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About erniewise

  • Birthday 06/16/1966

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  1. Slowly, very slowly, it is beginning to come together. Still more gubbins to make for the cockpit interior but hopefully you can see from the pictures below how it will hang together. All temporarily placed using my new favourite product Micro Liquitape from Microscale. The wings and undercarriage have been assembled and I have worked out a way to be able to the U/C for when the painting stage eventually arrives. I need to get that cockpit finished so I can close the fuselage! Lots will be visible through the canopy. Phworr. Look at the tailplane on that!❤️ Half painted, half assembled. Like most of my other models🙃
  2. Busy-ness being added. Looking at the extracts from the "Notice Descriptive D'Utilisation" for the 631 it's clear that there wasn't a lot of legroom available to the fellers behind the pilot. I need to get a coat of bleu de nuit down before I can start fixing all the gubbins' already made into place, before adding the remaining pieces. Last bits in will be the saddle seats for the crew, it must have been very uncomfortable on long sorties! I then see a fair amount of work on the tailplane in my future as it is in fact, on closer inspection, worse than it looks!
  3. Hello there. Room for one more?
  4. A soothing Sunday afternoon spent removing components from the sprue and dry fitting. Nothing too onerous as yet, the wing root gap will close up when gluing and the tailplane looks worse than it is. Quite a few sink marks though. However the clarity of the Falcon transparency means I will have to busy up the cockpit interior. Sigh, another rabbit hole walked into.
  5. Hello All My entry into the Heller Classic GB, chosen simply because of that wonderfully elegant tailplane! Some parts have become detached over the years but everything seems to be present & correct. I already have a Falcon canopy set for this period as well, so will be using that, as the Heller offering is too radically stepped in my opinion. The Heller decals are not the greatest, so I have invested in some Colorado ones and will use their suggested scheme to finish it in. I know the armament on that machine does not match the model, but I may decide that I can live with it. Looking forward to getting going.
  6. Ooh. Didn't get my act together for the last Heller GB. Am I too late to get this beauty in?
  7. Hello BritModeller folks. If Glaciers made models they would finish them faster than I do! Any way hey ho, here we go. This is my interpretation of Airfix’s Mk.Vc spitfire, built OOB, other than the addition of a CMK resin 250lb bomb and some scratched elements. I decided to build the SAAF kit option, using the set of IWM images taken of 2 Sqn on their way to the Sangro River as references. I like the camo scheme, and a spitfire with four cannon really means business. Airfix provide decals for JL115 DB-V, there is a DB-V present in the IWM images right at the back of an echelon view (https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205211923) whether it is actually JL115 I do not know. But it is good enough for me. Other elements of conjecture based on these images. I decided to paint the cannon bay hatches in the same red as the spinner and the flashes on the tailplane tips. I’ve seen suggestions that they could be in dark mediterranean blue but they seem tonally closer to the red to me. I’ve also presumed that the fabric patches over the gun ports are close to azure blue as I’ve seen various photos (non-colorized I think) of desert camo spits with these in place. Paint used were Vallejo model air for the airplane itself and hataka bronze green for the bomb. Finally, I have used an IWM image as a base for my display. Mods, if there is any issue with this, I can swap the base other to show a generic sea scape!
  8. Chapeu to Dave and Pat for running and this Group Build, even as a total newbie to one of these events I could tell that it was a biggun! Thank you to you both. I think you've earnt the right to sit with your feet up and tipple of choice in hand, even if it's just until the next GB! Cheers Erik
  9. Garr... There's always one bit you forget isn't there? Too late for the gallery, but as I've made it I present.... ...1 flare. Where? There, on the port wing Can you see it now? That's all folks.... Cheers Erik
  10. PK-112 Fairey Swordfish Mk.I - 824 Sqn Taranto Raid Hello Folks This was orginally going to be my only entry to this GB but I sort of got caught up and swept along with the excitement of it all so ended up with three entries. This is my last entry. I bought the kit for this well before the kick off date for the this GB so had plenty of time to research and work out what I wanted to do. I plumped for an aircraft from the Taranto raid in the end as I think it was one of the Stringbag's finest hours. My Haynes Swordfish Owners Worksup manual was a constant companion and I found plenty of ideas & inspiration from previous builds on Britmodeller by @Heather Kay and @TheBaron. All finished in a combination of Vallejo, Humbrol or Hataka acrylics. Everything either from the Matchbox kit or scratched, other than the torpedo which was an Airfix example from the spares box. Thanks for looking. Build thread below. Cheers Erik
  11. PK-405 B25 MkII 342 Squadron RAF (Free French) Hello All Second entry to the gallery. Finished as a Fee French aircraft and used as an opportunity to try out some finishing techniques that I have not used before. Pre-shading; which I think went OK for this but will do slightly differently for any future builds. Chipping; which I am happy with. And @stevehnz's kleer/pledge decal application method which I can definitely see myself repeating in future. Thank to @Rabbit Leader and @JOCKNEY for their cheerleading and @Markh-75 for his B-25 related encouragement and advice. Link to the build thread below. Cheers Erik
  12. Decals on. As this is a technique experimentation build I used @stevehnz's kleer/pledge method and I have to say it worked a treat. Silvering is minimal given they were applied directly to a matt coat. If I had more time available I would have matt varnished post application but I want to get this finished this weekend I'm happy with my first attempt at paint chipping and the first weathering pass, but a bit disappointed about all the crud that seems to have gathered underneath the canopies. I'm away for work until the weekend but I think I'll be able to get this up in the gallery on Sunday. Cheers Erik
  13. Various greeblies attached and first run of weathering done. It's getting hard to pick up what with all the stuff hanging off of it! Away for work for a few days but I will be adding this to the gallery this weekend. Cheers Erik
  14. I'm told Double Diamond works wonders!🍺
  15. Hello Folks. Nearly there. Just the bomb and flare racks to go on. Then some touching up, some weathering followed by posh photos for the Gallery, hopefully mid next week. Radio aerial added. Torpedo and cradle attached. Torpedo sighting apparatus attached, need to be be touched in. Gratuitous cockpit shot. Just noticed that the extra range tank is on the squiff, luckily it's only held in by white tack! Cheers Erik
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