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FSX "Steam Edition".

Rick Brown

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This is on offer at £3.99 at the mo.

It's a re-compile of the old, discontinued, FSX optimised for new hardware etc.

It supports all your old addons and re-paints (not quite, more on that in a mo).

There's also new network support using the Steam platform.

Acceleration and all patches are included in the install.

I did a clean install of the Steam client and placed it on my D drive. This then installs FSX (and any other Steam games) to that drive and Steam directory.

After install I tested and found all was well and ran smoothly.

I then bit the bullet and tried an addon aircraft or two.

This went ok but you had to make sure the installer placed the files in the new FSX folder.

Carenado was fine and found the new path, but RealAir made up its own mind and plonked the files in the wrong place.

This wasn't to much of a hassle, but needed rectifying.

When done both aircraft worked fine.

Adding a re-paint caused a problem though. They wouldn't show up in the Sim at all.

Under investigation I've found you need to tweak the aircraft.cfg file entry slightly.

The new FSX must do this automatically when using an installer, but you need to do it manually if adding your own re-paints.

Here's an example:



title=C185F ShavronAir













ui_typerole=Highwing single Engine Prop

description="The C185, also known as the Skywagon, is a six-seat, single engined, general aviation light aircraft.

The variation with Tundra tires is used for bush strip runways. It is widely used in Canada and in the North of the

United States".

Repaint by Rick Brown, ShavronAir.


Notice that there is now a set of quotation marks placed around a few entries.

The crucial one appears to be the:


When this was done the re-painted aircraft appear in the sim.

I'll report anymore findings as I come across them.


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Bought this again to add to my massive, unplayed, Steam library! However, it still has the same fault that the original had in that it plays on my second monitor, not the main one. Really annoying.

That's sounds like a graphics card/Windows thang to me!

Even though Windowz boots to my small secondary monitor (VGA connector) it switches to the Primary display (DVI) at login.

Just wondering how you've configured your displays?

Just found another "Feature".

The Sim doesn't remember my "Previous flight". Odd, need to sort that out.


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The first video on the steam page is soooooooooo *breathe* ooooooo corny!

Didn't bother watching!

I know FSX way to well to be bogged down the Steam with hype.

Now, why doesn't my "Previous Flight" appear anywhere??

Project for tonight that one.


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Oh no I dont need the video to encourage me to get it - I am an old hack at the FS trade, however I do prefer FS2004. The chance to get FSX for under a tenner and on steam was unmissable!

I simply let the video play while the game downloaded!

It is a strange one, maybe it got lost in the compression for steam?


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Oh no I dont need the video to encourage me to get it - I am an old hack at the FS trade, however I do prefer FS2004. The chance to get FSX for under a tenner and on steam was unmissable!

I simply let the video play while the game downloaded!

It is a strange one, maybe it got lost in the compression for steam?


Yep, still use FS2004. With all the addons and everything ramped up it flies on a modern(ish) system.

Looks pretty good too.

I do prefer FSX though.

My last install, from about thee years ago, wasn't happy, stuttery, sluggish and just crabby. This stopped me doing any scenery or re-paint work.

My VA kinda fell apart at the same time too, so I gave it all up.

So far the FSX SE install is pretty smooth without doing any tweaking. Looks promising.

Oddly enough, my old VA Boss has reappeared and has asked for my help in a relaunch.

Timing hey?

Already have a bit of scenery in mind and a repaint or two on the drawing board.

Maybe a BM VA?!


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I noticed this last night, but as I don't have any flight-related hardware, I didn't press the button. :shrug:

Too late for Christmas pressie?

You only need a decent joystick Boss and you're away!

Just sorted the "Previous Flight" issue, needed latest FSUIPC.


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Bummer, EarthSimulations Alderney seems to have killed my FSX SE.

Autogen description file corruption. Seems to be un-recoverable.

All know fixes failed, including the backed up copies stored by ESI installer.

Word of warning, I'll be avoiding their products until I'm sure they work ok with FSX SE.

Their ESI program has been updated for SE, but it still killed it.

I'll keep you posted.


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