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Rob G

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  1. I made up a simple set of dividers in 3mm ply for my Tamiya / Gunze bottles. It took a couple of hours worth of router and circular saw work, but they do the job. (I'll take a photo if anyone cares.) If you have access to a drill press and a hole saw / spade bit of the correct size, setting out and cutting the ply isn't all that hard, it just takes a bit of time. Accuracy is up to you and your pencilwork / eyesight. It would certainly be more rewarding to the ego than printing the things or getting someone else to cut them. If you're mad keen to print them, it would take 10 minutes in Sketchup to draw. Printing is up to you, FDM would be my preferred medium.
  2. If people continue to buy dross, dross will continue to be manufactured. Stop buying it, it will go away.
  3. Why wouldn't it be? (Whykickamoocow is up the hill, after the hairpin bend.)
  4. to people from Gallifrey ('twould be a mite difficult, methinks.)
  5. Just a little bit... (from Wikipedia) In the immediate aftermath of the incident, Pollock's unit was posted to North Africa without him while he remained on a charge. He was subsequently invalided out of the RAF on medical grounds. This avoided a court martial and the embarrassment to the government of Pollock publicising the reason for his stunt and perhaps receiving the support of the public. The RAF placed Pollock in a "psychiatric hold" for two days. Demonstrations of support for his conduct was expressed by British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC), which sent him a keg of beer, and six members of the House of Commons spoke on Pollock's behalf in Parliament. In his own words here: https://www.jeversteamlaundry.org/4sqnper004.htm
  6. Your plans are made, but why fly into Heath-deleted-row? Fly direct into Manchester instead, save yourselves all the faffing about with the LHR mess and a flight change. I took my Mum across to Notherrn Ireland last year (for her 80th, coincidentally we were there at the same time as you will be, early April), and that's what we did; the airport was in the middle of a huge upgrade, even with that it was a better experience than the lunacy of LHR.
  7. I've just finished C. S. Forester's "The Peacemaker". Written in 1934, it's not at all what is thought of as his usual fare, not a ship nor naval battle in sight. It's actually a quite disturbing wee SF tale. I am now reading "Brown on Resolution" again, for about the 20th time.
  8. Absolutely the same kit. https://www.scalemates.com/kits/gakken-10-ford-model-a-2-door-sedan-1931--943767 That said, some versions have had new parts added, which may or may not be a good thing, depending on how close to the original 'look' they are. Newer versions might have better decals, older versions might be more cleanly moulded. It's a kit from 1977, so don't expect Tamiya quality. Although these big scale kits from the weird brands are often quite nice, certainly better than the large scale Monogram and Revell kits from the same era. There should be reviews around the 'netz, it may take some digging.
  9. Nicely done. Tamiya tape is great, but expensive - I use it to do edges, then fill the insides with something cheap. If you want really sharp edges, lay a piece of tape onto a clean surface and trim the edge with a #11 blade and a steel ruler, then use that as your paint edge.
  10. I'm not sure that there is a way. People have their preferences, and that's what they build. "Interesting" is in the eye of the beholder - I have no desire to build SF kits, for example, as I don't find them interesting despite being a keen reader of SF (cookie cutter SF annoys me). There's a few SF ships from old stories that I'd like to build (they'd have to be scratchbuilt), but I'd never get them done in a GB time frame. I'm also not keen on Bf109s. Or modern jets. Or most armoured vehicles. Or superheroes. Or.. you get the idea. My modelling time and energy are limited, and I'd rather spend both making replicas of things that I am interested in. "Diverse" is another kettle of worms. The only answer to that, I think, is having suggestions for GBs that allow for diversity. And then restricting entries to only one of each thing, or some other artificial control, forcing potential entrants to look wider and further than their usual defaults. In some cases ie the Lesser Built Air Forces GB from some years ago, it works. For most, I doubt that it will, as people want to build what interests them, and won't enter a GB with that sort of restriction. If you find a way I'll cheer from the sidelines, but from what I know of human nature, it will be a struggle.
  11. and a few pints
  12. of used Castrol 'R'
  13. short term monkey market (Mmm hmm)
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