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FortyEighter last won the day on February 23 2024

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About FortyEighter

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    The flat bit of Yorkshire

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  1. Hi Ray, Thanks for your detailed photo suggestions of where there might be an issue. Part R5 was certainly in the correct way round, so not sure what was wrong but as I said a few strokes with a file got the divider (J13) to fit. Next I looked at the fit of the "vee" - thinking I must have got something slightly out of line I "mocked up" the narrow intake with tape for comparison and no issues with it fitting the lower fuselage😕 Then I looked carefully at the front end of the narrow version, where the two casing halves are a good fit on the actual intake tube: and at my wide version - where there is a noticeable gap at the bottom: Obviously the front lip (H11) would not fit correctly as things stood (but again I can't see how this happened given the way the outer covers (H4, HH10) fit onto the completed tube). My solution was to cut open the joint between H4 / H10 in front of the nose wheel bay and remove a small slice off their edges until they met and looked like the "narrow" photo. Having done that, the whole assembly was a much better fit to the lower fuselage and with a little more sanding was permanently fitted in place: So to summarise: I must have got some part of the assembly slightly wrong but it fits now. BTW Kinetic score over Tamiya for the design of how their front lip fits to the intake - the intake tube is slightly shorter than the two outer casings and the back of the lip is stepped, giving a very positive location. Mike
  2. Good progress Ray; a pity I didn't see this before my post yesterday - thanks for your suggestions in the same. I've got a better fit on mine now and will update my thread later when I've taken some photos. Mike
  3. Time to prove that this build is underway: So far the fit of Tamiya versus Kinetic is going in favour of this kit - the joint on the top two fuselage halves is much better and more thought appears to have gone into how the modeller will assemble the kit. However I've run into an issue in the main gear bay: The central divider (J13) was too long to fit and needed trimming at the front. Also the three slots on the bottom edge (as seen in photo) of the same were too small and did not line up with J31, J32, R5 - though that was easy to fix with a file. Not sure why J13 was too long - given that the two end bulkheads (J15, J18) locate by tabs onto the bay ceiling (J24) one shouldn't really be able to go wrong! Anyway problems solved but mentioned so that anyone else building this kit knows that care is needed at this stage. I'm also not certain that the forward "vee" on top of the intake (H8) is going to meet the lower fuselage properly - there is a gap which can be got rid off by flexing the fuselage but will it then fit the upper half correctly?? The cockpit needs doing before I get to thinking about this. Mike
  4. Luckily I've got one unopened tin of the above but after that..... Capri Blue (as opposed to Fiat's version) is RAL 5019, which is in the Ammo by Mig range (086). The BA corporate guidelines give the current blue as RAL 5002 (available as Revell gloss 51) and also state Midnight Blue (Landor?) Is RAL 5013. Guess we all might need to experiment with colour matches at some time (BTW I can supply Hex / RGB / Pantone values for the above colours if anyone needs them). Mike
  5. Good progress so far and a nice choice; GE engine with small intake. (well, that's what my instructions say).
  6. I think those scalloped back edges give the game away!
  7. Hopefully the next update won't take so long but there are some BAC 1-11s and F-16s in current GBs
  8. Not much progress on this apart from the engines: I need to decide which way round I'm going to paint the intake sections (blue or metal lip first?) and then mask them accordingly.
  9. Not a lot has been done on this model since New Year but after several sessions of treating the engine cowling seams the blue can be sprayed when it is a bit warmer outside
  10. Having scraped the bottom of the barrel cockpit opening, the clear section was a much better fit and I think that we are ready for painting (once the wing fences are in place) : The Mohawk fuselage seams are also at the same stage - now some warmer weather is needed to use the rattle cans.
  11. Just brilliant, it shows what can be achieved from an old Airfix kit with a lot of attention to detailing / re-shaping. Mike
  12. So, here we go with my previous (finished) F-16 builds in the order that they were completed: F-16A (92-0409) in US Navy Blue Aggressor scheme from 2020 (KUTA XII 2020) F-16AM (671) in Norwegian "Tiger Meet) livery (Nordic GB 2020) F-16B (J-066) - the Dutch "Orange Jumper" (RFI Aug 2020) F-16A MLU ((J-002) - one of the many Dutch "Diana" liveries (RFI Apr 2021) F-16B (92-0458) in ""Topgun Anniversary" Blue Aggressor scheme (RFI Sep 2021) F-16C (92-0458) USAF "Wild Weasel" F-16 STGB Part 2 F-16D (4082) Polish AF "Tiger Meet 2013" F-16 STGB Part2
  13. I'll be building the Tamiya boxing, with Eduard "Space" cockpit details and wheels: Probably to be finished as per the box art but I may choose another option from the kit decals. Mike
  14. Nice to see you've had the time to make some progress Matt: Are the pylons white - I thought they were light grey? The Bauhaus decals look good, are those gold or brown triangles - the exact colour looks different in various photos. I must update my A350 thread over the weekend. Mike
  15. Another BAC 1-11, this time N2111J the first airframe built for Mohawk Airlines (first flight 4th May 1965 and delivered soon afterwards on 15th May). Again from a 26 Models boxing and also with decals from Vintage Flyer: The postie delivered a couple of Mark1 1-11 500s this morning, so don't be surprised to see one of them started soon! Mike
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