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John Laidlaw

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About John Laidlaw

  • Birthday 02/22/1961

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  • Location
    Milwaukee, WI USA

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  1. Just a couple of Phantom FG.1s at $14 each. To be honest, she' ll probably applaud my sale-fu. Eventually. But she has just bought a new car, so I think I'm safe (and therefore by extension, so are you 😁).
  2. How wonderful to see you back, PC! However, my wife will soon be in touch with you regarding reminding me of the sale.
  3. Hello Dennis, Crikey, that's a lot to happen! I can empathise regarding the non-healing wound as I've only recently been declared healed from the one in my left foot. It took 11 months including six weeks in a cast to immobilise my foot. I can't speak to pins or screws, but I do know that inflammation is going to be what determines your progress. Assuming no post-op infections and nothing else going on, it should be fairly rapid. Do you still have the PICC line in place? Wishing you all the best for the op, and rapid healing. You've been through a lot and deserve a break from it, now. I'll keep you in my thoughts. John
  4. Absolutely astonishing work and attention to detail. A brilliant, brilliant model - bravo!
  5. Congratulations!
  6. Crikey, Dennis, that's a lot to go through. But I trust it all goes well for you!
  7. I too love the Wildcat - a lovely finish on it! And the rest, too. Splendid stuff, Dennis!
  8. Wow! These are excellent - not only quantity but quality.
  9. Very nice indeed, and a selection of interesting subjects. Most impressive!
  10. Lovely models as usual, Chris, and I'm so glad to hear Mrs BigBadBadge is in the clear! Have a brilliant Christmas!
  11. So sorry for your loss. She looked like a sweet soul.
  12. Crackers, Ali, every one!
  13. What a great collection, Steve. I know it caused you grief, but that Pogo is something to behold
  14. Try this thinning method - I've found it makes Vallejo paints a pleasure to airbrush:
  15. How lovely! Congratulations!
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