE day for a Blitzbuild was the most countries have a bank holiday in the period around 1st May. This is the only date apart from Christmas and Easter where international participation is made earlier by such a holiday. VJ day does not seem to offer the same opportunity,
  2. If you look at images of Nissen huts such as these https://www.istockphoto.com/photos/nissen-hut. Then you will see that, although there are no ridges, the joins between sheets are often visible.
  3. The specific name for birds that are predators is Raptors but I cannot see anything about the F-22A that matches the clue.
  4. To link Vintage Classic Lockheed Hudson Hornby have this https://uk.hornby.com/products/gwr-castle-class-5081-lockheed-hudson-r3040 As a new release.
  5. Weren't there a lot of these available about 10 years ago in poly bags, as there were issued to various groups (scouts etc) as an introduction to modelling? I seem to remember seems boxes of them at airshows for a fiver per model. Both the Air Sea Rescue boat and the Vosper were on my wants list for a harbour scene on my model railway. However a number have been sold on e-bay recently for less that the 2025 Airfix list price.
  6. Has anyone figured out the link to the Le Mans statue?
  7. If the Hornby trains announcement is anything to go by, then there will be few new moulds, but a focus on the cheaper end of the range (gift gets and vintage) and reboxes. I would go as far as saying 2 or 3 mainstream new moulds and up to four starter level.
  8. One change I didn't mention in the post above, was that I used coffee stirrers for the wood over the lower windows.
  9. This was started in the Ukraine by came to a halt due to an extended stay in hospital. At that point it had progressed to.. On the road to recovery I returned to the build in the new year and is is now complete., posted here as the final few hours were just past the deadline for the original GB. It's posed in a mock up it's final destination which is a small diorama which will display this Elements of the diorama build should appear in With a month to go I have two further builds that might find a place in KUTA.
  10. The box was a mock up rather than the original. The only one I have seen images of is in aKitmastrr box.
  11. With 21 signed up already, hopefully someone is out there for the challenge.
  12. Having been gifted a 3d printer and discovered a free stl file for the interior of a forge I will probably add tha feature. Hopefully it will interesting but I cannot guarantee GOOD.
  13. For various reasons my terminal build cannot start until mid February, so to fill in the time, I'm going with something that could be seen as a plug for I'm going to combine some white metal to a small card building based on to produce a small village forge.
  14. Actually I was thinking about balloon animals.
  15. To date we have offerings in: 3d print (from own design) Brass/Nickel Card MDF Resin Scratch from styrene Vacform White metal Wood
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