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    Santa Fe, Argentina

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  1. Well, so many circumstances to go around nothing concrete. Vietnam finished in 1973, and the J52 option is a good point of view..
  2. Hola, Tío As long as I know, argentines A-4C has come as 25 decocooned cellules from the Arizona desert. Only argentine A-4C´s has those reinforcements over the wings (not even the A-4L were modified that way..). I think that they were modified here to have spoilers also. If they would bought the A-4F wings.. why they would bought A-4C´s instead of complete A-4F airplanes?
  3. Uncle.. A-4C wings were modified in Argentina to A-4E standard wings (as they were purchased as is from the Arizona desert..). One thing you may consider is the reinforcement over the wings, deleting one of the vortex generators.
  4. Something about the 3 yellow bars painted on both sides of the cockpit.. Those markings were added to "help" the pilot to recover the plane from flat spins. The idea is to allign the control stick (that shows its own 3 yellow bars) with the markings on the side to wich the plane is spinning. I think it works...
  5. Hello, This is not a Dagger - has a radar screen. So it´s an IIIEA http://rt0023gv.eresmas.net/yuri/fedaggen.htm Some pics: Seat (in the middle) Front panel (the box in the upper right doesn´t go on Dagges -it´s Finger equipment) Sides
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