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  1. Day 3 of the build. Once you have beaten the body into submission, the rest is not to bad. Wings , booms tail-plane.and engines done.Now the fun part.asembly and filling. That i am not looking forward to.After all the negative comments of the kit. i personally dont think its that bad that one should either bin it or only half do it and give up. I have indeed ordered another one to go to town on. Lovelly interior shots have got me going.
  2. no my fuselage was not uneven . on one side at least 7 mm of the bottom was missing. so what. we are modellers . i mean we leap buildings with asingle bound seriously though it is the body that is the problem. if you get past that .then the is a lot work but fairly straight forward. yours is looking good. hope mine turns out as well.
  3. been doing a bit more digging. the cosford argosy is a c1/t1 it had all the nav electronics installed but not changed at the radome position . i do have some T2 photos but not good enough to show all the different arial positions. also to confuse things the argosy e1 was also involved in these convertions from the basic c1
  4. i saw a couple of T2s when is was in the mob, and there were a couple of paint schemes. but i do remember the nose. that radome must have been 3 times the size of the standard one.
  5. sorry wrong version. its the argosy T2 iwant
  6. yes mike. i agree. but now to the crux of the matter.can anyone supply close ups of the argosy t2. i belive only 4 were converted.they are the ones with the huge nipple on the front.
  7. forgot to mention. ithink milliputs stock shares have gone up. the amount thats needed is beyond any thing that i have built before.
  8. went out and bought one yesterday. opened the box,did notlook to bad. home out of the box. oh dear. i wonder how many have been bought . and never will be built. definatly not shake and bake. anyway now to my build. the fuselage is by far the worst bit.every thing else reasonable. i started building at age 10 with kiel kraft balsa kits. now 72 so i have some expereince. this kit is to my mind vacform building without having to cut the parts out. two days and. fuselage built. wings booms windows and wheels. it can be done so lets see more. just an old fart rambelling on.
  9. Hi Trojan thunder here are some links you might like.http://jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php?id=7181169&nseq=9 http://www.aviationexplorer.com/e-8_facts.htm http://www.planepictures.net/netshow.php?id=1294318 https://www.flickr.com/photos/ganatlguard/8361965122/in/photostream/ http://jetphotos.net/viewphoto.php?id=327163&nseq=35 https://www.google.se/search?q=boeing+e8c&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=4wqsU5bVFoWzywPYy4LQCg&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=639#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=82hH5RT9Rqbn1M%253A%3BhaSYkXUMcVgYYM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fupload.wikimedia.org%252Fwikipedia%252Fcommons%252F8%252F8d%252F116th_ACW_E-8C_Joint_STARS_96-0042.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcommons.wikimedia.org%252Fwiki%252FFile%253A116th_ACW_E-8C_Joint_STARS_96-0042.jpg%3B1600%3B1042
  10. thank you guys as you can see from the photo . it looks like some sort of sensor or a big black hole.on or in the fairing just behind the flaps after looking at lots of photos, it seems no two aircraft are alike.dont forget these were not new produced 707 -320c´s all were second hand .modeller beware
  11. thanks i assume the port side is a sensor of some sort
  12. on the port and starboard wing root fairings are some sort of either exhaust or sensor . what are they?
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