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Wojtek Bulhak

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    Warszawa, Poland

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  1. Thank you for comments and kind words. Now I am working on Hurricane IIc. Hopefully it will be readu for inspection soon.
  2. Tried repost photos again. Can you see them?
  3. Finally found out where to post gallery on Britmodeller, more photos here:
  4. Here is my first Arma Hobby Cobra built. Some minor upgrades done, like drilled MG openings on front fuselage, opened doors, fuselage aperture on back and small ?bar? in air inlet. Your comments and questions are welcome.
  5. Just built my first P-39Q Airacobra last night. I forgot time going, just had a lot of fun building this week. Painted with Hataka lacquers. Fit is very good, You need to clean paint on some details to put them together (MGs in cockpit, front wheel leg support). I glued rear canopy with an offset to right and had to correct it after dry (Ultra Glue is forgiving). The only assembly problem is swap of main wheels in instruction. Flattened tires didn't match ground so filled them in superglue and painted. More, including open doors trick you can find on my blog post link
  6. It seems that aperture is present i many P-39Qs. I did it in my quickbilt Airacobra: Whole building process in described in my post on armahobbynews: link.
  7. I used old Academy to do some weathering test. Do not hesitate to play with spare kits. It will improve your skills a lot. Old Acedemy N-Cobra was built 20-something years ago. and painted with Aeromaster acrylics. Then broken and left in box. I just restored it and tried some weathering ideas before building new Arma Kit. More photos on my blog link.
  8. We have quick built Ki-84 test shots and it came together without problems. Funny fact is you may not need a wash, maybe except Hinomaru, because panel lines are deep and narrow enough to cast shadow (after black basing). Green is built by Marcin Cipierski, NMF is mine. More pics and text on armahobbynews.pl/en/ Photos by Marcin Ciepierski
  9. Our kits are based on a real aeroplane, but of course we need to start with some drawings. We often start with Jumpei Temma plans if factory documentation is unavailable. But always we need to check any drawings against photos and other sources. The method of comparing the photos with drawings we use is inspired by Jumpei Temma fine work. In Ki-84 project we started with Jumpei Temma plans, Maru Mechanic and Aero-Detail plans. Careful analysis of Hayate photos proved that Jumpei Temma plans are extremely accurate.
  10. Please note that it was built from imperfect first test shots.
  11. Thank you everybody for your support and high expectations from Arma Hobby. Just a note, that P-51D/K is already announced and expected in Autumn 2022.
  12. Here is first P-51 B/C Mustang from Arma Hobby built by Marcin Ciepierski, kit designer. Link to article and photos on armahobbynews blog.
  13. Please expect at last two of them. First will be Mustang Mk III.
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