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treker_ed last won the day on April 2 2013

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About treker_ed

  • Birthday 09/11/1970

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    United Kingdom
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    WW2 Aviation onwards
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  1. There are two indices that are used to measure inflation, RPI (Retail Price Index) & CPI (Consumer Price Index), I am not versed in monetary policy or practices in anyway, all I know is that these are the measures used when calculating the rate of inflation, and a basket of typical goods is used for either of them. However, when I made my comment above, it was from a practical perspective. The currently quoted UK headline ROI is 2.5% as of Dec 2024,. One item I've bought recently went from £2.70 to £3.10 that's more than a 14%increase, around 5x the headline ROI. That's why I said it made me wonder how much of the increase is down to actual inflation, and how much of it is down to supermarkets just being greedy and slapping a massive mark up on goods to gouge the shopper. (Food and energy costs are included in calculating ROI as these are costs that cannot really be avoided, and do help to push up inflation.)
  2. We try not to spend any extras on top of our shop. Occasionally, we do forget something, and have to pop round the corner to a fairly decent local large shop to pick it up. But thankfully it's a rare happening. And yet it's getting more expensive every time. Prices seem to be going 5 or 6 time what the supposed rate of inflation is. Makes you wonder how much is inflation, and how much is just the supermarkets trying it on and making as much money as they can!!!!😡
  3. I was born on the cusp of the two systems. However... I had 4 older brothers, 3 of whom were old enough to use the old L S D system of money in the UK. I grew up listening to them using those denominations when even talking about decimal money!!! Regularly I would hear two bob, thrupance, ha'panny and 10 bob. Even now many, many years later I still use 10 bob referring to 50p coins. For those still unaware of the amounts... 12 old pence to the shilling, 20 shillings to the pound, so 240 pence to £1. So in the modern decimal 50p is 10 shillings, a shilling being a bob. Sadly, my eldest brother is no longer with use having passed away from lung cancer just over 5 years ago. He would have been around 68 years old if he was still with us, so well versed in the old coinage.
  4. Another vote for EBMA. I have a mix of the drawers and stands for my paints. I use the 10ml tamiya paints, so the ones I use are suitable for Mr Colour and Mr Hobby ranges as well.
  5. Since our enforced switch from BT as our internet provider, to EE, on our renewal of our broadband and phone contract (they are transferring ALL domestic customers over apparently as they come up for renewal.....), the amount of spam emails I've been getting is ridiculous. On Saturday I had 30 of the damn things in one hit. Of the many things to be said about BT, their spam filter before even getting to my inbox was excellent. Never got a single one. Since switching to EE, must get over 200 a week!😡
  6. Built that one, along with quite a few of the HB ME262 kits. It was, admittedly a few years ago I built it, probably 5 or 6, but I don't recall any real issues with it. Came out quite nice in the end.
  7. 1) I believe should be bs381c: 241 Ongoing debate though.... https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235149533-raf-dark-green-241641-which-was-the-one-used/ 2) ALL F-35 are painted the same colours as far as I am aware. The main colour is FS36170, which in turn also has a special Have Glass coating which helps to reduce the overall radar reflectivity. And depending on which batch you are doing, the RAM panels are FS36375. I say that , as the more recent ones are all over 36170, with just a few of the leading edges in the lighter colour. The earlier ones had all the RAM panels in the lighter colour! That includes the RAF birds!
  8. @PLC1966, @ScheF15Guys you may want to read this before making a decision on using air graphics. Entirely up to you, but please be well informed before you make any decisions.
  9. Just noticed the very unfortunate position of the sprue connection for the doggie!!! Poor thing!
  10. De-tacking tape can help, however, the usual advice is to use the back of your hand to do so. It's the less greasy part, so the tape does not transfer any body oils over to the models surface.
  11. Actually there was a court case where care workers took an employer to court about that, and won. Now employers must take travel time between clients/places of work into account otherwise they could in theory be paying less than the minimum wage.
  12. Unless of course they are closed, which in one or two of our local stores, they are on an all too regular occasion😡
  13. We had to remove our doorbell, as when having deliveries, they would not only ring the bell, but knock heavily as well, either manually, or by ramming the letter box as hard as they could! Wouldn't have minded if there had been a reasonable gap between the two, if say I had not responded to the first. But no, they would do one, and then instantly do the second. And then wondered why I was a little upset and flustered as to why they did it.... I'm not deaf, I have perfectly good hearing, no need to knock my door into next week, and off it's hinges!!! I now know why that used to annoy me.. I'm autistic, so don't like the disturbance that the sudden and unnecessary noise like causes! Since we took the door bell out, they don't have any choice, but to only knock now👍😁
  14. Actually yes there is. It's called a red list, and you can download a PDF form which you fill in, sign and send off. We've done it a couple of times. It's supposed to last 2 years. Sadly, it seems some the posties decide to ignore it, and then take offence when we hand the junk mail back to them! We've had to fill in several now to ensure that it is actioned.😁 @Mike I'll see if I can find the web page and link it here. EDIT: Here it is. https://personal.help.royalmail.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/293/~/how-do-i-opt-out-of-receiving-any-leaflets-or-unaddressed-promotional-material%3F
  15. The one that annoys me is the one from our local NHS service "Friends & Family". Every time I've been to the GP surgery, or had an appointment at the local Hospital, I get a text to request that I fill in a survey to see if I would recommend the to my friends and family! I'm sorry, it's a ruddy medical provision I'm receiving not a damn retail experience. Why the hell would I recommend having a check-up with the Sleep Apnoea clinic, or a diabetes check-up to my friends and family!!!!!!!!! When I asked my GP surgery to stop sending them to me, their response was that they couldn't opt me out of the texts, as it was all patients receive them or none!
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