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George Norman

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George Norman last won the day on November 10 2020

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About George Norman

  • Birthday 08/01/1970

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  • Location
    Cork, Ireland
  • Interests
    Aircraft, Aviation Photography, Model railways.

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  1. Lovely Set. The Difference in the rounded wing tip when compared to the others is remarkable!
  2. Lovely Model, Cut my teeth on these back in the 80's
  3. Nice one, Just checked the loft and I have 2 Lansens so will do the two together, One green and one NM.
  4. Knock Knock! Can I come in?, Looking at the stash I have a few Hellers, but probably would take on a Lansen, The Tooling is from 1982 so fits the bill nicely. Purchased in a model shop in Mildenhall in '97 so I think its time... If I can get another set of Decals a Nor Atlas might be in order. cheers George.
  5. Fab Model, Got to see it in Tellers, Just needed a rotating Stand to see all the lovelyness! congrats on the win.
  6. Changed to top feed airbrush and no issues. Colour cup bottom feed seemed to cause the issue for me.
  7. Had the week off post Telford, and I had planned to do some sea kayaking as there was little wind forecast, Damn sick all week from Monday on , Tail end of it now. Not even in the mood for modelling.
  8. Very nicely done! Looks Wonderful
  9. Cheers Stuart. Yep bit disappointing given the price of the kits tbf and all the bits I had to replace or make. After all that only sailed it twice and as you say it is pretty Wieldy to launch on your own especially. The local RC boating group died off as the Key chap got a stroke and was left with very poor vision. He helped all the other lads out withe their problems, coupled with access to the pond removed especially for the older chaps did not help either. I have a couple of very quick short Videos of it in action here. I forgot to wire in the smoke unit...
  10. Was in the LMS last Saturday with a 5 Modelling buddies, Lots of oohing an aahing and taking boxes and looking at the prices and putting them back shaking their heads. one of us bought a kit. Fairey Rotodyne @ €25.00 despite warning him off the oncoming pain! LOL! as lads have said loads in the stash and maybe concentrate of those now rather then to over expensive new releases. I feel the Companies will up the prices to what the market will bear. €80 to €100 for a 1/48 kit if daft TBH when the model is worthless when built unlike Model railways where you can flog the stuff off.
  11. Lovely I bought one years back and my Dad nicked it and built it!! Now its my turn again!!
  12. Heck that was fast and turned out pretty nice too. Well done.
  13. Glad you got over that hurdle Pete. Looks fab. Looks to be an old boxing and the decals I had were shot hence the Red Engine bands painted. I might give one another bash sometime as I have always like this jet.
  14. Oooh, I had this happen to mine too, Got a Lovely extreme metal done on the engine pods and painted the red colour bands, Got to the primer on the Fues and everytime I sanded it got worse. Ended up losing my patience and throwing it against the wall. Shame but only so much I can deal with...
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