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Everything posted by stormfrontmodels

  1. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/10662180_709498072460948_7087928123864587569_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9 Created for my eldest son's Halloween costume - Dead pool - the main man's favourite weapon, the Ingrams MAC-10 SMG. built from scrap Ali, wood, foam board and lashings of duct tape (yum!) It has turned out so realistic that it now has to hide in a wardrobe away from the rozzers!
  2. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10981304_766903473387074_8313321621283014345_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9 Here is my latest endeavor - excellent little kit from Dragon of the Mk42 armour, with a slight colour scheme change! A dream to put together - highly recommended!
  3. That is excellent! Totally authentic as far as I can tell - well done!!
  4. Well !! I have to say, my flabber is most certainly gasted! Wonderful tanks - slightly scary train...well done Sir!!
  5. I use paper from 'Mr Decal Paper' on eBay - they also sell the proper sealing spray, that is vital for turning your design into decals !
  6. They look really nice! Can't wait to see these on a kit - well done!
  7. WOW!! These models are all so awesome - and I really like the Stryker with the 'Anti-Everything Turret' ...for some odd reason, my wife refuses to buy me it for my birthday...
  8. Hiya! I would try using PVA Glue - it should be cheaper than the Tile Grout, and the advantage is that it drys clear, so you just paint the base board in a greeny colour. When it's nearly dry, use something like a plastic ruler to sculpt some waves into it. It will wash off / thin with water, doesn't heat up as it dries, doesn't stink your house out, and you can use it for many other modelling / DIY tasks.
  9. Surely, if it's sealed with a clear coat, that will prevent oxygen from getting to it?
  10. Excellent! Always fancied doing one of these as a high-tech gunboat, something along the lines of the boat from the old Hulk Hogan show 'Thunder in Paradise'...
  11. You could try drilling into the resin plug, and fit some pieces of sprue so that they extend into the fuselage, and then glue them to the inside of the fuselage.
  12. I would say a Dremel would be the best bet for most things, but as CheshireTaurus said, a Pin Vice (hand held twist drill) would be a good investment - Games Workshop do some good quality ones...
  13. Could it be something to do with that battery they've had trouble with?
  14. If you could find some triangular section styrene rod, you could make a shape kinda/sorta like a Boeing ALCM - just need some little folded wings and tailfin from plasticard, and an intake and nose cone from sprue.
  15. It is refreshing, isn't it ! And you have virtually quoted me, too - I always say, any new vehicle has to be dreamt up by someone first, and that's all Whiffers are doing!
  16. Can I suggest, then, that you go on Wikipedia, and look up the Ace Combat series related 'COFFIN' cockpit systems. They might give you a few pointers...
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