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Noel Smith

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About Noel Smith

  • Birthday 12/14/1944

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  • Location
    Mid Bedfordshire England
  • Interests
    Mainly Auto Modelling.

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  1. Really lovely model taking shape here.. Those inter war racers are brilliant subject material and a refreshing change from all the modern F1 car kits.
  2. Spiny. If you happen to be at the Shuttleworth Model Show tomorrow I will be wearing a black fleece jacket with a Bugatti badge of you want to say hello and have a chat.
  3. This kit will be my next build, so I will be following the progress on this model with keen interest. This build is taking shape really well. The subtle detail work on the engine looks very realistic. If the engine is anything to go by this will eventually be a superb model when finished. When I start mine eventually, I will be referring to threads like this one for inspiration and my Haynes book about the 35B..
  4. D Models looks like a model car kit specialist, so guess you are in the right place to ask about them here Yellowhound.
  5. The flower vase in early Beetles.... An optional extra! As I never came across one back in the day when I drove quite a few, I never knew that Pete! You live and learn! Not sure I agree with Spiny about a shiny finish being able to hide a multitude of sins. From my experience of model car spraying any blemishes stick out like a sore thumb in a glossy finish if the prep is poor, let alone dust, fluff and suicidal insects etc.
  6. Wow ! A car model has actually appeared in the Rumourmonger thread. Managed to find it amongst all 'wingy thingy' rumours. Looks like a nice re pop from Tamiya. The Renault 5 turbo is a bit of an icon. It will be interesting to see what the forthcoming anticipated Heller Peugeot 205GTI will be like.
  7. Thought that I caught a glimpse of this kit on one of the Nuremberg Toy Fair YouTube videos various people have placed on the web. It looks to be an incredibly detailed model for its size. I can see a certain judge at Telford of the sailing ships category salivating over this one !
  8. Why don't you just put an axle together and take it to a model railway shop to get a match? Alternatively if no model railway shops nearby try to find a chart on the internet showing the various actual track widths for models. Blackpool tram lines are flush in the road anyway. Could go not fabricate them from plastic card strips or extrusions?
  9. There are a few companies who do the shows that can supply laser cut plywood interlocking stacking paint holders.
  10. Anyone else using this forum visit Pendon?
  11. I don't think that I have seen what scale this diorama will be built in Mike. Looks a nice interesting little courtyard for this project. There may be some proprietary stuff available depending on the scale from model suppliers like Slaters that might fit the bill.
  12. I drove plenty of Beetles for a dealership back in the Sixties but cannot remember there being a flower vase anywhere on the dash. The retro Beetle had this feature as I recall. There was a particular colour that I liked on Beetles from back in the 60's. I think the particular shade was Jade Green. From memory it looked a bit like Vaillant Green but maybe a shade darker.
  13. Welcome to the Forum Paul. Plenty of advice for newcomers to the hobby on here. Don't hesitate to ask any questions. Seasoned model makers all remember the days when they started out as rank beginners. You will find them only too willing to help someone taking up the hobby.
  14. Looks a nice kit and makes a nice change as new kits of vintage cars are a bit thin on the ground these days.
  15. Lovely scratch build. Nice to see a vintage British truck modelled.
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